Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Boundary scenarios for new school at Lacey site included in Annandale Regional Planning Study Committee’s final report

The Annandale Regional Planning Study Committee has offered a series of options for the new elementary school under construction at the Lacey site. This report, as well as the report addressing options for relieving overcrowding at Annandale High School and Poe Middle School, will be presented to the Fairfax County School Board Monday, Jan. 10.

The report on the school at the Lacey site considers several scenarios on grade configuration:

  • K-5 model—Students could feed to Glasgow or Poe middle schools.
  • K-6 model—Students could feed to Jackson, Holmes, or Poe middle schools at seventh grade (a year after most students). In a variation of this option, students living within the boundaries of a 6-8 middle school would be given the choice of attending middle school or staying at the Lacey site for the sixth grade.
  • K-8 model—Students would remain at the Lacey site and then go directly to high school in the ninth grade.

When it comes to feeder considerations, the committee agreed that it is preferable to have all students within a single elementary school attendance area feed into the same middle school (the “clean feeders” approach), rather than having them split up to more than one middle school (“split feeders”).

The committee determined that the best option for Lacey students is a clean feed into Glasgow MS and Stuart HS. Other clean feed options considered by the committee include feeding into Holmes MS and Annandale HS and feeding into Jackson MS and Falls Church HS.

The committee outlined several boundary scenarios that call for adjusting the attendance areas of several schools—Beech Tree, Annandale Terrace, Belvedere, Woodburn, and/or Columbia—but you need to look at the maps in the community’s presentation to the school board to see which neighborhoods would be affected by each option. Members of the public will have a chance to learn more about these reports and submit feedback at community outreach meetings.

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