Mason District voters speak up

With the election just two days away, we dropped by the Mason Government Center on Saturday, the last day of early voting, to ask random people who they were voting for for president. We then asked them to give a reason in one or two sentences.
A White male in his 30s said he voted for Harris because he’s concerned about health care. “She’s a better person and supports rights for everyone, unlike Trump who supports those he likes.”
A White woman in her 50s said Harris “is the only reasonable choice.” Another White woman said she’s voting for Harris because of the Supreme Court.
More than 30 percent of registered voters in Fairfax County voted early, the Office of Elections reports. As of Oct. 27, 226,350 ballots were cast, including 160,452 in person, 51,462 by mail, and 14,436 by dropbox.
A Black male in his 40s in line at the Mason Government Center said he is voting for Harris because “I don’t like the rhetoric on the other side. Trump is vilifying people, talking about his plans to deport immigrants. Harris has more ideas for solutions and is more inclusive than the other side.”
Another Harris voter, a White woman in her 70s, said Harris “is truly concerned about the American people. She is very intelligent and has great experience. Harris will preserve Social Security and Medicare and supports funds for home care for seniors who can’t afford it.”
An Asian woman in her 50s said she voted for Trump because “he’s not going to maintain the status quo” and will shake up the “deep state.”
A White male in his 60s said he voted for Trump because “he did a great job four years ago” and “I will have full faith he will carry out his 24 priorities.” Those priorities, listed on the Republicans’ sample ballot, include “sealing the border,” stopping “the migrant crime epidemic,” and cutting funds for schools that promote “radical gender ideology.”
A White woman in her 30s said she voted for Harris because “I’m a doctor and I care about reproductive health.”
A woman in her 20s voted for Harris because “she’s a powerful woman and sets a good example for children.”
“I want to punish Republicans,” said a White male Harris voter. A Black woman in her 30s said she is voting for Harris “because I’m a female.”
A White male in his 40s said he’s voting for Harris because “it’s pretty obvious.”
The polls are open Tuesday, Nov. 5, 6 a.m.-7 p.m. If you’re not sure where to vote, find your precinct here.
If you’re one of the 1,600 or so Virginians purged from the voter registration rolls by Gov. Glenn Youngkin, you can take advantage of same-day registration and cast a provisional ballot on Election Day if you’re a citizen.
If you run into any problems, stay at your polling place and call the voter protection hotline, 844-4VA-VOTE.
This is a key indicator that not everyone should be able to vote. Lmao
Agreed! And I find it funny how this publication is far-left leaning and doesn’t hide it. “Purged by the voter registration rolls by Gov. Glenn Youngkin” – tell me you’re a liberal without telling me you’re a liberal.
This is a blog that is very admittedly progressive. Look at the about us page.
What I find so funny is how many conservatives come here so astonished by this and spend time trolling. Don’t you have your “truth” social to go commiserate on? 🤢
“Show me a young Conservative and I’ll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old Liberal and I’ll show you someone with no brains.”
– Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill, who died 60 years ago and couldn’t possibly imagine the insanity going on today.
As a Winston Churchill obsessed person, I must take issue with your comment that is sometimes attributed to him, is rather apples to oranges for our purposes, and remind you that his views on tyranny would make better analogies.
I hope every citizen votes, and can accept the outcome as we have the safest and best voting systems in the world. If your choice of candidates wins, congratulations and please be gracious knowing that many others didn’t agree, as one candidate said “a seat at the table” is a good choice given the divisions. If your candidate loses, again be gracious and accept the setback. Also, any loosing candidate should know that there is another election coming and that there is work to do explaining your side’s views and policies for the next election. A lot of people are dead to ensure we are safe and have the right to vote in peaceful elections. Please honor them by voting for your choice of candidates. Not voting ignores that sacrifice and you have decided to let others that vote to make choices for you.
Please vote for YOUR choice among the candidates.
90% of registered voters are Democrats in Mason. Obviously, the answer would be Democrats for Harris.
As an example, 9 out of 10 BOS members in Fairfax County are Democrats.
Its not necessarily that this blog is left-leaning, this community in general is left leaning. Ask the same question to a line of voters where I was this weekend (rural western Pennsylvania) and you will think that local news blog is ‘A crazy MAGA Rag!’ Only you’d probably get more well thought-out answers as to ‘why.’ Go vote tomorrow and make your voice heard.
No one has said anything about what is best for the country. Only what is best for them – very simple minded! We will see how it all work out.