Join a community art project at the Taste of Annandale on Sept. 21

Come to the Taste of Annandale on Sept. 21 and help Community Art For Everyone (CAFE) create a house sculpture on the lawn at the Eileen Garnett Civic Space.
The house will be constructed of PVC pipe. Members of the public will wrap string made from denim around the house to make walls.
The group is holding a denim donation drive on Sept. 13, 4-6 p.m., at the Oakton Library at 10304 Lynnhaven Place in Oakton. Bring old jeans and other denim clothing.
CAFE is a nonprofit art collective that has the goal of enhancing the safety and beauty of communities through public involvement in art projects.
“Since the beginning of the year, we’ve been talking about creating art projects around the theme of mental health,” says CAFE curator and founder Hannah Joo.
A house is more than a building, Joo says. “People who feel lonely or have anxiety or want to avoid something or don’t believe they have a safe haven need a house – in their heart.”
Joo describes the idea of the house project as a way for people to view a home as a safe place to connect with other people.
Here’s how CAFE frames the concept:
“Even when I’m at home, I want to go home.”
You, who avoid even the smallest conflicts,
You, who hide and run from things that seem insignificant,
You, who feel anxious without reason,
You, who constantly obsess over small details,
You, who are busy defending yourself just to avoid getting hurt,
You, who feel lonely even though you wanted to be alone,
You, who keep delaying tasks that aren’t a big deal,
You, who keep seeking validation from others,
“It’s because you don’t have a safe home.
“We understand. You have a house made of bricks where you eat, sleep, and live, but no safe haven within your heart. A true home can be found in ‘people.’
“We will be your safe haven, where you’ll always hear, ‘It’s okay.’”
To participate in the project, visit the CAFE table at the Taste of Annandale.
The house sculpture will remain at the park for a year.