FXCO primary voters go for Haley and Biden

President Joe Biden and Donald Trump both scored big wins in the Virginia Democratic and Republican primaries, respectively, on March 5.
Statewide, Biden got 88.69 percent of the vote in the Democratic Primary. In the Republican Primary, 63.32 percent of voters went for Trump, and 34.62 percent voted for Nikki Haley. Following a poor showing on Super Tuesday, Haley said she will suspend her campaign.
In Fairfax County, a majority of people who voted in the Republican Primary, 56.01 percent, voted for Haley, while 41.49 percent voted for Trump.
Anecdotally, we know some Fairfax County Democrats chose to vote in the Republican Primary and voted for Haley.
Haley got the most votes – 76.12 percent – in the Tripps precinct and got over 64 percent in the Fort Buffalo, Ridgelea, Belvedere, and Saint Albans precincts.
Turnout was extremely low. Just 10.56 percent of registered voters in Fairfax County voted in the Republican Primary, and 7.59 percent voted in the Democratic Primary.
In Fairfax County, Biden got 86.29 percent of the vote. Just over 10 percent of Fairfax County residents who voted in the Democratic primary voted for Marianne Williamson, and 3.70 percent voted for Dean Phillips.
Among precents in the Mason District, Williamson got 30.51 percent of the Democratic vote in the Holmes precinct and nearly 23 percent in the Edsall and Tripps precincts.