Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

The Diamond Lounge – a hotbed for violent crime, gang activity

The Diamond Lounge

The Diamond Lounge, a popular nightclub in Annandale, has been the target of numerous complaints in recent years about violence, gang activity, noise, and ABC violations.

According to information obtained by a community member via a Freedom of Information Act request, the Fairfax County Police Department reported close to 300 calls for service at the Diamond Lounge, at 7203 Little River Turnpike, since 2018. There were 25 calls for service between June 1, 2022, and May 31, 2023.

“Aside from noise, drunkenness and fights, many of these calls are for really serious offenses including robberies, assaults, stolen vehicles, shootings, stabbings, and weapons violations,” the resident said. “The establishment appears to be a long-standing and consistent source of problems.” 

The Diamond Lounge hosted a Bolivian community event on Sept. 14.

The Franconia Police District reported the following:

  • There were six assault incidences in 2023, on July 31, Aug. 10, Sept. 18, Nov. 5, and Nov. 25 (involving an assault on a law enforcement officer).
  • Police responded to five fights in 2022, including a fight on Feb. 19 that started in a bathroom and involved 50 people. One of the those involved was a suspected MS-13 member who was arrested on several violent felony warrants from Loudoun County.
  • There was a stabbing on June 19, 2022, and an incident involving a weapon discharge/brandishing/concealing on Aug. 21, 2022.
  • The Diamond Lounge was cited for noise violations three times in 2022 and once in 2023.
  • Other incidents involved larceny, destruction of property, and disorderly conduct.

The restaurant was cited by the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority six times between November 2014 and February 2021 – for selling alcohol to minors, selling alcohol after hours, allowing patrons to drink until 7 a.m., and failing to comply with ABC reporting requirements.

One of several bars in the Diamond Lounge.

Among other crimes disclosed via FOIA reports, a 27-year-old male was shot in the Diamond Lounge parking lot on Oct. 30, 2020, after he had been ejected from the nearby Casa Grande restaurant.

The ABC Bureau of Law Enforcement reported a shooting at the Diamond Lounge parking lot shortly after 2 a.m. on May 31, 2023.

The suspect in that incident had been hit with a glass bottle, returned to his vehicle, drove around the parking lot, and fired into the crowd from a moving vehicle. One male in the crowd was struck by a stray bullet that went completely through his foot.

Police the suspect with under-age DUI, underage possession of alcohol, multiple firearm offenses, and malicious wounding.

According to the police report, both the suspect and victim are known MS-13 gang members.  

ABC initiated a public safety investigation of the incident that included a canvass of nearby businesses. The owner of one store reported a stray bullet hit a building. She said she was thinking of locking the door during business hours because she feels unsafe.

Diamond Lounge Manager Douglas Reque.

Diamond Lounge manager Douglas Reque told Annandale Today on Sept. 14, “We get gang members all the time.” The club doesn’t specifically ban gang members but does ban people on its list of troublemakers. On Sept. 13, they kicked out a patron who tried to get into the VIP area.

The club has about eight security guards from Secured Protective Services on duty on weekends, Reque said. “Our ABC license is active. There are no restrictions.”

Related story: Community members say Diamond Lounge should be shut down

“We don’t allow loitering in the parking lot,” he said. But he noted that problems in the Diamond Lounge parking lot are often caused by patrons of other nearby clubs, such as the Blue Moon and Casa Grande.

To address complaints about noise, the Diamond Lounge moved its Wednesday night karaoke events in the parking lot indoors, Reque said. A couple of years ago, the Diamond Lounge upgraded lighting in the parking lot and stopped hosting car meets, he added.

In an email response to the community member who filed several complaints about the Diamond Lounge, FCPD 2nd Lt. Joseph Moore said he deployed a team to the nightclub several times this June in unmarked cruisers to monitor outdoor music and general noise levels. “Our officers observed no fights, disorderly conduct, or noise violations including outdoor loudspeakers after 10 p.m.”

A memorial for a man fatally shot in the Diamond Lounge parking lot in October 2020.

“I understand your concerns about individuals who frequent the Diamond Lounge, but the Police Department will not suggest or convince a business owner to ban individuals from their establishment,” Moore wrote. “That decision resides solely with management.”

In a response to another community member in June, Mason District Supervisor Andres Jimenez said, “I am well aware of the concerns many of our residents have expressed as it relates to the Diamond Lounge, and I hear you. The county is using the enforcement mechanisms within its authority to work to ensure this business is abiding by all applicable laws and ordinances.”

Jimenez said he’s been in touch with the FCPD and the Department of Code Compliance about the complaints. “While the county does have some tools at its disposal, there are still limitations to our authority.”

9 responses to “The Diamond Lounge – a hotbed for violent crime, gang activity

  1. It’s a little weird that the second picture in this article is a family happily participating in a community cultural event beside their flag. Yes, the event took place at the Diamond Lounge, but including this picture in an article about dangerous and violent activity at the Lounge is an ugly insinuation.

  2. As a neighbor of this address for the last 13 yrs there were no major incidents or neighborhood complaints until the opening of Diamond Lounge. The noise and violence since then is disruptive and harming to the close neighborhoods of families and children. We can’t even have open windows on weekends when weather is nice because the noise from their establishment sounds like it’s in your home until 3am and police tell you they will look into it but really nothing they can do but then let a family be having a gathering at 11 pm and police are quick to show up and shut it down. They are allowed to do what they like. Ands you know you have gang members and activities on your grounds so tighten up and tell them they’re not permitted and enforce it, if you’re the one running the establishment and not them then that shouldn’t be an issue, larger better establishments take control of this one can’t then shut it down. They should have been closed after someone was shot outside one of the first weekends they were open.

  3. It would seem that enough criminal activity and ABC violations have occurred that the business could possibly be a legal nuisance. I understand that would be the Commonwealth Attorney to decide and then act on. I’m not sure, but I wouldn’t hold my breath that the Commonwealth Attorney would even consider this and assuredly would not act on any quality of life crime.

    1. I lived in Annandale from 1974 to 2000, it was always such a quiet community. Never any violence or gang activity. Sad to see this happening.

  4. The entire Mason District has gone down hill over the past 20 years. It is the FFX County district with the highest level of crime, and the lowest resources. The current situation is the result of neglect and corruption by Penny Gross who consistently turned a blind eye to all the problems. Supervisor Jimenez must put pressure on the police department to enforce the laws or taxpayers will take matters into their own hands, and will surely vote the current elected officials out of office at the first chance.

  5. I’ve been living in Annandale for almost 20 years. This used to be a very peaceful quiet place until Diamond Lounge was opened and all hell started to brake loose especially during the summers. I made it my business to visit the establishment one time on a Saturday night to see what’s really going on in there. To what I’ve seen is underage youngsters drinking, people offering me cocaine from time to time. The place was a total cesspool of drugs and to what I’ve observed it comes from management. I reported this place back in 2022 but nothing has been done! Let’s home this place gets shut down after this news article because enough is enough!

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