BoS urged to act on illegal dumping
The Fairfax County Environmental Quality Advisory Council is urging county leaders to take action to curb illegal dumping along roadways and in parks, streams, and neighborhoods.
EQAC recommends the Board of Supervisors assign a county agency to take on a leadership role for eliminating illegal dumping. It also calls for better signage at dump sites and better enforcement.
Friends of Accotink Creek is urging residents to write to the Board of Supervisors and ask them to implement EQAC’s recommendations. Emails addressed to [email protected] will reach all supervisors.
Of particular concern in Annandale is the dumping of construction materials and other trash along Americana Drive in Annandale. FACC and the Fairfax County Restoration Project periodically schedule cleanups along that road. The next one is on Presidents’ Day, Feb. 17.
Volunteer-led cleanups aren’t enough, says Phillip Latasa of FACC. “Illegal dumping affects the most disadvantaged communities in Fairfax County. We appreciate EQAC for bringing this attention to the Board of Supervisors. We’re hoping for some action from the county.”
A Jan. 15 letter from EQAC to the BoS says, “Illegal dumping is a significant problem impacting specific locations along VDOT rights-of-way. Where dumping is present, it becomes an unintended invitation for more dumping.”
According to the Fairfax County Health Department, these locations are not only a nuisance, but also a threat to public health and the health of county streams.
At two meetings in 2024, the letter states, “EQAC received testimony from county staff that the problem would persist until there is a coordinated policy directed and approved by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors to address the issue.”
Related story: 100+ volunteers clean up Americana Drive
The EQAC letter outlines the following additional recommendations:
- VDOT should install permanent signs in English and Spanish at dumping sites. The signs should state that dumping is subject to a fine of up to $1,500 per occurrence.
- Land Development Services should send a letter to builders stating that all construction materials must be disposed of properly. The letter should include instructions on how to dispose of waste.
- County officials should use social media and public meetings to let residents, business owners, and community stakeholders know about the problem and inform them how to report illegal dumping to the police.
- The Department of Code Compliance, the Department of Public Works and Environmental Services, and the Police Department should do a better job of coordinating with one another in handling complaints and should report back to the complainant.
- Complaints that are not resolved should be included in an annual report to the Board of Supervisors with an explanation of why the problem persists.
- The FCPD should issue a memorandum to officers on an enforcement policy for illegal dumping. That should include enforcement of illegal parking – including ticketing and towing – at known dump sites.
- Where dumping is a recurring problem, cameras should be put in place for a period of one month or more to monitor for dumping. When a suspect can be identified, FCPD should investigate and impose a fine.
- A formal agreement between the county and VDOT should be developed on the coordination of complaints and cleanup actions.
- Where other actions fail, fencing should be installed to restrict access to known dump areas.
Dumping is routine, that is why people call Mason, the Mason Dump. Renters for which there are many just throw their crap at the curb and expect the garbage fairly to pick it up. Not going to happen. When you call Waste Management they say its a code compliance problem. When you call them they state that they are not responsible. Any wonder why Trump wants to blow up government? And that’s coming from someone that has a few loose screws. All FFX knows how to do is point the finger to another agency, state their department boundaries and make constituents very mad! So who has the most loose screws: Trump or FFX?
I don’t care whose responsibility it is, as far as I’m concerned its the renters/homeowner and if they cannot comply, government should have a mechanism to fine the homeowners promptly. But that would be too smart and Descano would probably block every effort for government to do its job effectively.
Having a formal agreement between the county and VDOT on who cleans up dump sites would be really helpful. The county doesn’t have the authority to clean up dumps on VDOT right-of-way, and VDOT isn’t keen on sending their maintenance teams out to clean them up. VDOT loves to kick stuff to the county in cases where the county can’t do anything because it’s on VDOT’s right-of-way.