General Assembly considers women’s health, gun violence

Hundreds of bills have been introduced in the Virginia General Session since the current term began on Jan. 10.
Now that the Democrats have majorities in both houses, they’re pushing an agenda that includes curbing gun violence, protecting women’s reproductive healthcare, increasing funding for schools, and much more. Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) has veto power, though, so it won’t be smooth sailing.
Here are a few of the bills that have been introduced:
Women’s healthcare
SB 238, HB 819 – Insurers, corporations, and health maintenance organizations must offer coverage for prescription contraceptives without co-pays or cost-sharing; introduced by Sen. Ghazala Hashmi, Del. Candi Mundon King; referred to the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee
HB 519 – The Board of Medicine could only impose disciplinary action for abortion care that is explicitly prohibited by Virginia law; Sen. Jennifer Carroll Foy, Del. King; referred to the House Labor and Commerce Committee.
SB 16, HB78 – Improves privacy and security of sensitive reproductive health information by prohibiting search warrants or subpoenas from being issued for menstrual data stored on third-party apps; Sen. Barbara Favola, Del Vivian Watts; Senate and House Courts of Justice Committees.
SB 15 – Anyone charged with a criminal violation in another state related to reproductive healthcare would be extradited to Virginia; Sen. Barbara Favola; Senate Judiciary Committee.
Several bills were also introduced banning abortion and imposing criminal penalties for “fetal manslaughter.”
Gun violence
House Bill 2 – The importation, sale, and possession of assault firearms would be prohibited; introduced by Del. Dan Helmer; referred to the Committee on Public Safety.
Senate Bill 44 and HB 36 – The owner of a firearm would be charged with a Class 5 felony if a juvenile uses it to commit a felony. Sen. Schuyler VanValkenburg, Sen. Adam Ebbin, Sen. Jennifer Boysko, Del. Rodney Willett; Committee for Courts of Justice.
SB 368 and HB 183 – Anyone who possesses a firearm in a residence with a juvenile must store it in a locked container; Sen. Jennifer Boysko, Del. Marcus Simon and Del. Irene Shin; Committee for Courts of Justice.
SB 319 and HB 362 – Anyone convicted of assault and battery against a person in a dating relationship is prohibited from possessing a firearm; Sen. Saddam Salim; Del. Adele McClure and others; Senate Committee for Courts of Justice; House Committee on Public Safety.
SB 447 – Establishes a civil penalty for leaving a firearm unattended in a vehicle; Sen Dave Marsden; Committee for Courts of Justice.
SB 100, HB 173 – Bans the manufacture, import, sale, transfer, and possession of plastic firearms without serial numbers; Sen. Adam Ebbin, Del. Marcus Simon; Senate Courts Committee; House Committee on Public Safety.
HB 175 – Prohibits the carrying of assault firearms in public areas; Del. Marcus Simon; Committee on Public Safety.
SB 363 – Bans the removal of a serial number from a firearm and prohibits the selling and possession of a firearm with a removed serial number; Sen. Adam Ebbin; Committee for Courts of Justice.
HB 113 – Individuals convicted of certain drug DWI offenses would be prohibited from possessing a handgun; Del. Rip Sullivan; House Committee on Public Safety.
Several Republicans are pushing legislation to make it loosen regulations on firearms.
HB 337, SB285 – Prohibits the construction of data centers within a half-mile of a national or state park or historically significant site; Del. Josh Thomas; Sen. Danica Roem; House Committee on Counties, Cities and Towns; Senate Committee on General Laws and Technology.
HB 47, SB 306 – Requires invasive plants for retail sale to be labeled as such; Del. Holly Seibold, and Sen. Saddam Salim; House Agriculture, Chesapeake, and Natural Resources Committee.
HB 567 – Requires electric vehicle charging stations in large developments; Del. Alex Askew; House Counties, Cities and Towns Committee.