Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Lake Barcroft celebrates Earth Day

Kent Knowles, president of the Raptor Conservancy of Virginia, with a gyrfalcon.

Lake Barcroft residents celebrated the communitys seventh annual Earth Day Sunday with
birds of prey demonstration, native plants and seeds, barge rides, and displays from
organizations that promote sustainability and protect the environment.

Lake Barcroft supports at least 22 fish species, including the fish in this pool.
The festival “brings people together to support urban
forests and educate people about how urban forests protect water quality,” says Betsy
Washington, the founder of the Earth Day event and the former environmental chair for the Lake Barcroft Association.   
Erin Duvas of the Stuart High School crew team helps out at the team’s fundraiser.
“We are blessed with so much wildlife and a natural system of
plants,” Washington says. Osprey, herons, and beavers make Lake Barcroft their home, and a bald
eagle has been spotted in the area.
Betsy Washington gives out seeds from native plants.
Participants at the Earth festival included the Raptor Conservancy of Virginia; Hidden Oaks Nature Center; the Fairfax County urban forester; the Humane Gardener; Sprouts, a company that helps homeowners
create organic vegetable gardens; GeesePeace; Bob “the Woodturner” Horowitz, who creates
wooden objects from fallen trees; birding expert Paul Napier; Hill House Nursery, a specialist in native plants;
the Stuart High School crew team; and several Lake Barcroft artists
A perfect day for a barge ride.
Native plants from Hill House Nursery.
Kids enjoy Beach No. 5.

4 responses to “Lake Barcroft celebrates Earth Day

    1. Lake Barcroft is a private community and it is not open to the public. Guests must be accompanied by a Barcroft resident.

    2. Lake Barcroft is a private community and its beaches are not open to the public. Residents carry identification tags. Guests must be accompanied by residents.

    3. Original 9:34 poster here…

      I assumed that Barcroft hadn't changed their nature over the years. Oh well; it's their right. Perhaps others in the area can take some inspiration from their events.

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