Maxx Fitness to close Dec. 30

Patrons of Maxx Fitness were surprised to learn the Annandale gym will close for six weeks, beginning Dec. 30, as the owners of the Annandale Shopping Center plan to renovate the building.
Flyers posted at Maxx say the new gym will honor memberships to Maxx and that those memberships will be extended for an additional six weeks. Gym members can also request refunds if they’ve already paid.
Foundation Fitness, the personal training company that leases space at Maxx, is looking for a location to open a new gym, says trainer Patrick Bresley. One possibility under consideration is the former Someplace Special store at the Little River Shopping Center on Little River Turnpike.
Any information on exactly what gym will be moving in after the renovation work?
I was seriously thinking about joining since its a 5 to 6 minute walk from my house. Then I went and took a look at some of the comments on Yelp. This place sounds like it was run by somebody who didn't know the first thing about business. Couple people stating that nobody would answer the phone, appointments and Groupons not being honored etc.
The comments on Yelp relate directly to Foundation Fitness that operates in the MAXX Fitness gym. I purchased a massage Groupon through Foundation Fitness and found out that MAXX Fitness never sold any Groupons. I know it is confusing because both businesses share the same address.
Its a shame its closing down. It is one of the few gyms in the DC Metro area that allow Olympic lifting and have bumper plates. Not to mention coaching the lifts by someone with so much experience.
I do not go, I lift in my basement (squats, deads, presses, rows, and bench pressing). However I was going to have my daughter take lessons this summer when she turned 9. I hate to lose this resource from Annandale. I know the slow lifts but have zero experience in teaching the quick ones
Thanks for posting this. One of the main reasons I check this blog regularly is to see what is happening regarding "whats going where."
By the way, I thought they were going to demolish the old Shell station and build a Mexican restaurant? Looks like they are keeping the old structure which means people will be eating in old auto service bays. How appetizing.
I belong to this gym and am very disappointed that it is closing. I hope that Ahmed is able to retain the lease and keep it going. He is a certified fitness trainer and massage therapist. He lives, eats and breaths fitness.
The Landlord/Property Manager/New Tenant – whomever is in charge – is really doing a disservice to the members who want to stick around for the reopening. We have not been given any information. Any new Tenant coming in is going to lose some of the regulars because we lost confidence in the possible reopening and we need to make other arrangements. It is really unfortunate.