Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Lessons in democracy start early

The ACCA Child Development Center teaches kids about democracy by having them vote for their favorite Paw Patrol character.
CDC teacher Tinhinane “Tina” Meziane engages children in a Paw Patrol voting exercise.

With all the political divisiveness and disrespect in the country, Isabel Ballivian, executive director the ACCA Child Development Center, believes it’s critical to educate young children about democratic principles and civility.

The CDC, an early education program that serves about 200 children, many from lower-income immigrant households, is located at 7200 Columbia Pike in Annandale.

As the U.S. gears up for Election Day on Nov. 5, Ballivian created a democracy program to teach 3 and 4-year-olds about voting by having a primary and election focused on their favorite characters in the Paw Patrol cartoon show. Members of the Paw Patrol are dogs who carry out rescue missions to keep their community safe.

The Associated Press visited the CDC on Sept. 19 to report on the school’s democracy project.


An Associated Press reporter asks a CDC student about the Paw Patrol election.

Pictures of the Paw Patrol characters who made it through the primary voting were posted on a wall, and kids placed stickers on their favorites. Skye, the helicopter pilot, got the most votes.

When some children were upset that their favorite candidate didn’t win, their teacher encouraged them to contribute more drawings and do a better job of campaigning next time. The voting process also covered basic math skills.

Ballivian spoke about how disheartening it is to see the news and how “disrespect has become a way of communicating.”

“We need to express ideas that are respectful and that bring us together,” Ballivian said. “If we start with young children, we can build a better future with leaders who are thoughtful.”

“When you do this right, children will be less likely to become violent and engage in self-destructive behavior,” she said. “Early childhood sets the stage for everything that happens later.”

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