Demolition plan submitted for Annandale apartment project

The developer of a future mixed-use project at the Eastgate Shopping Center on John Marr Drive in Annandale submitted a demolition plan to Fairfax County on Jan. 28.
The project would replace half of the shopping center with a six-story multifamily building with 270 units, retail space, and an urban park. The Board of Supervisors approved a rezoning application from American Properties for the project in October 2023.
Related story: Eastgate project gets a green light
Everything to the left of K Market – including Kimen Ramen Izakaya, Pelicana Chicken, The Block, b-Thrifty, ToBe Nails, Sinsegye Department, and Ben Gong’s Tea – is slated for demolition.
It will take about six months to review and approve the rough grading plan for the site, says a staff member in the county’s Land Development Services. Demolition and clearing could start as soon as the plan is approved.
no! not the block! that place is great. can’t believe they’d get rid of it
That place is extremely stinky and has had sewage issues for the past 20 years
It hasn’t been there for ever ten years Ronny.
Hopefully it will find a new home; but that is by no means guaranteed.
Hopefully it comes back and all the new residents of the building can enjoy it!
Even if the new building owners sign a contract to rent to The Block, they will have to be closed for “years” during demolition/construction; actually better for The Block if they move and stay open somewhere else…
They are actively trying to keep the block in the new building!
I hope developers compensated enough to all store owners especially to the block store.
Those “store owners” are simply renting space; they likely only have “short-term” retail leases and when those run out, won’t be renewed by the landlord, same as a residential rental, so no grounds for “compensation”.
No, thanks. Love those stores and restaurants and hate the idea of them leaving. More importantly – Does the Zoning Board/BOS communicate with the School Board at all, asking if the schools can handle this level of development? Schools are at/over capacity. Is anyone considering when and where to build new elementary schools or place preschoolers?
New housing is unlikely to lead to overcrowded schools
Based on what facts Ben. I have not seen any impact study. Is it available. Nor have I seen any traffic impact either. Thanks
FCDOT, VDOT, and FCPS reviews of this development are in the staff report for the rezoning that was approved for this development. It’s in the attachments of the public record:
You can read the FCPS analysis if this specific project in the staff report for the rezoning that was approved this development:
I really hope The Block finds a new home here.
That shopping center is pretty excellent, overall.
And who is John Marr? That name is too English sounding. Let’s rename that road Macho Muffler Lane (remember Penny Gross?).
The loud ‘cartuners’ continue to gather in Annandale at night and disrupt my sleep and pet’s peacefulness.
Little River Turnpike can be renamed Korean Speedway PM.
Still wishing for active police enforcement of our traffic laws.
that’s the name of the road it’s on dummy
John Marr is regarded as the first Confederate casualty of the Civil War.
So, yes, the road should be renamed.
NOT!! Trying to forget history.?
This is such an asinine comment. But I agree we shouldn’t change the name for a different reason. Thinking of dead, traitorous confederates makes me smile.
The Confederacy and Civil War are a large part of Virginia history, and this knee-jerk demand to rename anything having to do with it is just wrong. It happened, luckily the CSA lost, but it’s history and the lives lost should be commemorated.
It should be renamed!
“Trying to forget history.!”, they cry.
“…but it’s history and the lives lost should be commemorated.”, they plead.
There is a good library down the street, bookstores at our fingertips, and schools—public and private—providing instruction to youth and adults alike. There are commemorative plaques all over the Commonwealth and battlefields and museums. The history is being taught, remembered, commemorated, and made accessible.
A road name is a civic honor, though. And not one fit for a traitor to the republic.
Exactly! Well said. Can’t change history obviously, but that doesn’t mean it all deserves honoring.
Thank you!! Leave history alone! Dont try to erase it!!
Thank you, Norm!!! You are right, Virginia was part of the Confederacy. We can’t erase it! Embrace your history and learn from it. So many don’t understand the complex matter of Civil War history and the affect that the War had on this region. Yes, the Confederacy lost, thank God, but everything related to it should not be erased.
I concur
Yeah I had to yell at Penny gross and Sharon bulova at a channel 10 Fairfax county meeting… Complete idiots….was threatened by Fairfax county police in the video was removed within days This was in 2016….
He was the guitarist for the Smiths. Much like Mexicans, Koreans love the Smiths.
I make this joke all the time and get blank stares
I think about The Smiths every time I’m on it. You are the only person to ever acknowledge it. Thank you. And I believe everyone should love them 🙂
Johnny Marr was (is) an excellent guitarist. Also had solo projects, played with Bernard Sumner and Neil Tennent in Electronic, also as guest guitarist with The Talking Heads
Your Caucasity is radiating off of you, 1958.
It’s not caucasity to not want loud modified cars making ridiculous noise at late night in a way that threatens public safety.
-Black Dude
Korean Speedway PM is the best name I have heard by a mile. Please bring this to the renaming table. I am not joking.
Not sure how this will affect traffic and the noise the residents will have to deal with considering how busy this parking lot can get in the weekends (with car events), but considering there hasn’t been any new condo/apartment construction in a long while, I am all for the project.
Nooooooo! The Block is the BEST place ever. Hopefully they will relocate and continue operating. We need more places like this.
Really hard to retain great places like The Block when there’s no housing nearby. Maybe with more people actually living in “downtown” Annandale (we used to call it downtown growing up lol) there can be more The Blocks!
Great point, Ben. And originally, the developer indicated that they wanted to reopen the block on the ground floor of this project.
Dang. Where will I get my megapack of dumplings?
Will The Block be relocated somewhere nearby?
How can we stop this?
Ugh – this news makes me so sad. The Block is an amazing part of the neighborhood and has real soul and attraction. I often feels “cooler” to go to the Block than to go into DC. To have a condense, social area replaced by apartments feels really depressing. I really wish they could keep the ground floor for these places.
There will be ground floor retail in the new building
This is really sad, The Block was such a wonderful place. I remember when it first opened and shared many happy memories there…grabbing a beer with a buddy in that magic hour after quitting time but before having to get the kid from daycare, TRIVIA, all the excellent food and beyond friendly bar staff. We moved out to Fairfax 5 years ago but we still come back to The Block every month or so. I’ll pour one out for you homie, The Block was legit.
I hope the Block finds a new home in Annandale!
This is such an exciting project! This project promises to finally catapult Annandale into the 21st century, hopefully sparking more modern development in the area.
Yeah no thanks. I would rather keep The Block.
I remember when this strip had nothing except the pelicana and the block. Now it’s finally booming and they seriously want to destroy of one of the greatest spots around? Also how in the world is parking and traffic going to work when it’s already packed as is? This is honestly such a terrible idea. There’s no way the people who care about this area actually voted for this change.
They will put in a parking garage for the residential and businesses, think mosaic district where Panerai bread is
I agree with you, Annandale could seriously use a makeover. The Block is kind of cool as a place inside, but the exterior makes it not worth it. I hope this development can also improve k-market exterior appearance and the remaining parking lot, which still really just looks like that ugly old k-mart.
I concur. The remaining portion of the old shopping center needs to be expeditiously, radically refurbished to look like a modern, appealing commercial district. Why leave the antiquated, rusty portion of the center like it is?
This sounds like something someone who has financial interests in the development would say. Almost like it was typed out from coordinated talking points for a person who works for a large developer who’s job is PR based.
It certainly DOES NOT sound like something someone with an actual connection to the community of Annandale would say….
Yeah, as a born and raised Atom, this is exactly what Annandale needs. It could be one of the coolest places on the planet but instead we built a bunch of parking lots. This is a step in the right direction and will lead to more cool Annandale hang out spots.
F This. Those stores are beloved. Build on top of the Taco Bell or big chain stores.
Why not both? That whole KMart property is so terrible, it’s honestly a miracle The Block has been successful there. I think this is great and hopefully The Block stays if not in the new building at least nearby, but I’m totally with you let’s replace all the Wendy’s with homes.
Noooo! The Block and Be-thrifty are awesome – what about all the other older spots in downtown Annandale?!?
“Retail space” aka Jimmy John’s, Starbucks, and other chains? Meh.
God, I hope not. Anybody investing in Annandale should know that not only do we need housing downtown, but also that what makes Annandale so special are places like The Block and our lack of Jimmy Johns on every corner.
That would have been the perfect location for a Wegman’s when K-Mart closed.
Wegman’s in Annandale, I hope you are kidding. Have you not noticed that there is ONLY ONE major retail store in all of Mason District? (Home Depot). Wegmans wouldn’t even give 1 ounce of consideration to putting a Wegmans in Mason District.
This is a perfect spot for homes and new neighbors. Maybe a grocery store will be viable if more people are living in the central business district.
Giant is already on the next block over, what more grocery stores are needed right there?
That Giant is depressing.
And expensive. karen
Save the Block! It’s the best!
Hopefully they’ll move into the new buildings retail space. I have a feeling The Block will survive, and places like Cue Club will benefit from more residents nearby.
Maybe it will be mixed use: i.e. retail on the bottom, with condos up top. Of course, that would increase the rent substantially, I’m sure.
It has retail space on the first floor. If you scroll up to the article they include a link that shows what the new building will look like!
Were we can go and complain about this?
No! This makes me so upset. B Thrifty is a great thrift store, there aren’t many like it in Fairfax Co., and the Block has great food and drinks. Where will these businesses go??
What are loss what a loss! The block is a surgic place terrific place I’m sorry to see that part of the shopping center being replaced by more mixers mixed juice mixed use very sad
That shopping center has been a dump for years. It’s about time something was done.
Oh great just what we needed, another stupid overpriced apartment building in the area. I’ve been going to The Block and Kimen for years and seeing cherished gathering places getting further gutted in favor of more generic high rises is very disappointing. Hate this.
Actually we do need more homes. Idk if you’ve noticed, but we’re in a housing crisis.
Overpriced is what it will be. Stupid idea!
What a travesty. Just another way for corporate landlord scum to squeeze the working class.
I think using land to house people instead of an empty wasteland of pavement is a better use of space for the working class. But if you’re really that in love with the KMart seagulls, then whatever.
I’m a little surprised this website’s moderator thought it was fine to post a comment labeling an entire category of people “scum.” That comment is bullsh#t and the moderator of this site is a pathetic hypocrite if they don’t post this comment.
Kev’s post is extremely ignorant because if your paying attention, in this neighborhood new homes are being built, and preexisting homes are being renovated, and sold for over a million dollars.
Fact is, one of the main ways the working class are going to be able to afford to live in neighborhoods within the Beltway, like Annandale, is because of people willing to build new multifamily housing.
The same people being slandered by Kev on this website.
Booo, def takes away from Annandale! However it would be awesome if they would consider relocating to the city of Fairfax downtown!
Be-Thrifty is the best thrift store in the DMV. To Be Nails is my nail salon. The Block is awesome!! I don’t want them to disappear!!!
My guess is The Block will come back into the redeveloped, modern, and much larger space. Folks will have to be patient but, I bet it will be a lot better with more vendors and more space.
Excited yet cautiously optimistic we certainly don’t need another Fairmont Gardens or Parliment in the heart of Annandale.
The Block in Baltimore is more fun.
Such a bad idea. That shopping center flourishes!
My boy alex had some weirdly racially charged things to say about this, but he never hangs out with us so it’s not like I’m losing memories of going her with him
does Kev think housing prices magically go down when population goes up?
Bring back K Mart, Wendy’s and Tom Weston’s.. Oh, and Jack in the box across the street….
Why was this zoning request approved? This increase in high density dwellings will increase the population in Annandale, making traffic worse and requiring more investment into roads, schools, and other services and infrastructure and therefore will result in higher taxes that we will pay to make the developer rich.
TERRIBLE idea!!! Let me guess to “affordable housing units” so no one else that makes over $25,000 can live there. Annandale should NOT want to look like the west end of Alexandria. PLEASE STOP.
STOP BUILDING THESE UGLY 5 over 1’s already. They’re ugly and depressing and most of the 1,000’s they have build in NOVA remain vacant. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
We need it. As a resident with relative proximity to this area, we need a drastic change to the environment in that corridor.
People often fear change and that’s just not how the world works. It is inevitable. You can preserve the old while embracing the new. Annandale is not a monolithic city and shouldn’t be held back from developers investing in our community.
No one has even mentioned the fact that this is likely sparked because of the West End Alex project on Duke St where the old mall was. That development project is bringing more opportunity for commerce in our neighborhoods and having companies trying to plant roots in areas, LIKE Annandale. Exciting times!
The area where the block is fine save for a couple of vacancies where bank branches closed across the street. The problems start west of there extending all the way to Hummer Rd. Safeway had to close one of its entrances because of massive shop lifting. The Giant shopping center has deteriorated as well – illegals huddled in large groups near the liquor store. Large homeless encampment near the clock in the park there. McDonalds many homeless pand handling. Not as bad last few weeks with fear of ICE. The old Kmart shopping center has been yuppified already with mix of middle and upper middle class patrons of various ethnicities but of course majority Asian. Nice place to frequent especially coffee shop. Redevelopment may hurt it in the long run if too much affordable housing
.But at first will probably be mostly yuppies so should be OK.
Just note that most if not all new condo/apartment buildings these days usually have retail on the first floor. So it’s conceivable the Block and any of the other restaurants slated to be demolished may come back into the new complex.
Even if the new building owners sign a contract to rent to The Block, they will have to be closed for “years” during demolition/construction; actually better for The Block if they move and stay open somewhere else…
the Block might be incorporated into the new retail space
Great. Do the Giant shopping strip next.
How many units will be affordable?
Shouldn’t the County require a minimum number as a condition of approval?
From another Annandale Today article (
“Eight percent of the units would be designated as Workforce Dwelling Units, which would be affordable to lower-income households.”
Hell naw they better keep bthrifty that’s my spot fr
I think the Block might be incorporated into the new building
The property owners have been working on getting approval for this mixed use development for over 18 years. There was an article in the Washington Post about this on March 5, 2006 by Elissa Silverman titled “More Than Koreatown”:
“Kim, 43, and his business partner Brian Kim, 41, (no relation) are seeking county approval for a high-density office, residential and retail center on their property, bringing Korean voices to the debate over Koreatown’s future.
They sound much like any developer in the inner suburbs. Instead of the existing Kmart, they see a collection of destination retail stores. Instead of a hodgepodge of small ethnic and other businesses, they see Annandale remodeled into a town center of high-price condominiums, landscaped fountains and public space, and national chain stores like Ann Taylor and Sunglass Hut. … Both men said their development won’t push out anyone who wants to stay. Korean businesses will be welcome along with national retailers — as long as they can afford the rent.”
What a shame.. was hoping they’d demolish that Houseofvape store..
Please god don’t take this shopping center away from us
We don’t need new apartments. What can we do to combat this?
The B-thrifty store is great! So many nice items in there for good prices.
Annandale needs more stores like that. Build a park? Where? I miss the old K-Mart. No good discount places to shop in Annandale.
Any ideas of where the businesses will go during demolition? Snocream going back in the bus? Maybe all the businesses can go somewhere between Pep Boys and CVS on the other side of Little River.