Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

It’s celebration time at Congresional Schools

The Congressional Schools community gathers in front of the school’s main building.

Hundreds students, staff members, alumni, and friends converged
on the Congressional Schools of Virginia last weekend for the institution’s
75th anniversary celebration.

The festivities began April 24 with a ceremony at the school’s
campus on Sleepy Hollow Road, Falls Church. The keynote speaker, Linda
Ward Byrd of the Congressional Class of 1968, recounted her memories at a
school where “everyone knew my name.”

Tina Trapnell, former Mason District supervisor and a former
member of Congressional’s board of trustees, spoke about the school’s history, beginning
with its founding in 1938 by Malcolm and Evelyn Devers. The event also included
student performances and the dedication of a time capsule with items selected
by students. On April 25, the anniversary celebration continued with a golf
tournament and gala.

“From our modest beginnings as a small preschool, to our
current standing as a leading independent early childhood, elementary, and
middle school in the D.C. area, we are proud to have touched the lives of so
many children,” says Janet Marsh, Congressional’s executive director. “We look
forward to continuing to provide excellence in education for generations to

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