Govt. services
Animals – For immediate assistance for sick or injured wildlife or to report animal cruelty or neglect, or human encounters with potentially rabid wildlife, call the police non-emergency number, 703-691-2131.
If you are experiencing a problem with wildlife, call the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources’ wildlife conflict helpline, 855-571-9003.
To report a lost or found pet, contact the Fairfax County Animal Shelter.
Code compliance – Submit a complaint about property maintenance to the Planning and Land Use System (PLUS).
Consumer problems – To report complaints with businesses or landlords, contact the Fairfax County Consumer Affairs Division. Access the complaint form here.
Crime – Call 911 to report an emergency or a crime in progress. Certain crimes, such as bicycle thefts, larceny, and trespassing, can be reported online through the Community Reporting System.
File a police report for a financial crime here.
Domestic violence – Call the Domestic and Sexual Violence 24-Hour Hotline, 703-360-7273.
Electric outages – Contact Dominion Energy Outages, 866-366-4357.
Homelessness – For emergency assistance with food, shelter, or other needs, contact Fairfax County Coordinated Services Planning, 703-222-0880, weekdays, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Homeless adults with children should contact Coordinated Services Planning, 703-222-0880 or go to the nearest family shelter. The Patrick Henry Family Shelter is at 3080 Patrick Henry Drive, Seven Corners, 703-536-2155.
Adults without children can get assistance through the Hypothermia Prevention Program from December through March. Contact the Bailey’s Shelter and Supportive Housing, 703-820-7621.
Parking – Call the police non-emergency number to report parking violations, 703-691-2131, or submit this form. Report inoperative vehicles here.
Police – File a complaint on the excessive use of force by a police officer or other police misconduct with the Police Civilian Review Panel. Access the complaint form here.
Roads – Use VDOT’s complaint form to report potholes, needed repairs, and downed signs.
Storm drains – Report a blocked storm drain here or call the Fairfax County Maintenance and Stormwater Management Division, 703-877-2800. After business hours, contact the 24-hour Customer Communications Center, 703-323-1211.
If your question is about animal waste, cooling tower discharge, discolored stream water, laundry or dry cleaner discharges, swimming pool water, vehicle or equipment wash water from businesses, call the Stormwater Planning Division, 703-324-5500.
Sewers – To report sanitary sewer backups, overflows, and odors, call the 24-hour Customer Communications Center, 703-323-1211.
Snow plows – Look up the status of snow plowing on the VDOT plow map.
Streetlights – Report a streetlight outage to Dominion Energy on this form or call 866-DOM-HELP (866-366-4357). You’ll need to know the pole number.
Street signs – To report a problem with a street name sign, fill out an online form or call the Department of Public Works and Environmental Services, 703-877-2800.
Substance abuse – For assistance with substance use, mental health, or an intellectual disability, contact the Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board. For entry and referrals, call 703-383-8500. For emergency services, call 703-573-5679.
Trash and recycling – If you have county service, report a missed pickup; 703-802-3322.
Trees – If a tree falls on electric wires, blocks a public road, or poses another immediate life-threatening hazard, call or text 911.
To report downed trees affecting power lines or the need to prune trees along power lines, contact Dominion Energy Outages, 866-366-4357.
If a tree on private property threatens the public, submit a complaint here through Fairfax County’s Planning and Land Use System.
Water – Report a water main leak or break to Fairfax Water on this page or call 703-698-5613.