Celebrate Earth Day in Annandale

Community members are invited to a trail and stream cleanup event on the Annandale Greenway on Saturday morning, April 27, then head to the Eileen Garnett Civic Space for an Earth Day celebration.
The trail cleanup will take place 9-11 a.m. along the part of the Greenway in Manassas Gap Railroad Park. To participate, meet at 4001 Woodland Road, Annandale.
The Earth Day event is 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at the new park at 7200 Columbia Pike between the ACCA Child Development Center and the Annandale Fire Station.
Related story: The community celebrates the new Eileen Garnett Civic Space in Annandale
The event, hosted by the Fairfax County Department of Planning and Development’s Community Revitalization Section and the Park Authority, will have fun activities for children and adults and will provide helpful tips to make your life more “green.”
Explore the Park Authority’s new Mobile Nature Center, see a robot demonstration, and add more plants to the garden managed by Hands On Harvests.
County experts and community partners will offer information on these topics:
- What to plant and when.
- How to be a friend to the bees.
- How to compost and recycle more efficiently.
- Energy efficiency and how to save on your utilities.
- How the county identifies and mitigates issues in the sewer lines.
- How to identify trees.
- Learn about local wildlife and how to help animals thrive.
- Learn how to create art from everyday objects.
For more information, contact Jenée Padmore, [email protected].
Thank you for this coverage, AT. If readers are interested in the trail cleanup, feel free to contact James Albright at [email protected] for more information. Hope to see you there!
Board of Supv and HOD can also Celebrate Earth Day; Save Lake Accotink… Arrest the serial dumpers on Americana… build bike trail hub and spoke – not bike lanes… Expand VRE … enforce code in older residential neighborhoods to stop 20 people from living in a 2BR house on Heming Ave w broken down vehicles in street blocking view of intersection making traffic more dangerous for kids trying to walk to school on Earth Day.
Excellent post. Imagine what would be possible if we had a BOS and HOD that actually cared and were willing to put in the work to make life better for their constituents. What we have now is largely a group of fad-following narcissists.