Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

15 development proposals submitted for Mason District

A rendering of a proposed apartment building on Little River Turnpike between Randolph Drive and Columbia Road in Annandale. [KGD]

Developers and property owners have submitted 53 nominations to the 2025 Countywide Site-Specific Plan Amendment process.

Fifteen of the proposed developments are in Mason District, including a major project on the long-vacant Sears property in Seven Corners.  

The Board of Supervisors is scheduled to accept or reject the nominated projects at its March 4 meeting.

The nominations that are accepted will be reviewed by planning staff. Community meetings will be held in March and April.

After that, the Planning Commission will hold public workshops on the nominations in April and May to determine which ones should be added to the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Work Program. The Board of Supervisors is expected to adopt a new Work Program in June.

Nominations that are added to the Work Program will proceed to the evaluation phase for formal review as Plan Amendments. Development proposals still in play at this point will go through a community engagement process and public hearings before the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors.

The following site-specific amendments are proposed for Mason District:

  • 6211 Leesburg Pike, Seven Corners – Juniper Lane Associates proposes a mixed-use development on the Sears site with a combination of townhomes and multifamily housing with up to 600 dwelling units and ground-floor retail.

  • 6166 Leesburg Pike, Seven Corners – The owner of the 310-unit Jefferson Apartments wants to add another 101 units as single-family attached, stacked townhouses, and/or triplex units to the property. Eagle Rock Properties acquired the complex in December.

  • 7615 Little River Turnpike and 4112, 4114, and 4116 Woodland Road, Annandale – The property owner, Nicholas Development, is proposing to convert one of the two office buildings on the site to residential use, construct a new residential building, and two new commercial buildings. This is a revised version of a proposal first submitted in 2020.

  • 4111 Hummer Road and 4125 Horseshoe Drive, Annandale – Nicholas would replace two single-family homes with 19 townhomes.

  • 4104 Woodland Road, Annandale – Nicholas is proposing to develop 11 townhomes on a vacant 1-acre lot.

  • 6326 Edsall Road, Bren Mar Park – A proposed plan amendment calls for rezoning a 3.5-acre parcel from R-2 to R-12 to permit a townhouse development with up to 12 units per acre.

  • 5300 Shawnee Road, Lincolnia – An office building would be converted to multifamily housing with 50 units.

  • 5505 and 5515 Cherokee Ave., Lincolnia – The owner of two parcels totaling 1.6 acres wants to convert office buildings to a Sheetz fueling station and convenience store.  

  • 4600 and 4604 Randolph Drive, 6675 Little River Turnpike, and 4605 Columbia Road, Annandale – A five-story, 186-unit multifamily building with retail space would replace Pro Computers and the Miracle Garden Center.

  • 5100 Lincoln Ave., Lincolnia – A nomination calls for 131 units of affordable housing. 

  • 6800 and 6850 Versar Court, Springfield – The property owner proposes an electric vehicle retail and service center on the site of two obsolete office buildings next to I-395.

  • 6261, 6227, and 6229 Little River Turnpike, Lincolnia – A mixed-use development with five to 10 stories is proposed for the shopping center across from Landmark Plaza.

  • 7304 Braddock Road, Annandale – This proposal would replace nine single-family homes with large lots with a denser single-family development with three homes per acre.

  • 6541 Little River Turnpike, Lincolnia – A multifamily residential building up to six stories and an urban park is proposed for a site across from Pinecrest Plaza.

  • 5521 Leesburg Pike, Bailey’s Crossroads – A plan amendment for a mixed-use 14-story building on the Food Star site with up to 1,390 dwelling units and community-serving retail has already been approved. A nomination for additional residential uses up to 20 stories has been deemed ineligible to proceed by planning staff.

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