Board of Supervisors approves funds for crosswalk and trail improvements

The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on Nov. 1 approved $5 million for active transportation projects to improve accessibility for pedestrians and bicylists.
This funding is part of the board’s $100 million commitment in September to make roads, sidewalks, and trails safer for all users.
The $5 million includes $2.7 million for crosswalk projects, including two projects in each district.
One of the projects in Mason District is the installation of a refuge with truncated domes on Braddock Road at Witch Hazel Road at the entrance to Green Spring Gardens.
The other is the installation of a marked crosswalk and ramps on Murray Lane at Early Street in the Broyhill Crest neighborhood in Annandale.
One of the projects in the Providence District is a refuge on Woodburn Road at the entrance to Pine Ridge Park in Annandale.
Related story: Transportation officials talk safety
One of the Braddock District projects is the installation of ramps, a curb extension, and a rectangular rapid-flashing beacon on Guinea Road by Rutherford Park just west of Annandale.
Another $1 million goes to the Department of Public Works and Environmental Services for 56 trail and stormwater maintenance projects.
The projects in the Annandale/Mason District area include the following:
- Little River Turnpike at Wakefield Drive, Annandale.
- King Richard Drive, Annandale
- The Annandale High School trail
- Annandale Drive to Krysia Court, Annandale
- Brook Drive between Holly Street to 6122 Heather Lane, Seven Corners
- Graham Road at Terry Lane, Falls Church
The $5 million also includes $1 million for 10 maintenance projects on Park Authority trails. That includes $40,000 to repave the pedestrian connection to the Providence Rec Center and $90,000 to connect the Cross County Trail to the Audrey Moore Rec Center.
What is a “refuge”?
Look at the image on slide 3 of the linked presentation. The refuge is also sometimes called an island, basically a safe space in the middle of the road for pedestrians
Thank you
They need to put stream crossings over the stream at Holmes Run Trail 3. The stepping stones are no longer useful and a hazard.
I completely agree! For those of us senior citizens whose balance isn’t what it used to be, crossing the stream on those concrete cylinders is a challenge, which often deters me from using the trail. I suggest at least adding a side rail, or, better still, a bridge.
A sidewalk connecting elmdale to lincolnia along Braddock is long overdue!
As is a link from Elmdale to Lincolnia along Old Columbia Pike!
The refuge is a waisted effort. I hate speed humps but outing them on Braddock near green springs is needed. That will help pedestrians and bikers more. Also, The groundskeepers that work at the golf course regularly talk about how drivers speed up when they are trying to cross the road and see them.
Very unhappy to see no improvement in the fair weather crossing at Holmes Run in Valley Crest Park. With no railing (there used to be one) it’s very difficult and dangerous to cross if one has balance issues. There have been instances of folks falling off and injuring feet or ankles. The lack of support along the crossing discourages many older persons as well as parents with small children from using the trails in the park. The Broyhill Crest neighborhood has consistently advocated for and supported a crossing solution that is safer for all members of the community. Guess no one has listened
They don’t listen. The stepping stones at Holmes Run Trail 3 are broken up and dangerous for seniors. I fell once in the stream while crossing one of the five crossings two winters ago and have not been back. Thus FCPA is keeping an entire demographic from using the trail.
It’s possible some of these fair weather crossings were good ideas at the begining but now may be to expensive to repair or replace with bridges. There are a lot of fair weather crossings in Fairfax.