Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia
When you advertise with Annandale Today, you reach a savvy inside-the-beltway audience of affluent, educated readers who are connected to their community.
Annandale has a population of 43,295, according to the 2021 U.S. Census. The population of Bailey’s Crossroads is 24,180.


The estimated median household income in Annandale is $99,273 for 2019. Forty-six percent of Annandale residents have a bachelor’s degree or higher, and over 18 percent have a graduate or professional degree.

Mason District has 110,715 residents in 2021 and a median household income of $95,019.

Advertising Rates

Square ad – 250 x 300 px.

$120 for one month.
$110 per month for three months.
$100 per month for six months.
$90 per month for 12 months.

Skyscraper (right column) – 250 x 700 px.

$220 for one month.
$210 per month for three months.
$200 per month for six months.
$190 per month for 12 months.

Banner (top of page)

$1,500 per year

For information on ad sizes and rates, please contact Ellie Ashford, [email protected].