Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Mason District schedules budget meeting for March 15

Mason district residents are encouraged to attend a community meeting March 15, 7 p.m., at the Mason Government Center, on the proposed Fairfax County budget for fiscal year 2011. Similar meetings have been scheduled for other districts throughout the month.

With the county facing a projected budget of $257.2 million, the proposed budget calls for deep cuts in many popular programs and services, such as libraries, parks, public safety, and other areas. Overall, the proposed budget calls for a spending cut of $103.3 million. It would trim $16.3 million in fund transfers to the Fairfax County public schools, and raise $121.4 million in “revenue enhancements.”

The advertised budget recommends a maximum eight-cent increase in property taxes per $100 in assessed value. That would give the board of supervisors some leeway to approve a smaller tax increase. The median value of homes has declined about 5.5 percent over last year countywide, which means an increase in the tax rate won’t mean a large tax increase for most homeowners right away.

Additional revenue would be raised by imposing a $33 vehicle registration license fee and increasing the fees for the school-age child care program, stormwater services, and other services.

The board of supervisors will adopt a final FY 2011 budget April 27. Residents can submit comments on the budget online or call the budget hotline at 703/324-9400 to record feedback. Public hearings on the budget will be held April 6 at 6 p.m., and  April 7 and 8 at 3 p.m. If you want speak at a hearding, contact the Office of the Clerk to the Board at 703/324-3151 or sign up online.

One response to “Mason District schedules budget meeting for March 15

  1. Insanity. Cut the budget, the deserve no more money. They have squandered billions during the boom and now want to tax us even more.

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