Girl Scouts offer Black Friday babysitting

If you’re planning a serious Black Friday marathon Nov. 27,
don’t let your kids slow you down. Girl Scout Troop 675 has organized a Black
Friday Babysitting and Gift-Wrapping service to raise funds for troop
don’t let your kids slow you down. Girl Scout Troop 675 has organized a Black
Friday Babysitting and Gift-Wrapping service to raise funds for troop
Drop off your children, up to age 10, at Peace Lutheran Church, 6362 Lincolnia Road, 1-5 p.m. They will be in good hands with high-school-age
babysitters and adult supervisors while you hit the mall – or just need some
relaxing me-time.
Children will be entertained with games, arts and crafts,
and holiday movies. Drop off your holiday gifts any time during the four-hour
period, and they’ll be all wrapped up when you come back. The cost for the
four-hour period is $30 for one child, $40 for two, and $50 for three children.
RSVP to troop leader Kate Lauderdale, [email protected].
and holiday movies. Drop off your holiday gifts any time during the four-hour
period, and they’ll be all wrapped up when you come back. The cost for the
four-hour period is $30 for one child, $40 for two, and $50 for three children.
RSVP to troop leader Kate Lauderdale, [email protected].