Biden campaign opens an office in Annandale

The Joe Biden re-election campaign opened its first office in Northern Virginia in Annandale.
Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff, Sen. Tim Kaine, Rep. Don Beyer, and Del. Charniele Herring (Alexandria) all spoke at the opening on May 10 in an office building on Little River Turnpike.
The theme of the event was all about “the importance of engaging with the people of Virginia early and often,” said Ethan Damon, political director for the Biden re-election campaign for Northern Virginia.
The officials talked about “promises made and promises kept,” said Damon, a former campaign manager and legislative consultant for Del. Danica Roem (Prince William County).
Biden brought the country out of the pandemic in good shape, he noted, the economy is strong, and he got a huge infrastructure bill enacted with bipartisan support
Where is the balanced reporting on this with fact checks on the claims? Under the current president, more lives were lost than compared to the previous one. Under the current president, the economic recession of the pandemic was prolonged unnecessarily. Under the current president, the way unemployment is counted was changed to make it appear more rosy. Under the current president, the infrastructure bill was a clandestine means of passing the socalist Green New Deal. Under the current president unemployment remains high due to lax immigration policies that has non-citizens blocking citizens from job opportunities.
You complain about fact checking but then make your own claims with out providing a single bit of evidence/fact checking.
Almost none of what you have said is true. It pains me that people are so easily swayed by propaganda. Is it just because Trump hates the people you hate? I seriously don’t get how someone could spout this nonsense
I elected to fact check one of your statements, the one about unemployment rate remaining high. I googled “unemployment rate over time,” and clicked the second link offered by BLS, thinking that BLS would be quality, unbiased data. I was presented with a chart showing a peak in 2020 (no suprise) with a steady tail to the just under 4% we have currently. This would seem to be an overall low that tracks back all the way to 2006. Like with all things, I am sure there is nuance, e.g. unemployment reporting. However, with an overall trend this strong I imagine that nuance isn’t going to sway the overall curve too terribly much. Based on you being wrong there, I elected to ignore everything else you wrote.
Never mind Mark H, who is the scourge of NxtDr. It’s best to just ignore his spews as they are intended only to be provocative. He hits, then runs, adding no value whatsoever to any discourse. He lives in a fact-free world. He is the consummate troll.
Funny. Literally everything he said is demonstrably true.
Funny, neither him nor you decided to offer any evidence. I’m shocked!
Nothing about this is “funny.” Pathetic, yes; funny, no.
Is this what FOXNEWS is telling you?
Something like this happening is a prime example of why Annandale is going to hell in a handbasket
Good for them. Trump is a disaster. Let’s try and avoid that again
Donald Trump was president for four years. What did he do that you didn’t like
What did he do to LIKE? Make a lot of rich people richer? Bring out the worst in some people! Brag about “knowing more than anybody” in ANY subject. And on and on and on…
I may be the only one, but for me it was his three Supreme Court Justice nominations.
Murdered over 600K in the pandemic? Enacted tax cuts that largely benefited corporations and the rich and added almost 4 trillion to the deficit and counting. Destroyed the EPA and the FCC. Tried to overthrow our government that’s been around for over 200 years because he’s a cry baby? Stacked the SCOTUS will federalist society fanatics that reversed Roe and threaten to return us to the early 1900s in terms of the environment, labor laws, and women’s rights. Destroyed the post office. Saluted a foreign dictator showing US weakness. Suck up to Putin who is a fascist dictator of a country actively our enemy. Steal classified documents. Give clearances to his family they shouldn’t have had.
Don’t forget using a sharpie to mark up a hurricane map rather than admit to misspeaking words that likely led people to they were in danger when they weren’t.
Fantastic news and centrally located within Fairfax and Arlington Counties and the City of Alexandria. Will there be offices in the outer Counties: Prince Wm and Loudoun.
Keep up the good work. The Bi-partisan Infrastructure Bill has been great for our depleted infrastructure and a boon to our economy. Didn’t happen in the previous administration. Let’s keep it going.
Lmao it really is unbelievable when the Biden administration touts a “strong economy”. It feels like a massive gaslighting campaign.
For who is this economy strong? In at least the past 15 years I can’t think of a time when life here was more unaffordable. Maybe the big bucks are rolling in for the 1%, but the rest of us are struggling.
Screw the democrats, they really are living up to their ivory tower stereotype. They need a reality check.
Democrats certainly have a lot to make up for with their sucking up to the oligarchy but don’t forget Trump enacted a tax cut that largely benefited the rich and has now added almost 4 trillion to the deficit. He is even more friendly to the oligarchy. I really don’t see republicans doing ANYTHING to fight the oligarchy except more trickle down crap that doesn’t work.
I know, republicans are just as bad. They seem to be more openly in favor of hardcore fascism in order to protect the rich in America.
Seems like you don’t understand how inflation works. Meanwhile my 401k jumped 100k under Biden.
Listen mate I don’t know in what world you would suggest this, because it makes me think that it is you that does not understand how inflation works. How is it good for the economy that wages are crawling and cost of living is soaring? Don’t consumers need to have buying power?
But good for your 401k. What were your contributions? Maybe Joe Biden will write you a letter of congratulations and use your story as an example during his upcoming debate.
You think Biden can change inflation overnight? The Fed is carefully monitoring CPI reports and adjusting the interest rate changes. Milk Eggs Bread and Flour are all very affordable. Vegs are affordable. Stop buying crap. What do you want Biden do? Cut interest rates? That would increase inflation. Nationalize companies? Thats anti-capitalism. Companies are making record profits while selling shrinkflation and raising costs to consumers.
I agree with you to a certain extent here. Companies are absolutely selling shrinkflation. I swear it seems across the board for every 1% increase in cost of production there is a 5% increase in price of goods. God forbid we speak out against capitalism, because that would mean we are some kind of communist or something. One mention of anti-capitalism and everyone loses their minds.
Biden’s hands are tied because at the end of the day he serves his masters. Same as he did with the credit card industry. He is just a cog in a profit machine.
It’s not that I think Joe Biden can single-handedly change inflation overnight. I am just saying that it is disingenuous and frankly tone-deaf to be citing a “strong economy” as a reason we should vote for him this November.
Presidents don’t always have as much control as some people think. Both Trump’s and Biden’s presidencies were impacted by the pandemic and its aftereffects. Also, Trump inherited low interest rates and low inflation, both results of the 2008 financial crisis. Economic growth has been stronger under Biden in several ways, some of which he can take credit for (the stimulus and infrastructure improvements) and some due to pent-up demand after the pandemic. More jobs have been created during Biden’s presidency, unemployment is down, and consumer spending is up —even though people are complaining about inflation, they’re spending a lot of money, which helps the economy.
And “junk fees” Mike. Don’t forget to mention how the greedy corporations, the capitalists, are gorging themselves on working class Americans with their Junk Fees, and only the very stable genius, Dark Brandon, is standing up and fighting for Americans against the capitalists.
If you don’t like capitalists, would you rather have socialists?
We all know we need to vote for Democrats to save our precious democracy; I’ve been watching the trial of former-President Trump in NYC and it has been fascinating. He really is the head of a vast criminal organization. This nation can’t afford to have him elected President again if we expect to defeat catastrophic climate change. I am looking forward to buying an affordable Chinese electric vehicle manufactured in Mexico in the very near future to do my part to defeat climate change. I admire Greta.
I feel like I am reading the Onion
The DJIA went above 40K for the first time today. How do you not call the economy strong?
I think you mistake your personal economic situation for somehow factoring into the economy. But neither party really cares about that. From a certain labor market point of view, depressed wages make it easier to hire and cheaper for companies to operate.
As long as we value the economic well-being of the better-off among us more than the economic well-being being of those with the least, this is the result. And suddenly the people who thought they were middle class and that the government was working for them realize they are in the same boat as the traditionally poor and that we are all part of the underclass.
If the Biden administration thinks that working class America gives 2 shits about how well securities markets are doing, then they are absolutely delusional.
It’s funny how in economics you can pick and choose which statistics you want to build your case. Just because GDP is increasing year over year and the NASDAQ or DJI is at record highs does not mean that the everyone gets a piece of the profits. What about consumer sentiment at a 6 month low? Expectations of continuous inflation? Surely these also are indicators of economic strength. So just exactly how great, collectively, are we doing?
Catboy, Democrats like LunchBucket Scranton Joe care deeply about the working and middle class. It is people like the Bad Orange Insurrectionist and criminal mastermind Trump, who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, who could care less about the workers of America — especially the government workers of Northern Virginia!
Catboy, you talk big, but nobody is doing more to prevent catastrophic global climate change than Dark Brandon and Greta, and you can’t pretend otherwise.
Yeah, that’s what I said. Did you even read my post or just read the first sentence and TL:DR the rest?
Right, it was not apparent to me your sarcasm in saying “how do you not call the economy strong”? And then I did not understand your sarcasm in stating that I was projecting my personal finances onto the overall economy.
My mistake, I should not have been so scathing and really should have picked up on the sarcasm sooner. Wasn’t sure what you were trying to say. It seemed you were simultaneously condemning my criticism of the strength of the economy and the state of class divide in America.
Sorry about that Joe M.
lmao why are none of my comments making it through 😂
I am asking the same question-my comments aren’t being shown? CJ
Ummm the Dow Jones is not the economy….please know what you are talking about – young adults may be reading Annandale Today and lord knows Fairfax county Schools aren’t educating them so be adults and know what your talking about before you post.
Yeah, definitely know what “your” talking about, especially when you talk about how kids aren’t learning grammar in FCPS!
The author of this “blog” often heavily censors comments on anything that conflicts with democrats – that’s why your comments aren’t being seen here. Neat
No she doesn’t. There seems to be latency issues where if you try to submit more than one comment within a certain time period it doesn’t take. Or it’ll bomb if you refresh and re-enter if the webpage hung. It also periodically craps the bed with normal comment submittal, lots of typical issues but no gestapo involved. Also, can you clarify your use of quotations? Seems like this is an actual blog unless I am confused. Neat
Please reply-Hi Annandale Today would you please tell me what I am doing wrong-my comments very seldom are published? Here I think about my reply, write it, which takes a while. What am I saying or doing wrong? Thank You
Here are some possible reasons why comments are rejected: trolls, spam, personal attacks, racist and xenophobic comments, misinformation, repetitive nonsense.
Amusing…………”personal attacks” and “misinformation” and “repetitive nonsense”…… need to add a caveat that these reasons only apply when someone attempts to post comments that don’t conform with the liberal, pro-Biden viewpoints espoused by you and most of the posters on this blog.
Or is it that the only things that most right wingers have to say are “trolls, spam, personal attacks, racist and xenophobic comments, misinformation,and repetitive nonsense” ?
Reality has a liberal bias. But, please tell us more about what a hellish mess the Mason District is. And why the “people moving in” are ruining it and America.
People moving in, and the left are ruining America. Record low numbers of the left are patriotic/care about their country. When you erase borders and actively root against your country, you make it worse. Crime is through the roof all over the country and especially in leftist havens. Look at recent politico article about leftist DA facing ouster due to crime and drug use. Look at WTOP this morning… high juvenile recidivism rate. EVs cause more air pollution than internal combustion engines. No one is buying EVs. Colleges have lost all their dignity due to leftist takeover. Protests against Israel. Money to nato profiteers and war hawks via Ukraine. All your experiments have failed and you’re ruining the country as you fail.
Get off my lawn!
At this point, state and local offices, your church boards and committees and your HoA have a much bigger impact on our individual experiences/ family’s experience. In fact, our personal data is so mined and hacked … just browsing the same websites or buying the same book along with 10 of your friends(or phone contacts) could have a bigger impact than voting.
Up front, thank you Annandale Today for this coverage and hosting this discussion (or is it more of a shouting match among neighbors). We rarely have heated discussions like this in person, as most of us aim to be polite and civil (though it seems to be less & less so). As to the politics, there is good and bad in each candidate and what they have done in office. For example, raising minimum wages helps in a short term but is a major driver of increasing all costs. Similar, lowering corporate taxes helps to be competitive with lower tax countries and keeps more companies and their taxable profits here in the USA. I like, most voters in the country (according to many polls), wish we had different candidates to pick from between the two major parties-but we don’t. Each seems to say one thing then governs differently (but that is not new in politics). With approximately 40% of the voting electorate Dems. & 40% GOP; that leaves 20% independents/swing voters- I believe most of us are aware of this. My point is be passionate, be active, be civil, be supporting of everyone voting, and most importantly VOTE! I may or may not like the outcome (same is true for all of us), but I vote and I hope you do too.
Joe cares about people. Trump cares about himself.
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