Board expands landscaping requirements

The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on Jan. 23 adopted changes to the Zoning Ordinance on landscaping.
The amendment increases the requirement for landscaping in parking lots, adds provisions on street frontage landscaping, establishes shade structure requirements for parking lots, and makes other changes.
Currently, landscaping in a parking lot must cover at least 5 percent of the total area of the parking lot. The amendment increases that to 10 percent and requires the use of shade trees rather than shrubs.
Parking lots with an exposed surface containing 10 or more parking spaces must include shade structures covering at least 10 percent of the total area. Shade structures must be permanent and can include canopies, solar collection systems, shade trees, or a combination of structures.
10% is nothing. 25% would be a lot better do the regs require where the new shade structures are to be placed. An owner could decide to plat 19% of the trees in one corner and be in compliance