Annandale Walgreens to open in March

The new Walgreens on Little River Turnpike in central Annandale is scheduled to open March
7, although that date could be pushed back again. The store had been scheduled
to open in mid-February but that has been delayed due to problems with the
phone system.
7, although that date could be pushed back again. The store had been scheduled
to open in mid-February but that has been delayed due to problems with the
phone system.
It will be open 24 hours a day and will sell beer and wine,
along with traditional drugstore and pharmacy items. Although the building
looks imposing from the street, it’s actually smaller than most Walgreens
stores. All the retail will be on one floor; the extremely high ceiling makes
it appear much larger than it is.
About 20 to 25 people will be hired for the new store. You
can apply online or contact David Hendricks at the Gainesville Walgreens,
can apply online or contact David Hendricks at the Gainesville Walgreens,
The store is on the site of the former Fuddrucker’s restaurant. Before that, it was the Three Chef’s (specializing in burgers, chicken, and pancakes). And before that, going back to the middle of the last century, it was an Esso gas station, Firestore tire store, and Dodge dealership.
Why the heck did they build such an imposing building, then, if it's going to be so small inside? It's detrimental to the streetscape and overall mix of uses to have a building be so much larger than is necessary.
I agree. But come on, this is Annandale — as long as the county can collect taxes on the structure, it doesn't much care about aesthetics or neighborhood values.
Was hoping for a W similar to the one in Chinatown in DC. 3 stories, with fresh prepped foods on ground floor. Sure looked like it was going in that direction. Maybe they will rent out second floor for martial arts school…
I still think the block looks better with the Walgreen's than with Fuddruckers. More open, the building is set back further from Little River Turnpike, nicer landscaping and wider sidewalks. Overall it's an improvement…