Bilingual election officers needed

If you can speak Vietnamese or Korean, the Fairfax County Office of Elections needs you to assist voters in the Nov. 8 general election.
Bilingual election officers are especially needed in Annandale, Falls Church, Centreville, and Chantilly. They will perform all regular election officer duties, including assisting most voters in English, but will be assigned to precincts with a significant number of voters who primarily speak Vietnamese or Korean.
Designated bilingual election officers must complete a short oral language skills assessment. All new election officers must complete an online training session.
Compensation for election officers starts at $175 for working on Election Day from 5 a.m. to approximately 9 p.m.
Apply to be an election officer here.
High School students age 18 and over can apply to be election officers. High school students age 16-17 can apply to serve inside a polling place as an election page on Nov. 8.
Election officers are paid $10.94/hour for a 16-hour day? School bus drivers in the county make more than this! What a sad commentary on the “value” of a freely elected Fairfax County Board of Supervisors.
Might have something to do with qualifications and training.
Bus drivers don’t just walk in off the street, they need a CDL and get trained
Also, if you want to retain them, you need to pay a decent wage. Nothing against election workers but they’re doing a 1-day job that doesn’t involve people’s safety.
Bus drivers have a rough job. Dealing with bad kids every day is not easy. Sometimes it’s even dangerous