Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Apartments approved for Landmark area

This building will be replaced with apartments.

The Alexandria City Council on June 15 approved the development of multifamily housing in the Landmark area.

Snell Properties plans to raze a five-story office building at 6101 Stevenson Ave. and replace it with a seven story, 271-unit multifamily building.

The building will have one, two, and three-bedroom units; 248 will be market-rate, 23 will be affordable. Four units would be reserved for households up to 40 percent of the area median income, and 19 would be for households up to 60 percent of AMI.

The project also includes underground parking for 340 vehicles, removal of one curb cut, and streetscape improvements.

A rendering of the multifamily building planned for Stevenson Ave. [SK+I Architecture]

According to Snell Properties, “This project is on track to be shovel-ready as early as next year.”

Snell acquired the two acre-site, which includes a surface parking lot at 6125 Stevenson Ave., in 2021 for $7.1 million, the Washington Business Journal reports.

Next door, Hekemian & Co. Inc. is developing 362 apartments, 88 townhouses, and about 7,000 square feet of retail. The Overlook at West End is replacing the buildings that housed the Alley Cat, Big Lots, Dunya Banquet Hall, and other properties.

On the other side of Route 236, on the former site of Landmark Mall, Foulger Pratt is developing the multi-building, mixed-use WestEnd Alexandria project with 2,500 residential units. Inova is developing a new hospital on that site.

39 responses to “Apartments approved for Landmark area

  1. Not sure what is worse, the insane #of people this is going to bring, the traffic or the crime!! Going to be just like DC with all those people cramped into the West End. And my question is:
    Why are there only 23 affordable housing units?? No one is going to be able to live here soon, not everyone makes a 6 figure salary & $2500 a month for a 3 bdrm is already too high when you add in utilities!!

  2. They need to fix all the apartments in Alexandria! They have rats and bedbugs. I even rented an apartment at Stoneridge the carpet covered up thousands of rat holes and management knows all about it. And the maintenance don’t fix anything correctly the washer and dryer are older than I am and they will not replace. I contacted the bbband they said that they can reach management

    1. Out of nearly 3000 family unit being built on .10% has been set aside for low to medium income dwellers. Hog wash…

      Then Linda stated that she is “Not sure what is worse, the insane #of people this is going to bring, the traffic or the crime!! Going to be just like DC with all those people cramped into the West End. “ As if to say, that current residents are without fault.

      Wake up is the DMV. The Westend has been closed out long enough.

      Demand a seat at the table!

  3. Why is there only 32 housing space for low income wen you got ppl laying around in bus stops and anywhere they can because they can’t afford a place to stay and y’all rather build something that people can’t afford. Where is the sense in this! Ppl are struggling hard out here but y’all still wants to charge people a mule and a cat to live’ Have a heart for the ppl that’s struggling and not the ppl that make 6 figures! Sad but it’s true!

    1. I Agree 💯💯💯 I currently live in Stoneridge apts only 2 months I have caught 16 mice ..I have every picture and videos

    1. Alexandria was even more not like this 40 years ago. Even more so 60 years ago! It’s better to be prepared for an inevitable future than waste precious time and resources fighting change.

  4. They need to get market rates or above to fulfill fiduciary to shareholders.

    It’s the law.

  5. It sounds incredible but I hope 🤞🏼 there’s enough parking 🅿️ for everyone builders should continue on at least 3 cars per household, I lived in Landmark area for decades and I still love the area so hopefully this new project will be a safe and secure community for families with children 🤞🏼💕

  6. Why they have to bring too many people in that small area, Stevenson is already tight with lots of parking issues bc condos don’t have enough space for their residents to park their cars in their properties so people need to go out of the buildings and park their cars on the streets, STOP BUILD ALL THESE BUILDINGS AND STOP BRINGING CRIME AND CROWD IN PEACFULL AREAS!!
    Thank you

  7. No way , please don’t ruin our peaceful community with bringing too many people into this area, don’t make Alexandria look like a crime zone like DC

  8. Once again Alexandria will reap the tax benefits and FFC will inherit the traffic congestion. VDOT or Alexandria have NO plans for road improvements in that area. There really are no east-west highways to move traffic. What we have are cow paths laid out in the 16th and 17th centuries converted to “highways”. Once all of this area is redeveloped avoid it, the only reason to go anywhere near that area is to use the new Alexandria hospital being built on the old Landmark site. Can’t wait to see rescue vehicles trying to access the “no new roads” to the hospital

    1. Duke street in motion and west end transitway are Alexandria initiatives underway and VDOT is building a BRT system between Tyson’s corner and the landmark mall/new hospital site. Look it up. So transit/traffic infrastructure is actually being heavily funded exactly in that area for all major corridors and will be fore the next several years.

  9. Exciting! It’s great to see new development in West End and Lincolnia. Hopefully, this and the mega Landmark mixed use project will revive and catapult that area into the 21st century. It currently looks rundown and stuck in the 1960s.

  10. Love the hot takes in this comment section.

    Simultaneously complaining about high housing costs and saying we shouldn’t add more housing. Someone needs to take an intro to econ class.

    Small government people demanding the government step in and boss around the private company that manages their apartment. Can’t have it both ways, boss.

    And of course the thinly veiled racism that an apartment complex is going to cause a crime wave.

    1. You have one group complaining about high housing costs, and another complaining about low income housing. That’s two separate groups on opposite sides.
      The concerns about crime are well founded.

      1. Sonny, please read the comments above or re-read them. You’re making incorrect statements.

        There are people who like to o complain Sonny, and they will complain on both sides of the issue if it suits their purpose.

  11. Please give us retail to walk to, so we can have a coffee, have a drink, have a smoothie, have a farm stand, and give us a sky tube to West End development!

    1. You don’t have your own teleporter? Way to say you live in the Stone Age without saying it.

  12. I think this will be housing for the people who will work at the hospital complex, fire & police stations going in at the old Landmark mall, which will also serve as a transportation hub. Hopefully these folks will be able to walk to work, and others who will live in these spaces can use the transportation hub.

    No one wants to build affordable housing because they don’t make money on it. Plus low income people sometimes don’t take good care of their places and can bring in crime, causing headaches for property managers. Often developers will just pay a fine vs. carving out affordable units so we don’t have many.

  13. They need to keep building more of this – the Landmark area has been an eyesore for many years now and I welcome any and all new, modern development. This increases tax revenue to the city, creates a sense of community, and makes much better use of the land. Yes, a major interstate and arterial road beg for high density development served by bus transit. Keep up these major improvements, Alexandria!

    To all the naysayers out there – you prefer declining populations and ugly commercial buildings surrounded by parking lots??

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