Construction of new playground at Lake Accotink park to start this week

Work is set to begin as early as today on the new playground at Lake Accotink Park, weather permitting.
The playground, with equipment for children of all ages and abilities, will be installed on the same spot where the old playground was removed in May.
It will have a tower play structure with a winding slide, boulder climber, four swings, a net climber, a playhouse, dragonfly teeter-totter, musical panels, and tactile and visual features to provide children with a variety of play experiences.
The project costs approximately $300,000. Funds are from a one-time allocation approved by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors. Supplemental funds will be provided through the Fairfax County Park Authority.
The project is expected to be completed this fall.
I think that the one at Franconia Regional Park (old Lee District) is better with more amenities for the kids.
Any chance you can add a small slide for younger kids?
Stop pampering, helicopter
Yeah, when we were kids we’d fall off hot metal 20 foot slides and we turned out fine. At least those of us who survived did. /s/
How many trees do they need to cut down to do this? Why does the playground need expanding? There’s plenty of stuff for children to do. How about putting that money towards the dredging fund?
How many trees do they need to cut down to do this? Why does the playground need expanding? There’s plenty of stuff for children to do. How about putting that money towards the dredging fund? SAVE THE LAKE! Kids don’t need all these things. Let them use their imagination.
I have a better idea. Adults should use their imagination, and imagine the Lake being dredged.
“An illustration of the features for the new playground at Lake Accotink Park. Existing trees and landscaping will not be removed. [Fairfax County Park Authority]”
The previous playground was built in 1995 and removed last spring after inspectors deemed it unsafe.
Not another park or park amenity until you reduce discretionary spending more in a high inflationary environment where families nationwide have lost over $4,000 in income and the poverty rate has doubled. Enough of inefficient and thus destructive government with NO vision except to spend our money until they need to ask for more.