Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Annandale Boy Scout troop celebrates 85th anniverary

The Eagles Patrol.

Annandale-based Boy Scout Troop 150 celebrated its 85th anniversary Sept. 16 with a special Court of Honor at the amphitheater in Mason District Park.

Troop 150 was the first Boy Scout troop in Fairfax County when it was established in the summer of 1928 with 10 boys at Annandale Methodist Church, now known as Annandale United Methodist Church (AUM). The first scoutmaster, John W. Mercer, is buried in the church cemetery, on Columbia Pike. Initially, the troop was sponsored by the Annandale Community League. Over the years, most of the sponsors have been associated with AUM.

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