Hummer, Woodburn precincts to be consolidated

The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on June 25 approved an ordinance to consolidate the Hummer precinct with the Woodburn precinct in Mason District.
Current residents of the Hummer Road precinct would vote at Woodburn Elementary School.
The next step calls for the county attorney to file a request for a “certification of no objection” with the Virginia attorney general. Upon approval, the change will take effect for the next general election on Nov. 5.
There are 2,251 voters in the Hummer precinct and 1,401 in the Woodburn precinct.
The current polling place for the Hummer precinct is the Fred Packard Center at 4022 Hummer Road in Annandale. The consolidation was recommended because the Packard Center is located in Annandale Community Park, which makes it insufficiently accessible to foot traffic from surrounding neighborhoods.
The size and configuration of the building is also increasingly challenging due to the increased space requirements for newer voting equipment.
Woodburn Elementary School, at 3401 Hemlock Drive, is less than a quarter of a mile from the northern boundary of the Hummer precinct and would provide greater overall accessibility for Hummer residents.
Additionally, as required by the Virginia Code, the two precincts share all the same political districts.
Consolidating the Hummer precinct with the Woodburn precinct will save approximately $2,000 per election in personnel costs for election officers.
How will I know where to vote I have voted hummer precint but was told to vote at Woodbury Elementery school.