Justice HS hosts mini-golf tournament

The Justice High School Activities Office is seeking sponsors for a mini-golf community fundraiser.
The event is May 5, 6:30 p.m., at Jefferson District Park, 7900 Lee Highway, Falls Church.
The Mini-Golf Tournament is a fun family night out for students, staff, and community members with the goal of raising funds for uniforms, equipment, and other items for Justice athletic programs.
There are several sponsorship levels for businesses:
- Platinum – $500. Benefits: The tournament will be named for the business, advertisements at the registration table, business logo on the Justice HS sports website, advertisement banner displayed at school events for the 2022-23 school year, and a yard sign on a golf course hole.
- Red – $150. Advertisements at the registration table, business logo on the sports website, yard sign on a designated hole.
- Blue – $100. Yard sign on a designated hole.
- White – $50. Advertisement at the registration table
For more information, contact Greg Weisbecker, [email protected].