George Mason book sale set for Sept. 26-29

Book lovers rejoice! The semi-annual book sale at George Mason Regional Library in Annandale takes place Thursday, Sept. 26 through Sunday, Sept. 29, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
The book sale is hosted by George Mason Friends.
The preview sale held in the spring was a success, so there will be another one before the fall book sale. For a fee of $20, book buyers can get first pick of the items available on Wednesday, Sept. 25, 5-8 p.m. On Sunday, books are half price.
There will be a great selection of hardback and paperback books in a wide variety of subjects, including popular and classic fiction, history, travel, crafts, cookbooks, art, reference books, comic books, graphic novels, collectibles, rare books, children’s books, and much more.
CDs, DVDs and comic books will also be available.
Some fine art and pop-up children’s books will be on display in the library lobby.
Proceeds from the book sale support the Fairfax County Public Library Summer Reading Program, Library Foundation scholarships, the Fall for the Book Festival, and programs at the George Mason Regional Library.
I use to look forward to this every year ,but unfortunately things have changed . In my opinion the ” pay $20.00 see the books first ” is an unfair advantage . I thought well maybe I need to show up on the first day to find something , I have found great things in past , but clearly all the good ones are gone now to those willing to pay $20.00 to go through them first . I’m sure this benefits the library greatly , but it’s really not a fair thing to do . All should be able to go to the sale and look thru ” equally” , and not have to “pay” if they want to find a good book . Disappointing 😕