Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Broyhill Crest Pool dedicates ‘Kathy’s Korner’

The snack bar at the Broyhill Crest Recreation Club is now known as Kathy’s Korner, in recognition of Kathy Naghdi, a long time community member and volunteer who did more than just about anyone to make the neighborhood pool safe, caring, friendly, and financially successful. Ever since Kathy died suddenly last November, her friends and neighbors talked about a way to honor her.

On Friday evening, dozens of community residents—along with Kathy’s family—came to the pool’s weekly happy hour for a special ceremony dedicating the snack bar, which Kathy ran for many years at BCRC swim meets, as Kathy’s Korner. Many people spoke about how the pool is just not the same without Kathy Naghdi. She was here all summer long, watching the children under her care, making sure the pool was run safely and efficiently, and later, working on her coursework while earning a master’s degree in special education.
Penny Gross’s chief staff aide Fran Tunick presented a plaque on behalf of the Mason District supervisor in recognition of Kathy Naghdi’s service to the community.

“It’s people like Kathy who have made Broyhill Crest one of the most active and best neighborhoods in the county,” recalled friend Deborah Burk at the ceremony. “She was the one stepping up to the plate when something needed doing. . . She truly lived the motto ‘it takes a village,’ with the understanding that the village starts with each of us.”

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