Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

American Legion Post 1976 welcomes the public to fun events

The American Legion post in Annandale recently banned smoking.

The community is invited to a game night on March 29, 6-8 p.m., at American Legion Bicentennial Post 1976 at 4206 Daniels Avenue, Annandale.

There will be karaoke, as well as board games. People can also bring their own games.

This event is just one step the post is taking to attract more people. Another big change is the decision by the post to ban smoking. “There was a little dissention” when that rule was adopted, but now it’s accepted and “business is great,” says Vice Commander Diane Ramsey.

The smoking ban was necessary, she said, because a survey showed that 62 percent of legionnaires weren’t showing up because they were bothered by cigarette smoke.

Among other improvements, Post 1976 now sells food at the bar and serves full lunches on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.

“We would like to put the American Legion post back on the map,” Ramsey says. “We want to let everyone know we’d like to welcome a younger crowd.”

You don’t have to have served in the U.S. armed forces during one of the country’s wars to participate in the American Legion.

“People think they have to be in the military. That’s not true,” Ramsey says. “There are lots of ways to join the American Legion.”

Post 1976 offers veterans a fun place to hang out.

The American Legion Auxiliary is open to spouses, mothers, sisters, and grandmothers of men or women who served on active duty or are descendants of veterans who served on active duty. Male descendants of American Legion members can join the Sons of the American Legion.

Among other events at Post 1976, members of the public are invited to a huge breakfast on the third Sunday of the month, 9 a.m.-noon. The next one is April 20.

The post serves eggs or omelets, bacon, sausage, scrapple, waffles with fruit and whipped cream, pancakes, three types of toast, and two types of potatoes – and it’s only $15. (That’s up from $12 due to the high price of eggs.)

There’s also a huge karaoke event, open to the public, on the first Saturday of the month, 7-11 p.m. The next one is April 5. And on the third Tuesday of the month, Post 1976 hosts trivia competitions at 7 p.m. with gift cards for prizes.

Post 1976 facilities are available for rent for parties, meetings, celebrations of life, and other events. The party hall holds 90 people and can be rented for $25 an hour. Hosts must buy beverages from the post but can bring their own food. For more information, email Diane Ramsey at [email protected] or text her at 703-408-9123.

ORS Interactive, a company that trains food handlers, hosts eight-hour classes at Post 1976 for people who need to earn a food safety manager certificate. The classes are in English and Spanish. For more information, contact ORS at 703-533-7600 or 703-819-0035 or visit

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