ICE raids bring fear to local immigrant communities
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ICE picked up residents from the top floor of this building in Fairmont Gardens. |
Residents of the Fairmont Gardens apartments in Annandale are living in fear after two raids last week by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents. According to a witness, at least five people were taken away by ICE agents from two buildings, at 4136 and 4202 Wadsworth Court.
“People are just terrified. Everyone is staying inside with doors locked,” said Simon Sandoval-Moshenberg, an immigration attorney with the Falls Church office of the Legal Aid Justice Center.
[UPDATE – Rep. Gerry Connolly released the following statement on Feb. 14: “Recent reports of immigration raids have left many people in our community in fear and in search of answers. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) must offer the public, local elected leadership, and law enforcement a thorough explanation of how these recent actions were carried out.”]
The raid was part of a multi-state action by ICE that also targeted apartment complexes with many immigrant residents on the Route 1 corridor. There haven’t been any recent raids at apartments in the Culmore area of Bailey’s Crossroads, but that could happen any day.
Some of the people sought by ICE in the Fairmont Gardens raids had prior deportation orders against them and hadn’t shown up for court dates, most likely because they didn’t know or were afraid to go to court, Sandoval-Moshenberg said. Those people were probably sent to a detention center three or four hours away as a first step to deportation.
Other people picked up by ICE who are undocumented but don’t have prior deportation orders have the right to go before a judge and plead their case.
According to Sandoval-Moshenberg, the ICE agents “were looking for specific individuals but took others who had the bad luck of being in the same apartment.” That practice, known as “collateral arrest,” was a big problem during the Bush Administration, when ICE had monthly arrest quotas to fill and it didn’t matter if the person they arrested was the one who had been targeted or not.
That led to “huge civil rights violations in 2006-07,” including home invasions without a warrant and sweeps at 7-11s with ICE picking up anyone who looked Hispanic, Sandoval-Moshenberg said. The Obama Administration largely stopped collateral arrests, although there were a few incidents. Now the collateral arrest policy seems to be back in force.
The Fairfax County Police Department was not in on the ICE raids at Fairmont Gardens. The FCPD tends not to get involved with ICE except if they need help tracking down a gang leader or other known criminal, Sandoval-Moshenberg said.
While ICE claims they are targeting undocumented people with criminal backgrounds, they do not distinguish between major crimes like murder and relatively minor ones like DWI or marijuana possession that happened a decade ago, he said.
Whether ICE should have the authority to raid peoples’ homes can be debated, he said, but “when ICE picks up people who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, that’s not a legitimate law enforcement activity. That has the effect of terrorizing the community.”
"relatively minor like DWI or marijuana posession"… I'll admit the latter is minor, but I beg to differ as to the seriousness of the former. Note that Canada will not admit anyone who has even been indicted – much less convicted – of a DUI/DWI, and they will boot any foreigner who behaves in such a way with expedience.
Im going to stay out of the rest of this debate, which I'm sure will stay wonderfully civil… Just some perspective on the classification of DWI as a serious offence as well as what I know our generally more liberal neighbors to the north do regarding that offense.
That's a good point DWI is dangerous. And probably a good move to steer clear of the rest of the debate. I will too.
So has it thinned out the crowd between Ravensworth and Hummer?
yes we are all immigrants but my ancestors did not come here illegally any more then the Native Americans did, that's just stupid to say. some have been here longer though and I think anyone would agree that if you have worked harder and longer on something, you have more of a right to it then the guy who just walked up. If you don't agree then I am sure you will be fine standing at the back of the line while you allow all who would like to step in front of you. those who work hard and long to become citizens DESERVE citizenship. those who choose to take the easy road that puts them ahead of hard working people that have been waiting for citizenship are not just breaking the law, they are being bad people. they are doing wrong and it is as obvious as the nose on your face but somehow we are lead to believe that these people were willing to break our laws to flee a country they themselves created because why? their country was just too nice? for those who think Americans don't want to do menial labor your dead wrong. pat a fair working wage and you will have plenty of help. buy into a higher profit margin perspective and you may as well move to China. I don't drive a foreign car, my house was not built by illegals and the only reason I have to watch a foreign made TV is because we have already let this crap get completely out of hand. here's a tip, stop importing things that we can make here in the US. it really is that easy. force people to pay high shipping rates or buy American made. you would be surprised what investing in your own country can do. And of course we can look at Mexico to see where we're headed if we decide to allow our country to be treated they way Mexico is. if we go that rout, logically we will be trying to immigrate to Canada. If you like to note that we have illegal Canadians here too, I would refer you to the example of what a well run country looks like as stated below. create a country as clean as Canada and you are welcome to send a few over the fence. Leave rotting dead horse corpses covered in lime on your main streets and allow criminals to run your gov and local administrations and you can keep whomever you produce on your side of a massive wall.
I beg to differ with Attorney Sandoval's assertion that "when ICE picks up people who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, that’s not a legitimate law enforcement activity…." In fact, there’s nothing in the law that says you have to be a felon to be deported. ICE has a perfect right to arrest anyone they encounter who is in the country illegally. What's different now is that the Trump administration, unlike its predecessor, will not give a pass to illegals who are collaterally apprehended.
Your ancestors also entered this country illegally at some point in time. The only people who were legally in this country first were the Native Americans. A reason why there are so many people here "illegally" is because there is hardly any pathway to citizenship available to these people. So even if they enter the country legally (with a visa), they end up having illegal presence once their visa expires. It's not easy to obtain legal status; or else more people would be here with legal status.
It's poor judgment to drag an American citizens' forbearers into this debate. That's because they were overwhelmingly hard working people who respected the law. The fact that some foreigners cannot qualify for entry into the U.S. speaks for itself. This country doesn't owe anyone entry. For foreigners, living here is a privilege not a right. So, I see no reason to permit illegals to remain here flaunting our laws when so many other foreigners are patiently waiting to enter this country legally.
There is so much irony going on here I don't know where to start
Agreeed!!! I'm a foreigner! For foreigners, living here is a privilege not a right
Great. Keep up the good work. The Simon Sandoval Moshenbergs of the area who would like to delude themselves into trying to convince us that Fairmont Gardens and similar places are safe and crime-free paradises just full of good people just a bit down on their luck, fine, but I’ll look to police reports and overall visibly dumpy conditions for my evidence of the contrary.
Let’s put these tenements out of existence, in any way that we can.
I would like to know where your ancestors are from.
I hope the Culmore raids happen soon. They're long overdue.
Therebare alot of no name comments on here. Well ill leave my name along with a fuk u have a nice day racist bastards
ICE raids have been going on for years. No need to give Trump the Buffoon credit for this.
I would love to see they go to the Safeway Parking lot, McDonald's and the 7-11 every day that will really clean up the Annandale Area. I might actually go shop at those places again. If you are here ILLEGALLY then you already broke the law. I do not understand where that is not understood. It is time to send some folks back home. I for one am tired of all the trash I see around here. It used to much cleaner in this area. Those here illegally do not contribute to our community they take and take and I never see them volunteer back in the schools that their children have the privideledge of going to for FREE.
Bruh stfu the only reason your ass is still hear is because of them. But no the little amatuer has to go anonymous in writing a comment because you know you wouldnt be here without them. Why dont you get off your ass and work at the farms instead of immigrants, oh right your to fucking lazy and stupid that all you can do is sit your ass comment stupid shit. Don't worry when they are gone the whole world will see the united states on their knees begging for them to come back. Arizona is the beginning of no immigrants in farms and look how good its going for them.���� Well I guess you should look back at your ancestors cause if you wont believe me they surely got here illegally too. HAHAHA
Tell all your black and white folks to stop begging and loitering streets too, sweetheart! It's not only illegals…. You're some real trash if you feel you are their target hahaha! Pathetic!
There are no large working farms inside the beltway. I fully support free-for-all visa giveaways and legalization for farm workers, but that simply doesn't apply in this area.
Anonymous 8:05PM has a few loose screws. We are a nation of laws and compassion. Many people from other lands are taking advantage of our generosity. Unfortunately many who should be here are being denied. Proper vetting as the President has identified would be appropriate to filter the good from the bad. Unfortunately the new administration has fumbled the process by keeping it on the radar and boasting the executive order. Although many immigrants are needed to fill jobs in the US and keep us diverse and prosperous the overwhelming illegal influx has tipped the scale. Many have come here for the wrong reasons. And that is too bad for those that are really suffering in their homeland or have valuable skills to bring to America.
Anonymous2/13/17, 8:05 PM What you're referring to is the H-2A Agricultural Visa program which allows foreigner to temporarily enter the U.S. to perform agricultural work. It's not a path to permanent residence or citizenship. In the past, farm owners have found it more cost effective to hire illegals than to comply with the program's complicated paperwork and expense. However, as the crackdown on illegals dries up that source of labor, the weaknesses in the H-2A program have become apparent. Sooner or later, the Administration will have to address this issue, but not at the expense of national security.
One more thing: Most of the illegals in this country aren't agricultural workers. They live in urban centers. By cracking down on them, ICE is finally sending a long overdue message to potential illegal immigrants.
You know all those times you ran a red light or went 10 miles over the speed limit? That is also BREAKING THE LAW. You do not know the circumstances that these people came from. Most are escaping poverty, internals wars, etc. Please just open up your heart just a little to empathize and understand their motives. Also, you say these "illegal" immigrants are not contributing and only taking? The majority of these immigrants pay taxes… how you may ask? There are these things called Tax ID numbers made specifically for the purpose of filing with not social security number, they are completely legal and used by many. They also get money taken out of their weekly paychecks for social security purposes just like everyone else. The only difference is that they will never get to use this money. Since they have no status in the country, they will not get to benefit from the money that they worked very hard to earn. Unlike the rest of us they will not get a monthly income once they retire. Now isn't that a huge contribution? Most of these immigrants are also doing intense labor jobs and getting a very low pay, since they have no legal status, they are forced to take the wages they can get (minimum wage does not always to them), doing jobs that most Americans do not want to do. Economic studies have proved that immigrants only stimulate the economy, remove them all and the American economy is going to suffer immensely. If the problem is that they are here illegally, you should be supporting a pathway to citizenship for them. Naturalization comes a large cost, but these people would be more than willing to pay the necessary fees, only adding to American GDP. These people are only under these circumstances because the US has left them with no other option; give them a means and they will most certainly take it.
"If the problem is that they are here illegally, you should be supporting a pathway to citizenship for them." That's a direct slap in the face to those foreigners who are patiently waiting to legally enter this country. There is simply no reason to reward people for breaking our laws.
Folks, regardless how much $ any immigrant "contributes" there is no comparison to what they receive. The basics:
Police protection, fire and EMS services, hospitals and clinics, public utilities such as electricity, potable water, sewage and trash disposal are just some of the "BENEFITS" our citizens built and pay for.
(anon 9:56)
Other programs (low income housing, housing assistance, SNAP and many other government and CHARITABLE programs, like food banks) are available to all residents in this area.
That doesn't even begin to account for the luxuries: like schools, libraries, parks, playgrounds, community recreation centers and much, much more.
Some are calling all this "white privilege" but it's AMERICAN PRIVILEGE. And you won't find this "standard" of living in many other countries.
Wow, this guy is scared of people standing outside. Must be hard living when you're scared of people that are different than you. Time to send this guy back!
Anonymus you are an asso, you talk to much better if you stay away from the internet system.
Al21417 apparently you're an idiot. They don't recurve low income housing not food stamps. You must I repeat MUST have a valid social security number to apply for those programs. They pay taxes in the case of my husband father of my three children, has paid taxes for 14 years. Has an iron so he's not using a fake number unfortunately that means he gets nothing back. Ever! Now if there was a way to have him legal we would have. We met with an stormy yearly unfortunately I'm a home maker and have no income the rules that are needed to sooner him had income guidelines that as a homemaker I obviously don't meet.
No once they all go back whiney ass liberals who want everything done dirt cheap but to look 100 percent professional will either learn to live without or will actually have to pay a legal citizen fair wages for their labor and or work. Farms?? Majority of that is automated now anyways robots will be replacing the Mexican pickers in no time. Why don't you stay back in your country and make it great since your so special.
They are not paid $2 an hour to do laborious work. Not at all. If you want to hire someone from the Home Depot parking lot, it is going to cost you $15-$20 per hour for someone with experience.
Please go into the Prince William County areas and the Lorton, VA area
DO NOT MOVE TO PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY. Please move next door to the Anonymous 2/13/17 10:05.
Please shut up. I am sick of your ignorant ass wishing hatred and fear onto people you don't even personally know. "I wish someone would literally raid your house and tell you to go back to the country your ancestors are from." Doesn't sound too nice does it? You're lucky I'm not ignorant nor hateful enough to mean that and wish it upon you. Have a good day and think about what it means to be mature and know when not to comment something stupid.
A lot of immigration rights supporters apparently fail to recognize how offended many citizens are over the ability of illegals to flaunt this nation's immigration laws. The only so-called "right" illegals have is to a hearing before an immigration judge. Once that avenue is exhausted, they are subject to immediate deportation. The Obama administration gave illegals the false impression that, if they waited long enough, they would ultimately receive amnesty and a path to citizenship. That clearly not going to happen now that Donald Trump is president. Ironically, this issue probably had a great deal to do with electing Trump. The biggest losers in all of this may be those DACA kids whose parents put them in a legal limbo by raising them as undocumented Americans. Although I have no sympathy for those parents, I hope the administration shows some compassion for their kids.
Anyways, Annadale blog is a bunch of liberals too…I am here as legal citizen and I obtained my citizenship fairly after waiting 5 years and living in this country 30 years, I am tired of all the illegals in Annandale too! Deport them all!
you deserve all the freedoms this country can provide you my friend. Thank you for your hard work getting in and becoming a legal citizen. it more then proves your value to the U.S. it proves your self worth and determination and you are a priceless addition to this great country.
so much racism on here. very disappointing to know my neighbors are closet racists.
Don't take internet commenters as a representative sample of your neighborhood. Most of the people I know in Annandale are great. Immigration is a tricky problem with no simple answers. It's a balancing act between fairness and compassion, and we haven't found a good solution yet.
+1 to 1018, best comment here
Closet conservative, because it's not cool anymore to be a conservative in DC apparently!
Part I
Anon 4:50/9:56 this is Anon 7:37. Everyone has their limit…. when will you hit yours? Its not being racist when immigration laws are being enforced….. you're playing the race card when you try and flip it back on people that are fed up with what we have here – "intolerance" for the same illegal situation. When you go inside the new Aldie will you come out with a bag of groceries for them? I doubt it…. Why are they "terrified to go out of their apartments" at the Fairmont Gardens? If you have a green card or citizenship then go about your business – right? Want an education about how our folks are assimilating? Go to the Fairfax County General Courthouse – and observe….. actually all you have to do is go to the docket on the computer monitors outside of the courtrooms and see how many names end with -ez
If you pay taxes on your income, personal property, FICA etc… and these folks pay their Tax ID at the marginal tax rate of ? I would hazard a guess that you are sustaining them more than they are you. If you want to tithe then do it at your local church.
Part II
Its because Fairfax County (Loudoun is #1) is the second richest county in the U.S.A that we are a magnet and we are barely treading water sustaining our schools and infrastructure here. Our roads are crap, Richmond doesn't send us the money we need because of the liberals here will spend it on social programs that what……. encourage more illegal folks coming up from the south. Why do you think Woodson H.S. is so white? (go to FCPS and look up the school's demographic makeup…. its there for every school) Because they have a very strong lobby to prevent re-districting to prevent places like Fairmont Gardens feeding into their school. A person's home is their biggest investment and retirement asset, and so the Woodson parents are smart(liberal) and organized. They know if they let their school get re-districted and allow (pick your apartment complex) into their district then their test scores go down as well as their home values go down – then perish the thought – Zillow will rank their schools to OMG a 7! It is the typical "not in my back yard" concept.
FCPS has a 1.2 BILLION DOLLAR BUDGET and its still not enough!!! Two years ago were going to cut after school programs for "everyone" when the budget wouldn't balance…. you know why? Because the school system had to ingest 4000 illegal children that you know…. somehow arrived when the real estate sales forecast the school system uses to prognosticate what their numbers should be was off by about 4k!
So when will you hit your limits libs? Will you really fall on your sword to protect illegal immigration when its impacts your schools, county budget, crime, and life or will you just sell and move away to Loudoun County?
I agree with Anonymous 4:10pm, the government has every right to check immigration status and arrest illegal aliens. I am a liberal, but I've seen wgere illegal immigrants have taken a lot of service jobs that citizens would be trying to get. There is the expectation that we should accept illegal immigrants and allow them to stay, but it is, by definition, illegal. American citizens, that I know of, don't expect to be peacefully allowed to live illegally iin other countries.
Hail Hydra
the whole cost argument is dumb. you see how much we are paying for protection for trump's wife and kids since they are living in NY or all of his weekend getaways? more than all the costs for the illegals
In Annandale a few years ago, an illegal tried to rob me. I got away from him and when I got home I called the Fairfax County Police. The Police told me QUOTE " DON'T CALL US, CALL THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS" End of conversation with the cops. End Fairfax sanctuary NOW
Trump all the way! And by the way I'm not a foreign red neck either if that's what you people think.
How do you know the individual was undocumented?
Send ICE over to Trump National golf course there's plenty there.