Fairfax County grants support neighborhood improvement projects
Congratulations to the 29 neighborhood and homeowner groups that received 2011 Neighborhood Enhancement Partnership Program (NEPP) grants.
The organizations that received grants include these in the Mason District and the greater Annandale area:
- Broyhill Crest Recreation Club/Broyhill Crest Community Association—Clean Up and Reclamation of Broyhill Crest Lot 10A.
- Chapel Square West Community Association—Community Parkland Access Staircase.
- Danbury Forest Community Association—New Centerpiece for Danbury Forest Community.
- Edsall Park Civic Association—A Place Where We LIVE, Not Just Reside.
- Edsall Park Swim Club—A Safe, Positive Common Ground to Come Together.
- Mason District Little League—Building Community Bridges Through Youth Baseball.
- North Springfield Civic Association—Sound Wall Reforestation.
- Raintree Homeowners Association—Raintree Community Project.
- Villa Lee Community Association—Villa Lee Walking Path Renovation.
- Yorktowne Square Condominium—Replacement of Tree Canopy and Understory Lost Due to HOT Lanes Project.
The NEPP program is aimed at enhancing the quality of life in Fairfax County by supporting projects to promote healthier, safer, and cleaner neighborhoods; enhance a neighborhood’s appearance; create a culture of engagement, including facilitating communication and connections among individuals, youths, and families; and build or nurture community leadership.
The grants, up to $5,000, require recipients to contribute a significant amount of funding, donations, or volunteer hours.