Dunkin’ Donuts is coming to Annandale

The small building at 7025 Columbia Pike in Annandale undergoing renovations will house a Dunkin’ Donuts shop, according to a building permit posted on the structure.
The building was formerly occupied by Annandale Florist but has been vacant since a fire in August 2022.
A single-family house had been built on the site in 1950. That building subsequently housed an auto repair shop, real estate company, Anna N’ Dales Newsstand, and a botanical shop. The building was eventually renovated but remained vacant for about six years until the flower shop moved in in 2020.
Great, though, wonder about traffic impact.
No thanks
About time! Love it!
Yay! I would rather have Starbucks, but I like the ice cream Baskin Robbin’s sells!
There is a Starbucks in the same shopping center as Harris Teeter. Also safeway has a starbucks.
How great. Family loves Sat or Sunday am donuts runs. Coffee and family and favorite sweet.
You know this isn’t a bad thing. The Dunkin’ up 236 in City of Fairfax used the existing building a former gas station/ repair shop. It still has the bay doors. IIRC, didn’t Annandale Today say people interested in bringing a Dunkin’ were looking at this stretch of Columbia Pike?
I’d rather a chain embrace the character of the surrounding area vs. demolishing it and putting their specs for ideal footprint. Even better if it has no drive-thru.
Overall, it says Annandale is retail ready. I’ll still go to Beanetics and Tiffany’s Bakery for my coffee and baked goods fix when in the immediate area.
Beanetic is my number one to go. I not a Donut person but I enjoyed their coffee over Starbucks. Simple and clear . I drive from Alexandria to Annandale for my coffee . AtBeanetic.
I am delighted! I believe they have the most reasonably priced coffee these days except for McDonald’s where you have to buy milk if you want it. Dunkin will include milk without a charge.
Dunkin’ offers non-sweet snacks as well as donuts if someone wants a bite to eat. I mostly just have a good cup of coffee.
More like Dumpin’ Dunkins
wish it was texas donuts or duck donuts
Where do I sign up for Texas Donuts?! Cronuts are amazing!
I remember when people lived in that house.
It’s where the railroad used to go.
Omg finally!
Awesome news! Happy to see some life there since it’s been vacant.
Love this!
Krispy Kreme would have been
100% better. I drive from Falls Church to Alexandria just to get a dozen of glaze. You know that option would have been so much better how many schools and businesses locally
love to buy those doughnuts for selling for funding. Never have I seen dounkins, doughnuts they are awful so think and dry. If i am in Annandale I rather go to Tiffany’s or Napolean bakery.
Krispy Kreme would have been awesome., you’re right. Oh well – hope Beanetics isn’t too badly affected.
krispy kreme>>>
I am very happy. I love Dunkin donuts. I pass by there going to and from work. Will be a nice place to stop for something to eat and drink.
Better a dunkin than another vape shop
Finally! I’m so happy they are building
Dunkin’ Donuts. I hope they build a chipotle around there too