Foster homes needed for Village Drive cats

The 4Paws Rescue Team, a cat rescue operation based in Fairfax County, is trying to find people with a spare room who can foster a cat to relieve the overburdened Fairfax County Animal Shelter. The shelter has taken in over 160 cats from the cat hoarders on Village Drive in Annandale and is now over capacity.
4Paws says no cats have been euthanized but is distributing a flyer warning that “cats will die unless they are moved into rescue groups.” says a volunteer with 4Paws said she received updated information this morning that the Annandale cats are safe. “That’s wonderful news. However, there’s still a dire need for foster homes and there are still many overcrowded shelters in the area,” she says. “The plea to our supporters is a request for foster homes to specifically help the Fairfax County Animal Shelter.”
People who agree to take in a foster cat must agree to provide food and water and keep it separated from other pets. The cats will already have been checked for disease, given treatments if needed, vaccinated, and spayed or neutered. “Most cats will have upper respiratory infections, which are equal to a human cold,” the volunteer says.“4Paws will pay the medical bills for the cats it takes in.”
“We first need to have foster homes before we can take cats from the shelter,” she says. “We don’t keep open foster spaces, so we are always maxed out.” 4Paws can only take cats that have been socialized. The Animal Shelter is trying to find barn homes for the feral cats.
4Paws holds adoption fairs for cats twice a month at the Fairfax Petco (10708 Lee Highway) at 1-5 p.m. The next ones are scheduled for Jan. 15 and 29. Local Girl Scout groups have been helping 4Paws distribute flyers publicizing the adoption fairs.
The Fairfax County Police Department issued an update on the Village Drive cats. According to the police, a report that more than 100 of the cats at the Fairfax County Animal Shelter will be euthanized if foster homes are not immediately found for them is not true.
“The sick and/or young cats have been sent to shelter-approved foster homes and are receiving medical treatment from the shelter’s contract veterinarian,” the police states. “Most of the seized cats had upper respiratory infections and parasites. Others had slightly more serious medical issues which are being treated. Seventeen cats have already had a positive outcome, either through adoption or transfer to another organization. Three of the cats are currently available for adoption at the shelter. The remaining cats will be placed for adoption or placed through rescue groups currently partnering with the shelter once they have been cleared medically. Cats that had untreatable medical illnesses or those that did not get better with medical treatment had to be euthanized for humane reasons.“
The cats are save now. Wish the same could have been said for the over 70 Forrestville, MD cats from 2008.