Brush fire burns wooded area in Annandale

A huge brush fire damaged many trees on a two-acre wooded property between Alpine Drive and the Evergreen House in Annandale on April 13.
No one was hurt and no buildings were damaged, the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department reports.
Alpine Drive resident Chase Chichester says the fire destroyed a fence she and her husband installed about a month ago. She says the fire was started by a neighbor burning brush near her fence on a hot, dry afternoon and left it untended.

John Chichester called 911 at 2:20 p.m., and the fire was under control by 3:08. The first units on the scene reported “a large volume of fire behind a house,” the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department tweeted.
Chase said more than 14 firetrucks, the police helicopter, and three police officers responded.
What was someone thinking burning brush on a hot, dry day in a drought? And unattended? Clearly not thinking at all. Pay for the neighbor’s destroyed property and be thankful it wasn’t worse.
I hope there’s some kind of fine or penalty for the idiot that started the fire! (And of course, he should also pay for all damages as well as fire department costs.)
That was a newly installed fence that the neighbors who accidentally set the fire threatened to sue over.
Oh snap dragon no way
I thought open burning was against the law.