Here’s what West End will look like

Foulger-Pratt, the company developing West End in Alexandria, shared illustrations of some of the proposed buildings at a community meeting June 14.
West End is the residential and commercial section of the redevelopment project on the site of the former Landmark Mall, which is being demolished. A huge area of the 51-acre property will be taken up by an Inova hospital and related medical facilities.

Foulger-Pratt plans to divide its section of the site into eight blocks, with part of the property reserved for green space. The parking garage is the only existing structure that will remain in place.
Block I, closest to the garage, will have a seven-story, 390-unit apartment building with a total of 87,000 square feet of retail, probably including a grocery store.

Block K, in the middle of the site will have an eight-story apartment building. The building will have 339 units, 26,500 square feet of retail, and a parking garage.
Blocks E and G are between the existing parking deck and a central plaza. These blocks will have two apartment buildings with a total of 390 units, 77,000 square feet of retail, and a 100,000-square-foot medical office building.

Foulger-Pratt expects the other blocks to have townhomes, condos, and a building for seniors.
The City of Alexandria’s Planning Commission and City Council are expected to hold hearings on the proposed designs during the first quarter of 2023.

After the old mall is demolished, rough grading of the site will start this fall. Foulger-Pratt expects to start construction of the infrastructure in the third quarter of 2023 and complete it in spring 2025.
Hopefully they won’t fill up the retail with a bunch of ethnic and cheap stores. We want MAINSTREAM stores that attract a diversity of individuals. We are not interested in a WOKE shopping center.
This is too easy, K must stand for Karen.
You want diversity among shoppers, but not diversity in the type of shops? That seems to be contradictory. Diversity in the stores will bring in more diverse shoppers. At any rate, the market will decide what stores become tenants. A profitable shopping center serves the population around it.
Not sure what stores aren’t woke at this point, but I agree in principle. We’ll also need a good police presence to deter incidents like we just had in Tysons. Then again, FFX Co. police are now woke. So, we’re doomed.
How specifically are they “woke”? Facts, not opinions please. Also, what exactly does that word mean to you? Seems to me most people use it the same they used CRT, something they don’t like (but really don’t know what it means).
Right, a gun store and a Waffle House will attract the”right” people, is that what you mean? Not sure if a Bass Pro Shop would fit, so maybe LLBean?
The architecture is nothing but ugly ugly ugly boxes. Why can’t builders see the ugliness for what it is. Housing ants!! In addition VDOT has said there will be major impact of traffic. DUH! The plan is for 3 left turns from Duke street. Imagine exiting 395N and crossing over 236 to make a left turn. And FFC gets NO tax money. It all goes to Alexandria.
Left out NO before impact
Don’t worry to the non-terrible people out there, the market will attract some cool stuff I’m sure. There aren’t too many developments in the DMV that cater exclusively to the sad old bigots that are sick and bitter and want flags on everything they buy. Hope they have some substantial below market rentals mixed in there.
You guys have wrecked this area. You can have it, really. We normal people have been moving out for some time. While you are searching for “below market rentals,” we are buying second and third homes and huge swaths of land far away from here. We’re not mad… just stating fact. We are resilient and can create great things from scratch.
I sincerely wish you the best of luck. Learning from mistakes is a valuable experience.
I called out bigoted people and you jump in and respond using our first black vice president’s daughter’s name? I’m assuming you are the same small-minded person that’s posted under several fake names. Most people that I meet around here are little more nuanced than that, So I’m assuming you are a troll or at least the same person.
By the way, my wonderful home is not negatively affected by affordable housing. There’s nowhere near enough of it to fill local needs and this bubble we live in. On the other hand, I would love the value of my home to decrease somewhat so that my taxes don’t continue to skyrocket.
Hahahaha “I’m sick of all these ETHNICS and ETHNIC restaurants! Bring back old country buffet!”
As usual, it looks like they’re minimizing green space, which is what really makes a community attractive and desirable. This looks like just another cookie-cutter of other recent developments all over Fairfax–way too congested.
It’s not Fairfax. It’s Alexandria. It will reap the tax benefits and Fairfax gets stuck with traffic.
Let’s just be happy its being developed. As for it being innovative and a novelty, that ship has sailed unfortunately.
For those who pretend not to know what WOKE is, it means a bunch of progressives who think that climate change should be our focus even if we pay $5.00 in gas and even thought the climate will only change by less than 2 degrees by ushering in climate change initiatives. It is a bunch of progressives that think that blacks like me want less police. It is a bunch of progressives that think that the border should be left open even though we have over 50 people that have come across our border (arrested) that are on the terror watchlist and the over 500,000 that “got away.” Woke people go hide in a corner when someone says something that they don’t agree with instead of reasoning through what the person says.
This is just too bigoted and nonsensical to be real, outside of the Fox News bubble. You’re trolling. Have a nice day with your woke stores.
In that case, it’s about a half-dozen people.
Definition of woke from Websters –
chiefly US slang
: aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice) But we will only succeed if we reject the growing pressure to retreat into cynicism and hopelessness. … We have a moral obligation to “stay woke,” take a stand and be active; challenging injustices and racism in our communities and fighting hatred and discrimination wherever it rises.—
What you are talking about is not what progressives think – We must actually talk and listen to one another without the labeling and name calling.
I’m just worried about the traffic.
Whoa, those are some BIG buildings. Just think of all those cars, and pedestrians, and a hospital right there too. What a mess. I thought Mosaic was a great idea until everyone moved in and started walking and driving all around it. Now it’s impossible to even get your car into the parking garage, its total gridlock on the weekends. (It’s like they took Shirlington, made it 10x bigger, EXCEPT the roads and pedestrian areas. And this looks even worse!) What did this story say, 1,500 APARTMENTS, PLUS town homes, PLUS condos, PLUS senior living…plus retail and the hospital?!?! I’ll stay on my side of 395, thank you.
How are the ambulances going to get it – fly? There is no way this is not a total traffic disaster 24/7…This is looking like a man made disaster…thank you democrats…
That’s correct. There will be an helipad. You are welcome.
These comments are so negative, I am thrilled about the future of the project! It’s only going to improve the West End area, which has a lot of room for improvement. We need more developments like this along the van dorn cooridor. I think this development will make our area so much better. Onwards and upwards! Can’t wait to see how it turns out.
When is development going to start? That area looks so bad.