Board approves eminent domain for sidewalk

Construction of the sidewalk planned for Little River Turnpike in Annandale can proceed now that the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors agreed on Feb. 22 to use eminent domain to acquire land rights from a property owner.
The eight-foot-wide walkway would be on the north side of Little River Turnpike between High Place and Pinecrest Parkway.
Related story: County seeks land rights for sidewalk
Four of the seven affected property owners have agreed to easements (for grading, construction, and utilities). Two others are in negotiations with the county. The supervisors approved a measure to use eminent domain to obtain a temporary easement on the remaining property, at 6812 Little River Turnpike.
The new walkway will have curb ramps accessible for people with disabilities. The project also includes improvements to the existing crosswalk and bus stop on the south side of Little River Turnpike at Conwell Drive.
Won’t help anyone on the South side of that stretch. Not a single traffic light to safely cross the road for the more densely populated developments. You take your life in your hands trying to cross the road or even enter or exit your neighborhood in a car. Instead of putting in a new long sidewalk they’d be better off reducing road speeds on LRT and adding a few crossing lights to take advantage of sidewalks that are already there for the most part.
You have to start somewhere, and this is a start. There aren’t any sidewalks that actually go anywhere on the south side. Once this sidewalk is in place and actually goes somewhere, maybe they can build a pedestrian bridge or 2 to facilitate crossing. And I agree about slowing down traffic so you don’t take your life in your hands in a car.