Del. Kory connects with constituents
It’s been “a very exciting and challenging year,” Del. Kaye Kory (28th District) told a crowd of supporters about her first term in the state legislature at a reception in her honor Sunday in the Lake Barcroft home of David Feld. As a freshman Democrat in a Republican-dominated House, Kory (pictured here at the swearing in) has been able to accomplish a few small things. But most of her work in Richmond was about fighting against extreme measures proposed by other delegates, such as attempts to restrict voting rights and roll back conservation protections, she says.

The next session will be challenging as well, as the legislature begins to work on redistricting. Kory vowed to continue to work for more funding for education and transportation, protect the environment, and fight for human rights for all.
Kory has scheduled “office hours” at various locations in the Annandale area to meet with constitutions. Local residents are invited to drop in (you don’t need an appointment) and chat about new legislation, suggest topics for the next session, or discuss any issue related to state government. Here’s the schedule:
- Thursday, July 1, Woodrow Wilson Library, conference room, 6101 Knollwood Drive, 1 p.m.-3 p.m.
- Saturday, July 17, George Mason Regional Library, 7001 Little River Turnpike, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
- Saturday, July 31, James Lee Community Center, meeting room, 2855-A Annandale Road, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.