Banners offer a message of love

In a world filled with turmoil and hate, three new banners posted on Columbia Pike in Annandale offer a positive message: “Annandale Loves You! America Loves You! Embrace LOVE in any language.” Those words are surrounded by “love” in 10 languages.
Dorothy Vigano, commander of American Legion Bicentennial Post 1976, put up the banners to celebrate a diverse community and to screen the buildings that had been destroyed by a fire in March. The American Legion post is on Daniels Avenue, a stone’s throw from the banners.
Members of the Annandale-based Henry Clay Chapter of the DAR helped Vigano put up the posters at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 28, before the Annandale Parade.
She plans to keep the banners up as long as possible – until someone complains.
Perfect. Thank you.
There is NO BETTER thing in the world except kindness. We have totally lost the ability to LOVE anyone other than ourselves in this day and time. We need to love all people because WE ALL ARE GOD’S children. We may look differently on the outside, but we are exactly alike on the inside. Peace and Love to all.
I actually don’t mind the woke signage in front of the burned out building/insurance scam. Seems fitting. Why a woke woman is in charge of the legion is beyond me. It doesn’t get more lonely than a woke female head of the legion. Lol.
Where you been? Missed you
Love is woke?
Great message. Now, it’s time to demolish the destroyed buildings and build anew. It’s an eyesore right now.
Are they planning to clean up the area for from the fire damage? It’s such an eye sore even with tue kindness banners…which are thoughtful