Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Volunteers clean up Stuart Park

More than 50 volunteers collected nearly 100 backs of
invasive species debris and a truckload of logs at the first Stuart Park Cleanup event Sept. 29.   
J.E.B. Stuart High School students and faculty, Ravenwood Park residents, Bailey’s Crossroads Rotary Club members, and other volunteers participated in the clean-up, which was organized by Stuart biology
teacher Lauren Kinne.
“It was an unbelievably successful
and fun event,” says Kinne. “Everyone was amazing. At first, I was a doubter,
thinking we wouldn’t be able to accomplish very much, but now I’m a believer
big time!”
Two more park clean-ups are planned, on Oct. 13 and Oct.
27. Both are 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. The public is invited to join the
Park Rejuvenation Project.

One response to “Volunteers clean up Stuart Park

  1. Actually I think it was Lauren Kinne, the organizer, who believed from the beginning that with a little/a lot of effort we could make a difference in the park. It was some of the volunteers, me included, who had their doubts but who were amazingly and happily disproved by what the 50 volunteers were able to accomplish in one day!

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