Gross re-election campaign counting on turnout, party loyalty
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Penny Gross and Rep. Gerry Connolly speak to supporters. |
Mason Supervisor Penny Gross can win on Election Day if “we
can get out the vote and remind everyone her opponent is a Republican,” Rep.
Gerry Connolly told a crowd of supporters at a “Pancakes with Penny” fundraiser
Oct. 19 in Annandale.
can get out the vote and remind everyone her opponent is a Republican,” Rep.
Gerry Connolly told a crowd of supporters at a “Pancakes with Penny” fundraiser
Oct. 19 in Annandale.
Referring to challenger Mollie Loeffler, Connolly said, “we
need to make sure that the fiction that her opponent is an independent is laid
to rest.”
Connolly, a former chair of the Board of Supervisors, lauded
Gross for helping Fairfax County become a national model in environmental
policy. “As chairman of the Environmental Committee, she has really taken
Fairfax to a new level,” he said.
Gross, a Democrat seeking a sixth term on the Board of Supervisors, told the audience one of her
top priorities during the next year will be updating the county’s environmental
plan, which was adopted 11 years ago.
top priorities during the next year will be updating the county’s environmental
plan, which was adopted 11 years ago.
Education, the economy, and the environment are her
top priorities. With school board member Sandy Evans at her side, Gross said she and Evans have been working on a concept for a new school in the Willston area. “It’s
very important that supervisors and school board members work well together and
we have.”
top priorities. With school board member Sandy Evans at her side, Gross said she and Evans have been working on a concept for a new school in the Willston area. “It’s
very important that supervisors and school board members work well together and
we have.”
While it’s great working on policy issues on the Board of
Supervisors, Gross said helping constituents with problems is critical. “It’s what
we do every day for people in the community – that’s what gets my juices going;
that’s what gives me energy.”
Supervisors, Gross said helping constituents with problems is critical. “It’s what
we do every day for people in the community – that’s what gets my juices going;
that’s what gives me energy.”
What’s needed is “a positive approach to life,” Gross said. “There
are a lot of people who will tear you down. Being negative is not my style.”
are a lot of people who will tear you down. Being negative is not my style.”
"Being negative is not my style.” WOW, does she not think we do not get her mailings about Jessica and now Mollie?
Yes she does
To bad she couldn't just run on her record but has to rely on people looking for a D near her name.
We keep hearing the fiction that Penny is an environmentalist.. Increasing development on every possible parcel of land with no consideration of the resulting traffic congestion ,air pollution, loss of green space and adverse impact on an already overloaded infrastructure seems to be the exact opposite.of stewardship. Also where are the 200 acres that she has "saved" in her 5 terms in office? This stretch and the comment, that Penny's opponent is a closet Republican is all that can be said about her 20 years in office.?. How very sad and how very telling.
And hang on,, "the negative is not my style"
candidate is in full swing and will continue the personal and untrue attacks which have been the hallmark of all her campaigns.
“As chairman of the Environmental Committee, she has really taken Fairfax to a new level,”
Penny for your thoughts Penny – Why does the Green party support Mollie?
Sorry, Gerry, but Mollie Loeffler isn’t a Republican. Moreover, why Penny Gross is still holding fund raisers? She’s been raking in large donations from developers, businessmen and all kinds of other special interests that could care less about Mason. That’s makes her indistinguishable from any fat cat GOP candidate. In contrast, Mollie Loeffler has been running a grassroots campaign using small individual donations. Not exactly Donald Trump. Playing the party card represents a transparent ploy to draw attention away from the fact that Penny Gross is the darling of big money interests who will demand a return on their investment if she’s reelected.
Sorry Anonymous, but Mollie is a Republican and a former supporter of the Tea Party to boot. Nothing wrong with that, but I for one am pretty tired and angry that Mollie is trying to play herself as being an "independent" and claiming to be something she is not.
I have gotten to know Mollie, and if she is a republican, she is most certainly far from a mainstream republican, and she most certainly isn't a tea-partier.
But tell you what. Maybe Mollie will start saying she is a republican when Penny stops the charade of being a democrat. Penny is anti-schools (have you seen this?, is in the pockets of developers and PACs, and slings mud every chance she gets. She is taking every opportunity to be as environmentally unfriendly as she can. I'm sorry, but that is about as anti-Dem as you can get – she is a horrible Democratic party representative, and she needs to go.
Say whatever you want about Mollie being whatever – to me, Mollie's record standing for the people for her community association and in the Mason District Council is what really matters. She has stood for me, so I will stand with her on Nov 3.
The whole Mollie act will be up soon, folks – just like the Swanson act. And then the Penny antagonists will move on to something else, like maybe having a life.
Anonymous…. so you think being civic minded and caring about our local community isn't having a life?
Just so you know, unlike Penny who is vengeful for anyone who opposes her, Mollie plans on being a supervisor for everyone in our community – including those who have been Penny supporters.
"The whole Mollie act will be up soon, folks – just like the Swanson act. And then the Penny antagonists will move on to something else, like maybe having a life."
Maybe Penny will go on to something else 11/4 like officially going on the payroll of developers instead of taking their money as potlitical contributions
Mollie took a lot of flak at a public meeting recently for coming out as pro-abortion. Not exactly a Republican stance.
Not to get into a abortion flamewar, because abortion is hardly a local issue, but Mollie is pro-choice. you can be pro-choice and not necessariy "pro-abortion".
It seems like Mollie and Ellie's dream of making it to the BOS is slowly fading away as Mollie has no means to run an effective campaign. So they have taken to the Blog to save the day! Nice try ladies, you had the Blog vote wrapped up years ago.
Try again in four years when Penny crushes you again!
Actually, Penny is doing an excellent job of turning people towards Mollie with her gutter-mailer. I personally know of at least two people who have switched out yard signs and their vote after receiving Penny's attack mailer.
We don't need that kind of representation in Mason District.
count me as one of those people.
Mason Supervisor Penny Gross can win on Election Day if “we can get out the vote and remind everyone her opponent is a Republican,” Rep. Gerry Connolly told a crowd of supporters …
Wow, I'm impressed. So would representative Connolly be ok saying remind everyone her opponent is Gay, Mormon, Black, Hispanic, Handicapped, Asian, Catholic, Transgender, From Georgia, From Maine etc., I don't think so, but I guess Republican is the dirty word.
Kennedy had it right.
"Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future."
John F. Kennedy
Penny Gross has been combative and condescending with Mason neighbors for a long time. She's refused to publicly support her own neighborhood when we were fighting possible development of a cell tower that would be within 250 feet of a home. We've had a drive by and increased breakins in the neighborhood. The storm water management has been practically nonexistent. The roads are crumbling. Does ANYONE believe it will be better if she's re-elected?
Her paid staff who are commenting here sure think so 🙂
Certainly not. Isn't the definition of insanity to do the same thing and expect different results?
I'm tired of the negativity. It's one thing to critique an opponent's record and then point to how you would do things differently. The attacks that Penny puts out are unforgiveable in local politics.
Lets not forget that she has called everyone who considers the school crowding issue important racists. Don't believe me? See for yourself (obtained via FOIA):
I'm ready for change. Past ready.
When will Penny and the Democrats own up to the fact that Gross is the supervisor for Mason District? All she ever talks about is Fairfax County. And, Connolly is parroting her.
Well, Supervisor Gross, news flash. You are the Mason District Supervisor and your job is to promote and care for Mason District.
The Quality of Life in Mason District isn't great for lots of people. Mason District is a dump next to Mosaic and districts further west. Yet, you proclaim that "We enjoy a Great Quality of Life in Fairfax County," as if you were Bulova, chairman of the Board instead of Mason District Supervisor. Why do you ignore us for the County at large?
It's a slap in the face to ignore the facts about our district: the most student trailers, highest homicide and sex abuse rates, aging and deficient infrastructure, intersections and roadways rated F by transportation authorities.
When does Supervisor Gross plan to address Mason District's issues? She's had 20 years and our situation has only worsened. She doesn't deserve another 4.
If Penny has done such a fine job for Mason District, then it should be a no brainer to run her election on her record representing our community. Instead, she has to fall back on party affiliation and mud slinging. Even congressman Connolly know's Penny is on the ropes "if “we can get out the vote and remind everyone her opponent is a Republican,” . Penny is Done! Thank Goodness! Finally progress for Mason District.
Truth. Connolly is coming across as a bit desperate.
This applies to Fairfax County and Mason District. Substitute "county" for "federal".
""The very nature of our democracy is under siege due to the power structure and the money that finances both political parities," Webb said, adding later that it is "time for a new Declaration of Independence — not from an outside power but from the paralysis of a federal system that no longer serves the interests of the vast majority of the American people." Jim Webb
Mason District is located inside the beltway. It might be the most convenient location in the entire DC area. Yet, look at it. Look at the property value. Whoever says, "Yes, whoever has been in charge of this district for years, I want to see more of that" is not a rational human being. Tea Party, Republican Party– I'll take the Know Nothing party if it's running against the state of things. Wonder why Five Guys never returned– the area is a dump.
Connolly says, 'As chairman of the Environmental Committee, she (Gross) has really taken Fairfax to a new level,”
Too bad she hasn't taken Mason District to a new level.
Supervisor Gross is still planning to pave over the Willston Property with her $125m government palace. Its in the 2016 Capitol Improvement Plan, and it will be funded by Economic Development Authority bonds and we the taxpayers don't get a vote. We just get to pay more taxes to pay off the debt Gross will generate.
And we lose the last available green space in Seven Corners.
She's Chairman of the Environmental Committee with a passion for Fairfax County, but not her very own Mason District.
I agree 100% — supporting development that destroys the tree canopy, eliminates green space and habitat does not sound like a friend of the environment.
To: Anonymous10/20/15, 4:57 PM
You appear to be correct. Supervisor Gross seems to concentrate on Fairfax County, not Mason District. Maybe this accounts for the declince we've been suffering? Mason District doesn't seem to be a top priority.
"Gross, a Democrat seeking a sixth term on the Board of Supervisors, told the audience one of her top priorities during the next year will be updating the county’s environmental plan, which was adopted 11 years ago."
the citizens of Courtland Park were having to beg her for extra trees for the Spectrum development and the smallest of extra buffers. any sort of environmental requests were basically ignored from her office.