Democrats win big on Election Day

It was a big victory for Fairfax County Democrats last night, as they retained nine of the 10 seats on the Board of Supervisors and all 12 seats on the School Board.
Democrats also chalked up big wins on the state level, securing a majority in the House of Delegates and retaining their edge in the Senate, dealing a blow to Gov. Glen Youngkin’s promise to restrict abortion access.
Sen. Dave Marsden, whose district includes a large portion of Annandale and Mason District, was easily re-elected with 67.06 percent of the vote, beating Republican candidate Mark Vafiades.
Democratic members of the House of Delegates who represent parts of Annandale/Mason District – Vivian Watts and Marcus Simon – were also re-elected.

In Mason District, Democrat Andres Jimenez was elected to the Board of Supervisors with 72.02 percent of the vote, beating independent candidate Terry Modglin.
Jimenez told supporters he will work to provide the resources to make sure everyone in Mason District “has the quality of life that they deserve.” Jimenez succeeds long-time Mason Supervisor Penny Gross, who is retiring when her term is up at the end of the year.
Mason District voters re-elected School Board member Ricardy Anderson, who was endorsed by the Fairfax County Democratic Committee. Anderson got 63.36 percent of the vote, compared to the Republican-endorsed candidate, Kristin Ball, who got 35.99 percent.

Chris Falcon (D) easily cruised to victory in the race for clerk of the court, with 62.49 percent of the vote, beating Gerarda Cullipher. Falcon, a resident of Annandale, told supporters at a victory party the court will begin providing free online access to case information and free court services in different places around the county.
Commonwealth’s Attorney Steve Descano (D) was re-elected with 76.93 percent of the votes. He didn’t have a Republican opponent, but 23.07 percent of voters voted for a write-in candidate. His opponent in the Democratic primary, Ed Nuttall, had recently endorsed a write-in campaign in his name.
Fairfax County Sheriff Stacey Kincaid (D) was re-elected with 76.68 percent of the votes, beating Jerry McMillan and Christopher DeCarlo who each got about 10 percent.
Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Chair Jeffrey McKay (D) was re-elected with 67.05 percent. Arthur Purves (R) got 32.42 percent.
Braddock Supervisor James Walkinshaw (D) was re-elected with 76.94 percent of the vote.
The lone Republican on the board, Pat Herrity (Springfield), was re-elected, with 54.43 percent of the vote, compared to 42.31 percent for Democratic challenger Albert Vega.
In the Dranesville District, voters elected Jimmy Bierman (D) to succeed John Foust, who is retiring. Among the other supervisors, voters re-elected Rodney Lusk (Franconia), Walter Alcorn (Hunter Mill), Dan Storck (Mount Vernon), Dalia Palchick (Providence), and Kathy Smith (Sully).
The three Democratic-endorsed candidates running for the open at-large seats on the school board – Ilryong Moon, Kyle McDaniel, and Ryan McElveen – were all elected.
In addition to Anderson, voters re-elected school board members Melanie Meren (Hunter Mill) and Karl Frisch (Providence), both of whom were endorsed by the Democratic Committee.

Democratic-endorsed candidates were also elected to open seats on the school board, including Rachna Sizemore Heizer (Braddock), Robyn Lady (Dranesville), Marcia St. John-Cunning (Franconia), Mateo Dunne (Mount Vernon), Sandy Anderson (Springfield), and Seema Dixit (Sully).
The Republican committee had persuaded a judge to remove St. John-Cunning from the ballot days before the election due to a technicality, which sparked a write-in campaign. The judge subsequently reinstated her name on the ballot, but the Republicans filed a motion to reconsider the issue, and a hearing will be held today.
“We are going to be putting students first,” Frisch told the crowd. “Every child deserves a safe and inclusive school with exceptional, well-compensated educators who help them thrive with the academic resources they need and the other enrichment opportunities they deserve.”
Sizemore-Heizer, who currently serves as an at-large school board member, said, “For four years, four of us who are returning to the school board have been under incredible attack while Gov. Glen Youngkin has made public education a Republican talking point. We have just shown it is not. Unequivocally, we have just shown public education belongs to the Democrats.”
The school bond on the ballot was approved by voters, with 67.47 percent of the vote.
All three Democratic-endorsed candidates for the Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District – Rhonda Bitterli, Chris Koerner, and Dana Barakat – were elected.
“Fairfax County voters have again sent a clear rejection of the radical Republican agenda,” said Fairfax County Democratic Committee Chair Bryan Graham. “For abortion healthcare rights, public education, gun safety, voting rights, and more, we have many reasons to celebrate. Gov. Youngkin and Republicans continue to show they are out-of-touch with the people of the commonwealth’s most populous jurisdiction.”
Hoping for the best and happily foot soldiered for the Dems. Loudoun CA race is still too close to call and leaning R. This should be a wake up call for Descano who has a soft on crime record. Also, voter turnout was abysmal! 48% as of this writing
Steve Lee should’ve won Mason Supervisor 🙁
Well…I guess the majority voters approve of failing schools, boys having babies, boys in the girls rooms at school, high taxes and high crime…you voted for it, or if you didn’t vote – don’t complain as things will get worse…signed…”done with Fairfax – good luck.”
Mark good bye It”s a new Virginia if u do not like change that we love of our diversity we are glad your kind is gone not welcome here we are here 🙂
New does not always mean better
True, but in this case it is. History has proven that society improves as it moves towards diversity, acceptance, and inclusivity, and this will continue to be the case. Those that don’t understand this will be viewed in the same negative light as those that fought against desegregation.
Your last sentence is highly alarming.
Always love when the losing party blames the other side for their loss. Maybe your party needs to figure out why they keep losing? I hear from many Republicans about taking responsibility for yourself, not asking for handouts, etc. but then they blame everyone but themselves for their shortcomings (sounds awfully familiar to their orange messiah).
Boys having babies? Really? Please provide specifics of just one such incident. Otherwise, stop spreading right-wing conspiracy nonsense.
Here is my take on this diatribe. The dummy dems should not be overconfident from this anemic 48% turnout. Jimenez is nowhere to be found and will probably be missing in action for the next four years as the democrats continue to dumb down Mason into a total dump. We will miss Penny! And Descano will continue to lack prosecutory acumen and keep the criminals out on the street terrorizing our neighborhoods.
Although i consider myself a Democrat, really folks this party can do better than dishing out these buffoons. Thus, I voted for Terry Modglin, an independent for Mason’s Supervisor and my cat for the commonwealth’s attorney for Fairfax County.
As for the hateful Republicans, they are too arrogant to figure out that they are a party of idiots. Dunking Youngin doesn’t get it with that white rich boy pretty smile that tells more lies than blabbermouth Trump. For a party that believes in less government they sure know how to interfere in the people’s bedrooms, sexual life and body part preferences.
Now for the boy babies’ comment……OMG: wasn’t it orange hair Arnold Schwarzenegger, a known Republican that starred in a movie called Junior in 1994 where he played a pregnant dad………….hmm boy babies, I guess dads’ having babies is an acceptable Republican gender alternative. BTW, I believe he uses a tad darker shade of Ms. Clairol for his hair than Trump the overweight pumpkin head!
Welcome to America, it’s a mess!
Roxy – Why does your party insist on putting maxi pads in Mens rooms then???
It sounds like you’re saying there’s no such thing as a transgender person? If so, then there’s literally nothing to discuss with you. Denying anyone’s existence is beyond redemption and not up for “debate.” If not, then why WOULDN’T you put maxi pads in mens rooms?
Maybe this weird dude snoops around mens rooms looking for these things. I myself have never seen these in any mens room.
Nor have I, but the point remains: if you don’t believe a male can need maxi pads then you don’t believe transgender people exist.
This may be referencing the now common practice of using the (moronic)phrase “birthing person” rather than mother or parent. I’ve heard the term getting traction in the HR world and used by the more extreme dems on the Hill. Sad.
Wow. It’s like Fairfax isn’t the crumbling, crime infested, hellscape that republicans everywhere are trying to convince people of.
Setting my clockwatch to see how long until the inevitable “just cause the existing BoS got re-elected, and Dem’s took back the State House doesn’t mean that people are satisfied with the job they are doing” post.
Another election, another term of similar dem governance. It’s turning into quite the trend. Good jobs, good schools, nice neighborhoods. it’s no wonder everyone wants to live here and is willing to pay $1M for townhomes in Annandale.
But If you don’t like it, you can always move away.
Happy to have divided government at state level. Means the two parties have to work together and compromise. Fairfax county Board of Supervisors doesn’t, any party with a super majority is corrupt in my experience. Inside USA & outside USA
There’s still corruption. More concerning than corruption is incompetence.
I agree about Jimenez. I don’t expect much at all from him, at least not at all for my neck of Mason District. He’s more interested in moving up the political hierarchy, than serving the tax-paying constituents in Mason District.
Now let’s raise teacher salaries in Fairfax county please. We need good teachers
Joe M, Suzie et al…If Fairfax is doing so good -why are more people leaving then coming? Why is Thomas Jefferson now about 4th in the Nation instead of No.: 1? -Why is crime up? -Never Mind…
Kills me when people think that somehow going from 1st to 4th in some subjective NATIONAL ranking is somehow relevant or meaningful. Oh no, someone decided TJ is only in the 99.977th percentile of best schools in the entire country! What a complete and utter failure, I KNEW we shoulda voted Republican! Do you honestly think that’s statistically relevant, much less attributable to elected officials?
As for your other metrics, I always refer to the phrase “Lies, damn lies, and statistics”. Anyone can make numbers tell any story they want. Can you elaborate on or cite sources for your “more people leaving than coming” statement? According to the county’s population is growing. “Correlation is not causation” is another phrase that comes to mind – even if your statement is true, what evidence do you have that it’s because of our democratic majority? We’ve been dark blue for decades, so why now?
Crime is up everywhere and you can’t paint broad “red vs blue” patterns. California has a lower crime rate than South Carolina, data suggests blue states have a lower murder rate than red states, but there’s also data to suggest red counties have overall lower crime rates than blue counties.
Folks like Mark don’t cite sources, they just troll and scream.