Connolly’s lead expands
As of 3:17 p.m., Rep. Gerry Connolly’s (D) lead over Keith Fimian (R) has widened to 968 votes. Connolly had 111,695 (49.22 percent), and Fimian had 110,727 (48.76 percent). So far, Fimian has neither conceded or requested a recount.
As expected all three of the proposed amendments to the Virginia Constitution passed, as did the Fairfax County transportation bond.
A total of 68.93 county citizens voted Yes for the $120 million bond, and 31.06 percent voted No. The funds support the county’s contribution to the Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority’s capital improvement program.
Voters in Fairfax County supported all three constitutional amendments at a higher margin than voters statewide. Following are the state results, with Fairfax County results in parentheses:
Amendment #1 allows localities to set their own income limits for granting property tax relief to homeowners 65 and older.
Yes – 75.92 percent (76.59 percent)
No – 24.07 percent (23.40 percent)
Amendment #2 grants veterans with a “100 percent service-connected, permanent, and total disability” exemption from property taxes.
Yes – 82.47 percent (83.76 percent)
No – 17.52 percent (16.23 percent)
Amendment #3 increases the size of the state’s Revenue Stabilization Fund (also known as the “rainy day fund”) from 10 to 15 percent of the commonwealth’s average annual tax revenues.
Yes – 51.16 percent (60.46 percent)
No – 48.83 percent (39.53 percent)