Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Fairfax County grants support neighborhood improvement projects

Congratulations to the 29 neighborhood and homeowner groups that received 2011 Neighborhood Enhancement Partnership Program (NEPP) grants.

The organizations that received grants include these in the Mason District and the greater Annandale area:

The NEPP program is aimed at enhancing the quality of life in Fairfax County by supporting projects to promote healthier, safer, and cleaner neighborhoods; enhance a neighborhood’s appearance; create a culture of engagement, including facilitating communication and connections among individuals, youths, and families; and build or nurture community leadership.

The grants, up to $5,000, require recipients to contribute a significant amount of funding, donations, or volunteer hours.

 Eligible applicants for NEPP grants include civic associations, homeowner associations, resident associations, community pools and recreation clubs, and neighborhood watch patrols. Forty-five applications were submitted for 2011 grants.

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