Landscaping planned for Bailey’s Xroads and Annandale

Landscaping improvements are set to start this spring, in the Commercial Revitalization Districts in Bailey’s Crossroads and Annandale.
The landscaping contractor hired by the county will replace dead and diseased plants and fill in bare spots along the brick sidewalk on Columbia Pike between Lacy Boulevard and Carlin Springs Road in Bailey’s Crossroads. Some of the roses are stricken with Rosette Disease.
They will avoid the area where the sidewalk will be replaced as part of the Alta Crossroads apartment building planned for Columbia Pike and Moncure Avenue.
In Annandale, the landscaping will be done along the brick sidewalks on Columbia Pike, John Marr Drive, and Little River Turnpike.
Related story: Planning Commission approves Final Development Plan for multifamily building in Bailey’s Crossroads
The landscaping project is managed by the Commercial Revitalization District maintenance program. Fairfax County, not VDOT, is responsible for maintaining areas in the CRDs. The work could start as early as April.
The landscaping is expected to conform to the design guidelines approved for Annandale and Bailey’s Crossroads.
Are any updates available on when construction will begin on the Alta Crossroads development?
Any development in Baileys Crossroad is always stalled by the lack of political smarts and absence of development friendly advocates. That is why we are left with an area that has been notably called “the Dump.”
If we’re honest, the population there leaves a lot to be desired.
How much will it cost and where will the money come from?
Where was the maintenance of this stretch? Where was Penny Gross’ oversight? Another waste of county tax dollars because there’s never any oversight.
Throwing money at that area is akin to flushing taxpayer funds down the toilet. That area doesn’t need a facelift. It needs to be razed completely. Anything less is a waste in my opinion.
i wonder whether the plant related beautification will be with natives plants. The parks around our area are all overtaken in many parts by invasives.