Man gets two life sentences for 2022 murder in Seven Corners

The man who killed a woman and set her body on fire in Seven Corners in August 2022 received two consecutive life sentences, Fairfax County Commonwealth’s Attorney Steve Descano announced on March 15.
Richard Montano, 48, was lying in wait in the apartment of his ex-girlfriend, Fatima Via Rojas, at 2916 Willston Place, when her friend, Silvia “Kelly” Vaca Abacay, 40, came through the door instead.
Vaca Abacay and her husband were staying in Fatima’s apartment at the time, and when she encountered Montano, he killed her and set her body on fire in an attempt to conceal the murder, states a news release from the Commonwealth Attorney’s office.

Evidence presented at trial showed that Montano had entered the apartment that afternoon, likely intending to kill Via Rojas, after she had ended their eight-year on-and-off relationship at the end of July.
Related story: Man arrested for murdering a woman and setting her on fire
A neighbor’s Ring camera footage captured Montano entering the apartment without Via Rojas’ knowledge multiple times in the preceding month, including his last entry just 10 days before the murder.
The same neighbor called 911 four times during the afternoon of Aug. 10 after hearing screaming and banging from across the hall. The medical examiner determined that Vaca Abacay died from multiple sharp and blunt force wounds before her body was set on fire.
Montano was arrested the following day. In October 2023, he was convicted by a jury of first-degree murder and arson of an occupied dwelling.
“The extreme level of violence and complete disregard for human life demonstrated by Richard Montano is of a level rarely seen in Fairfax County,” Descano said. “The loss to Ms. Vaca Abacay’s family and loved ones is unimaginable. There is nothing that can undo her needless, senseless death, but as of today, the defendant will not be able to harm anyone else in our community.”
At the sentencing, the judge noted that Montano did not take responsibility for his actions, that the crime was premeditated, and that he tried to cover up the crime by setting a fire.
Montano was in the country illegally. He is a Honduran resident. I feel this is an important fact.
Of course you would, racist.
I’ll have you know I am 100% Black.
Why is it important or newsworthy that a man you don’t know murdered a woman you don’t know? Why show his name or a picture of his face? Why report it happened in Virginia? Why report anything at all?!
You know, Ted, even before I read your comment, I knew you were incapable of answering my question. I’m asking somebody else about their thoughts; you predictably have nothing to add.
why did you say whos legal and illegal under this post and the last
That doesn’t change the fact that undocumented immigrants have significantly lower overall and lower violent crime rates than U.S.-born citizens.
And while those statistics provide no comfort to the victim’s family for their tragic loss, it’s a good reminder that the undocumented pose less of a threat overall than natural born citizens.
Terrible – Terrible
It is a very important fact Emily, thank you.
Yes, I agree that this is an important fact.
But, I think this fact needs to be considered within a wider perspective.
First, approximately 81 million Americans voted for the victorious Biden-Harris Administration. Those voters either knowingly (or because of not paying attention, unknowingly) voted for a President who made it clear during the 2020 campaign that he wanted millions of new immigrants to enter the USA during his Administration.
And the Biden-Harris Administration has governed accordingly.
Second, of most importance, it appears to me that the vast majority of the recent immigrants to the USA (both documented and undocumented) are honest, law-abiding people. I don’t consider undocumented immigrants to have committed an illegals act because they have implicitly (if not explicitly) been welcomed with open arms into the USA.
For example, thousands of undocumented immigrants work in the “animal processing” industry — killing, cutting, and packing the food Americans eat — jobs the vast majority of Americans are not willing to do (and that can’t be done by artificial intelligence).
Third, do some immigrants enter the USA with criminal backgrounds; with mental illnesses that increase the likelihood they will commit crimes; with substance use disorders that increase the likelihood they will kill others while driving impaired on America’s streets.
Absolutely, Yes!!! But the fact remains, it is not logical to think a nation that encourages the entry of millions of immigrants over a relatively short period of time will not experience any crime committed by any of those millions of immigrants.
With all this in mind, in my opinion the Biden-Harris Administration has faithfully carried out its 2020 campaign promise of encouraging large scale immigration into the U.S.A. as safely and humanely as possible.
One final thought from me. In this instance, it is reported that the perpetrator of the heinous crime was in an eight-year on-and-off relationship with the intended victim.
This means it may be assumed that the perpetrator entered the USA before the Biden-Harris Administration. In that sense, the specific point I was trying to share in my previous comment may not be entirely valid.
However, the broader point is. The vast majority of recent (over the last 20 or more years) immigrants to the USA (both documented and undocumented) are honest hardworking people who have made the USA a better place.
But no group of people are perfect.
It is logically and morally wrong to attribute the crimes of one immigrant to all immigrants; Just as it is wrong to attribute the crimes of one teacher, one police officer, one priest, to all teachers, police officers, and priests, respectively.
I proudly call America’s recent immigrants my neighbors.
Montano should’ve been sentenced to DEATH! What was the judge even thinking?!