Justice HS gets a stadium restroom

Spectators at Justice High School football games will no longer have to take care of business in a porta potty.
A new outdoor restroom has been installed next to the stadium.
That is the first modular stadium restroom completed as part of a Fairfax County Public Schools project to add outdoor restrooms at 15 high schools.
The foundation and plumbing have been installed for the stadium restroom at Annandale High School, but there is no timeline for when the structure will be completed, says AHS Principal Shawn DeRose.
FCPS had originally scheduled the stadium restroom at Annandale to be completed by the end of the 2023 school year. But inspectors found that work done in 2023 was not up to county standards and had to be redone.
Related story: Board of Supervisors approves restrooms for high school stadiums
The entire project has been held up do to permitting delays. “We do not have timelines for specific schools. All stadium restrooms are on track to be installed before the 2025-26 school year,” says FCPS Media Outreach Specialist Steven Brasley. Underground site work has been completed at 14 other schools.
“The project has been advertised to prospective contractors. We will know the costs when we receive bids in late August,” he says. Bids are due Aug. 21.
The permitting process for the Justice restrooms took about a year. According to Brasely, “FCPS is working with county officials to develop an efficient process for the additional restroom sites.”
Wow -finally something the be clowned Democrats on the Board didn’t screw up…congrats
That’ll work nicely for all the homeless and drug addicts that live there in the woods. Assume that’s who it’s really for?
Someone really needs to clean up their trash on the hillside behind the baseball dugout- it’s a disgrace.
I’m assuming it’s locked when there aren’t any games. Seriously doubt it would be unlocked 24/7. Or do you mean there will be a line of homeless people and drug addicts lined up to use it for nefarious purposes during a softball game?
It will work nicely for parents who help with concessions or are there to watch their kid since the school is locked up for outdoor evening games. I have yet to see any homeless people or drug addicts in the stadium or lurking. Not to say they don’t exist, but as parent to a rising sophomore and one that graduated a year ago, they are not coming to use the bathroom and the bathrooms will be locked when there isn’t anything going on.
I’m shocked that all the schools in wealthier neighborhoods get the permits and projects done sooner (not really, sadly for many reasons). What would be really nice to know is if the construction company that did not do the work properly, thus it had to be done again, got paid for poor quality if not unacceptable work. If that vendor did get paid- who in Fairfax Public Schools got fired or at least had their pay docked for poor performance and mismanagement. What & who was held accountable? Someone should be.
Once again women have gotten the short end of the stick. ONE stall!! Do FFC planners have straw for brains? Do they witness the LONG lines women endure? What a county.
It’s one stall for both Einstein.
Dear birdbrain. Signs read “women” “men”. Apology accepted