Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Deeds campaign gains momentum

The Creigh Deeds campaign was certainly energized by the emergence of his opponent’s thesis outlining an extremist, hateful social agenda. Without mentioning Bob McDonnell by name, Deeds told a large crowd at his Tysons Corner campaign office Wednesday evening that the thesis goes a long way to explain McDonnell’s voting history. In the statehouse, McDonnell opposed equal pay for women, opposed stem cell research, restricted choice for women, supported efforts to restrict access to birth control, and even opposed standards to make child care centers safer. “He said he changed his views,” Deeds said, “but he can’t change his record.”

While Deeds says he spent his entire life working for schools, his opponent attacked him for supporting raising teacher pay to the national average. Deeds told the crowd he wants to fix the transportation problem, make college accessible and affordable, and “make Virginia the East Coast capital for renewable energy.” Deeds hope to accomplish something that hasn’t happened since 1965. That was the last time Virginia elected a Democratic governor when there was a Democrat in the White House. “The stakes could not be higher than they are this year,” he said.

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