Mollie Loeffler running for Mason supervisor
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Loeffler launches her campaign at the Willston Center. |
Community activist Mollie Loeffler is running as an independent to represent Mason District on the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors.
“I am running for Mason District Supervisor as an independent candidate
because I am confident we can build a better future for everyone if we
put partisan politics aside and come together to address our district’s
challenges,” Loeffler said in launching her campaign April 6. “I will
listen to and partner with the residents of Mason District to create a
vibrant, strong community where everyone can be proud to live.”
Loeffler is the immediate past chair of the Mason District Council of Community Associations, immediate past president of the Parklawn Civic Association, and was named 2010 Fairfax County Citizen of the Year by the Fairfax Federation of Citizens Associations. [It also should be noted that Loeffler has been the advertising manager for the Annandale Blog.]
Loeffler believes her experience in identifying critical issues and engaging local residents to work for change makes her well-suited to challenge long-time Mason Supervisor Penny Gross. Another candidate, Jessica Swanson, is running against Gross in the Democratic primary on June 9.
Loeffler made her announcement with a crowd of supporters in front of the Willston Multicultural Center in Seven Corners. The center is a source of ongoing tension as members of the immediate community are urging Fairfax County government officials to return the Willston property to Fairfax County Public Schools as a solution to severe school overcrowding. As chair of the Mason District Council, Loeffler has been working with PTAs and community organizations to make that happen.
The Willston Center and the area around Seven Corners are also symbolic of the decades of decline in many parts of Mason District that Loeffler seeks to reverse. “As your supervisor, I will partner with all Mason District residents to ensure you have a voice in revitalizing your neighborhoods,” she said. “Mason District land use decisions must be planned together to advance our quality of life at home, at work, and on the roads.”
“Mason District is due for a new vision and a change in leadership. I will bring consensus building, accountability, and fresh perspective to the process,” Loeffler vowed.
Among the pressing issues she intends to focus on are schools and redevelopment. Mason District schools have become profoundly overcrowded, and the school system requires land to build new schools, Loeffler said. “The Fairfax County school system’s reputation is at risk. We can do better for Mason District children.”
In the past 20 years Mason District has been passed over for economic development and transportation improvements, she said.
“While neighboring districts enjoy creative new town centers and economic growth, Mason District seems to be falling behind in all categories,” Loeffler observes. “Our goal with revitalization must be to improve the quality of life for our residents. It must include responsible use of our resources and smart spending.”
Mollie has my vote! Mollie is a huge asset to Mason District and volunteered hard to keep the RSUs out of our neighborhood. Mollie has done amazing volunteer work and she supports our community.
Where does she suggest poor people should live?
Good idea, NIMBY,
75 unit apartments do not belong in the middle of neighborhood that could hold up to 225 people. To imagine living next to or between or surrounded by these apartments in my single family neighborhood is not what I signed up for when I bought my home. The current infrastructure (sewers, power lines, schools & roads) are not made to sustain this type of influx of people. I hope you are not suggesting that the only reason people do not want RSU in their neighborhoods is because they do not want to live next to poor people.
I am suggesting that people want "code enforcement" which basically mean tossing half or more of the poor people out of the local garden apt complexes. And out of the group homes. And they do not want RSU's. And they oppose new market rate apts, in part because those will have a few guaranteed affordable units. Basically it seems like the Loefler/MDC vision is a Mason district with a lot fewer poor people. I would like to know where they are expected to go? McLean is a great idea, except given market conditions that will have to all be subsidized, and will cost a lot, and I do not see the County being ready for that expenditure. But I will enjoy seeing Loefler and MDC taking on the MCA to get that.
I think in reality the folks wanting less poor people Mason think they should live in another jurisdiction like DC or Alexandria, which is why they are NIMBYs in the narrow sense. Because poor people belong in cities, so middle class families can live in the suburbs far from them, as it was in the 1950s.
if there is a code then it should be enforced. why bother having codes if they aren't going to be. there is an expectation that our codes and laws are enforced.
It is enforced, when people make specific complaints. It is not enforced with vigor some people want. Many laws are not enforced with vigor as anyone attempting to walk across Little River Turnpike is aware, or anyone attempting to drive at or below the speed limit.
Right now occupancy above code limits is the only thing standing between Fairfax and widespread homelessness. Some people do not care, hoping the poor will go away.
I still have not received an answer as to where the poor are supposed to go.
Obviously there is great need for disciplined countywide urban planning. We have districts with no low income housing and others with more than the area schools and social services can take on.
There are urban planning groups that have successfully helped cities. Too bad FFX and Mason District don't employ them.
the county can work on more affordable nice housing vs the dumps the poor have to live in now. the county could crack down on the people who run the apts in Culmore to make them up to code so the poor people don't have to live in poverty.
Mollie is a winner in our neighborhood!
This is great news! I will be voting for her.
Anxious to hear what Mollie is for, not just what (and who) she opposes, which is about all I know at this point from coverage and comments here on the blog.
It's been 2 hours! The election is in November.
My point was that she's been well covered here as opposing about every other thing Penny Gross does. I'll be interested to see if she has more in her tank than being the anti-Penny. Some of you surely think being the anti-Penny will be enough; I'm pretty doubtful about that.
Mollie is NOT an independent – she is a right-wing Tea-party Republican. Her comment about putting "partisan politics" aside is a joke given her partisan views and support for politicians like Ken Cucinelli. Sad she has to run under the ruse of being an independent – what is she hiding?
Mollie has seen the light and is an Independent in the truest definition of the word.
Mollie has proven that she can bring Dems and Reps together to work for the common good through her work with the Mason District Council and her own community.
She knows that neither party gets the job done because she has been both Dem and Rep.!!! She will bring people together.
(BTW, Mollie is definitely NOT a Tea Party person. Obviously, you don't know her. To call her that is an act of desperation. Are you working on Penny's campaign?)
do you have any proof she is a right wing GOP or that she supported Cucinelli?
Mollie is an independent but besides that the Democrat/Republican label should not enter the picture. This is a local election and actually the most important of all the elections. I am a Democrat but all I want is for someone to be my supervisor who listens to constituents. I'm fed up with being told what I want and what I will get because that's what she wants. I have been involved with Mollie on local issues and my experience is that she sees all sides of an issue. She really cares about Mason District and wants what's best for all its residents.
Mollie a Republican activist who (according to the Mason District Republicans) is the republican precinct chair for Parklawn. So how can she truly be an independent, yet still be a republican precinct chair?
Question for Mollie – Yes or No: Did you vote/support Ken Cucinelli when he ran for governor?
I'm an independent and voted for Ken Cuccinelli.
If that is Mollie in the comment above, you should stop going by "anonymous." It'd be good to know if it is you commenting.
Especially considering that you work for the Annandale Blog and can manipulate it as you please.
Loeffler has never had any control over the editorial content in the Annandale Blog. She has been advertising director for the blog and and will be taking a leave of absence.
I am personally offended by some of these comments on this blog. Name calling, insulting comments, and down right rudeness. Everyone can have a spirited debate without getting personally offensive.
^^ Good to know, not that it matters – you could have her ghost write every post and there'd be nothing wrong with it, it's your blog. That said, I bet she's reading this thread and it might be interesting to have her pipe up as people assert things that may or may not be true.
@ anon 1:00 – said the paid Democratic National Committee EMPLOYEE working for Penny Gross.
Mollie, I think many people were waiting for you to to catch up and make this obvious decision!
Running as an independent is a good strategy.because it gets Loeffler around potentially losing to Penny Gross in a primary. (It also finishes political neophyte Jessica Swanson.) The downside is that Loeffler is giving up some party support. What I want to know, however, is whether she's just another Democratic tax and spender running as a so called independent merely to campaign as the "anyone but Penny" candidate. I don't particularly care for Penny, but I don't see any reason to replace her with someone whose agenda will ultimately accelerate taxes even more.
Gross could still easily lose to Swanson. I would not rule that out at all.
Look at http://www.mollie4mason. You will read about her the county's extravagant spending.
Consider, too, her record with the Mason District Council and all the work they've done to encourage wise use of taxpayer dollars.
2011 FOIA docs say that FFX estimated Willston could be a brand new school for $12M but noooo. $20M+ and counting for Bailey's Upper. Mollie and MDC have been pushing for years to return Willston to FCPS and use taxpayer and bond money wisely.
Now Penny is saying that someday she might consider a community school at Willston with some services. But, the 2016 budget is cutting social services in Mason District and keeping $ in the budget for a new human services building somewhere.
Cutting the social services budget to fund a human services building??? What???
FFX should use some of the plethora of vacant office buildings for social services and give the school grounds to the schools. Stop wasting taxpayer money. Vote for Mollie in November!!
"2011 FOIA docs say that FFX estimated Willston could be a brand new school for $12M" That was a ridiculous estimate based on the assumption that Willston could be rehabbed. The BOA recently admitted that any school at Willston would have to be built from the ground up. And that's certainly going to cost significantly more than Upper Bailey's.
Lots of liberal urban planning groups endorse occupancy code enforcement.
To Anon: 5:26.
The County doc said new school, $12M.
If you don't enforce the codes, there is really no point to doing planning. Planning is based upon the codes. The codes are there so the county can accurately plan for the amount of services needed for an area. When you ignore the codes, infrastructure and services are misaligned creating larger problems.
Codes work on a market basis as well. Codes that are not enforced will lead to greater numbers of people ignoring them. Codes that are enforced will lead to greater compliance.
If they are only going to be selectively enforced, cronyism will run rampant.
Is that her supporters? Doesn't seem too representative of MD.
Mollie has led some of the best community forums, like the recent school forum. Her meetings attract top notch county officials as panelists and are always well attended. She has broad appeal because she knows the issues and concerns of the residents of this district.
Glad to see Mollie take it to the next level!
So first question for Mollie – why are running as independent and not a Republican? Your work and support of the Republican party is well-known, so why not run as a Republican? Are are you ashamed of some of the position's party has taken on things like immigration, civil rights, etc?
Go back to the article. It said we need to put partisan politics aside. That says it all.
Obviously, Mollie feels that nothing can be accomplished if people stick to old school party lines.
Fortunately, in County politics we don't have to choose a candidate based on the issues you snidely bring up.
It is refreshing to have a viable Independent choice. Too often we have to choose between the Dems free wheeling spending and the Reps fundamentalist take on social issues.
It is hard to find anyone to vote for anymore.
Besides, in this election we should be concentrating on Mason District. Penny has been concentrating on building her reputation and position of power at the expense of Mason District. Look around? Any nice new roads or town centers in Mason District in the past 20 years?
We all have skeletons in our closets and most of us learn through trial and error, that is called maturity. And sometimes we make bad judgement calls and hypocritical remarks. Who doesn't, who hasn't? Are you all saying that all the challengers should be or are squeaky clean……..please give me a break, this is 2015 America………its the new normal. If I was running, the stuff in my closet would scare the wits out of the electorate, even Adam Goldberg.
If one was to broadcast Mollie's best asset, it is that she really cares about the community and has worked hard to make Mason a better place. And Mason needs allot of dedicated work. Penny has allot of experience and she is a skilled bureaucrat and knows how to maneuver in this mess called Fairfax.
Managing this district's transition to a brighter future will be a tremendous challenge that will take vision, hutzpah, skill and dedication. Its up to the challengers to define their mission and how they are going to get Mason there. That should determine the voters' decision, not the cob webs in their closets.
Thank you Mollie and Ted. Thank you.
There is clearly a degree of dissatisfaction with Penny Gross in Mason District; but not enough to dislodge her from her supervisor post. Hopefully this will be the wake-up call she needs to get back to working with the community and not with developers, particularly on Seven Corners and Baileys.
You dream.
This should be a huge wake up call for Penny Gross. She has become so comfortable and confident with her position at the expense of listening and advocating for constituents' concerns, that she has turned into the Democratic Party's version of Eric Cantor and Mason into a neglected step child.
I hope that she takes heed of this challenge, because Mason cannot survive another 4 years of static growth and spiraling decline.
These accusations that Penny Gross is in bed with developers is ludicrous. If this was so, Mason would be a gleaming city on a hill instead of the dysfunctional dump that it is.
Just vote Penny out in June. The Jessica and Mollie can face off with their new visions for Mason District.
That would be a breath of fresh air.
Then then the people with fresh vision
This is exactly what I hope happens. I would love to be able to choose between candidates instead of strictly having to vote against Penny Gross. I have met both Mollie Loeffler and Jessica Swanson and I look forward to voting for one of them in the November election. And for the people above calling Mollie Loeffler a tea party politician–this is just not true. I hope voters will give these women a chance and talk to them personally and not base their decisions on erroneous and antagonistic comments. I'm thrilled that these women have decided to run. Mason District needs new leadership.
Maybe she can prevent my boat being vandalized every 3 months.
Maybe you could park your boat in a proper marina or boating or RV storage lot.
Amen to that
So glad Mollie has decided to run. She is a terrific advocate for Mason District. It is truly time for new leadership in our District. Don't be afraid of change.
Mollie's support for the Tea Party extremists is well-documented..she signed her name to a "Tea Party Patriots" letter to Congress:
ouch, this is disappointing to say the least
You are really digging in the weeds here.
Let's stay relevent to the issues of Mason District.
Nothing you are posting is germane to Mason District or FFX County for that matter. The County doesn't legislate or regulate immigration, abortion, gay marriage or any of those social issues. Those are state and federal issues. So enough already.
Stay on point. Mason District is falling apart and we do not have a Supervisor who pays attention to us. Penny is wrapped up in her Metro DC Regional Council of Governments and her position as VC of the Board of Supervisors and fundraising with developers to keep those positions and associated perks.
We need a supervisor who cares about Mason District and its residents.
I, too, would welcome a choice between Mollie and Jessica. Vote Penny out in June and give new voices a chance.
Mollie's support & involvement with the Tea Party IS relevant for a number of reasons:
First, she claims she is an 'independent' and will be a non-partisan consensus builder, but her involvement with an extremist right-wing highly-partisan group says otherwise. Her running as an independent is disingenuous at best.
Second, her affiliation with the Tea Party should be troubling to anyone in Mason District. The Tea Party Patriots have been vocal in their position that all immigrants should be rounded up and shipped out, they have made racists comments about people of color, have stated that gays should not have basic civil rights, etc. How can Mollie truly represent all Mason District residents, when her political affiliations paint a very different picture.
Mollie is running as an independent to hide her true political colors – highlighting her true positions and partisan, right-wing affiliations is relevant to the political conversation so voters can make an informed choice. Sorry if the truth hurts.
Mollie Loeffler has posted an endorsement from Tom Davis on her campaign website. I'd expect Davis to at least nominally endorse any Republican running against Penny, but Loeffler is a self-proclaimed independent. Since Davis isn't a Tea Party supporter, I therefore have to question how close Loeffler is to the Tea Party. One signature on a Tea Party petition several years ago isn't especially convincing evidence of unconditional support.
At this moment, I'd assume Loeffler is running as an independent because she doesn't have close tires with the Fairfax GOP or chooses not to run as an independent because the GOP is a dead letter in Mason. Whatever, the reason, she might be the one announced candidate who can put a lid on the Democratic tax and spenders currently running amok here.
Well that letter clarifies enough for me. To sign something on the topic of immigration that is that over-the-top disqualifies you from representing an area as diverse as Mason District. True, there are immigration challenges in some corners of the district. But there's also an incredible melting pot here, with plenty of immigrants, legal residents and naturalized citizens–a wonderful cultural milieu that I didn't dream of growing up in a rural Tennessee county seat. This rhetoric makes me doubt if Ms. Loeffler has the temperament to represent the diversity of Mason District.
This letter is about protecting the border. Nothing is wrong with the document that I can see. Did you bother to read it?
The Tea Party, in addition to positions on immigration that are quite relevant to Mason District ("code enforcment") also has positions on urbanism and transit (against so called agenda 21) and global warming, which are quite relevant to local policies.
@anon 5:18: said the paid staffer of the Democratic National Committee who is working hard to label people and sling mud -Penny's only defense against a record of nothing.
Mason District wins if we see a Swanson-Loeffler ticket in November.
Make sure you vote in the primary, no matter which party you are a part of.
So you are basically encouraging folks to try and 'fix' this election by having Republicans vote in the Democratic primary with the hope of having Jessica Swanson win. Jessica would be a weak candidate again Mollie in my opinion (Jessica seems very nice, but does not have the $$ or experience). Plus that way Mollie would not have to face Penny in November. Personally I would prefer to see a race between Penny and Mollie…that would be a much better race.
Time for Penny to go. Bye Bye.
Bye Penny!
Congrats to Mollie!
Let's concentrate on Mason District. I'm sure that digging into Penny's political past would also bring up issues that some find objectionable and that are not relevant to the long ignored, multiple problems we are facing here and now.
Fabulous Mollie! Don't let anonymous naysayers get you down!
So glad to see young folks interested in local government. Mollie has already been active in Mason District for years. Her spirit of volunteerism and dedication to our community are admirable.
I'd be careful about what you wish for. I am interested in a tea party candidate. Nor a republican maquerading as an "indpendent." And honestly, do you believe it's even possible to put party politics aside. I want to see splat form. Sometimes the evil you know is really better than the one you don't
Exactly. At least Penny isn't ashamed to call herself a Democrat. Why do Republicans in Mason have to hide? Have the Mason Republicans become so dysfunctional that they can't field a challenger who isn't afraid to have a "R" by their name?
The Mason Republicans are holding a firehouse primary to (presumably) field a sacrificial candidate. Their most successful candidate in recent memory was Buzz Hawley who only received 41.9% of the vote. And that was three elections ago. I see no evidence of a connection between Mollie Loeffler and the Fairfax GOP. Furthermore, I doubt if she'd be interested considering the lack of support the state organization has been providing local GOP candidates in Fairfax. So, if you think she's a Republican, let's see your proof.
Proof that Mollie is Republican??? Umm, just go over to the Mason District Republican's Facebook ya go – I copied and pasted below a section from their latest (April 6) announcement where they list Mollie as a Republican precinct captain for Parklawn:
Vice Chairs for Operations:
8th Congressional District: Jim Trollinger,
Precinct Captains:
501 – Baileys (8CD) Theresa Speake
502 – Barcroft (11CD) VACANT
503 – Belvedere (11CD) VACANT
526 – Bren Mar (8CD) Doug Barylski
504 – Bristow (11CD) Anh Tu Do
521 -Brook Hill (8CD)
522- Camelot (11CD) Gwen Cody
518 – Columbia (11CD) Juanita Balenger
527 – Edsall (8CD) Bob Berry
505- Glen Forest (8CD) VACANT
506 – Holmes(8CD) VACANT
519 – Hummer (11CD) Kathleen Kaspar-Paty
507 – Lincolnia (8CD) VACANT
508 – Masonville (11CD) Bob and Sue Wilson
510 – Parklawn (8CD) Mollie Loeffler
Mollie has shown through her actions that she has always supported the community be it the Democratic side, Republican side or the independent side. Maybe her personal views best matched up with the Republican side but she never ever based her decision on how to support our community based on a poltical party. Based on that fact alone running as an Independent is the best bet because she is running as a citizen of the Mason District not as a party. Mollie has given selfishly of her self for many years to bring our community together and not based on party lines but based on being a good neighbor to all.
To Anon 4/7/17 7:34 a.m.
You must be working for Penny. You know where to look for political dirt. How about giving us equal time and tell us Penny's political dirt
As has been said, it is obvious that Mollie figured out that nothing gets done when partisan politics come into play.
You are proving this point beautifully with your attempt to divide and conquer. Put it to rest.
To Anon 4/6/ 5:18
I can only conclude that Mollie Loeffler must be a formidable threat to Penny since you are playing the Tea Party/Immigration card. The escalated hype is very telling. So sorry, but your rant is definitely IRRELEVANT to the Mason District Supervisor election. The social issues you are raising are not the purview of county government or the Mason District Supervisor seat.
Mollie has a track record of building community by putting partisan politics aside. That is how she jumped started the Parklawn Civic Assn. and the Mason District Council of Community Assns. With her successes she obviously realized that party politics impede progress. Running as an Independent suits her well.
I also would caution you about playing the race card, which you have through your sweeping assertions. Penny tried that at her Town Hall budget meeting. After two hours of highly informed and intelligent constituents pleading with her to save the social services she was cutting, she called on her “plant” to close the meeting with a statement. The room erupted when he very politely, but not so subtly labeled everyone there a racist. It is beginning to look like the racist card is played when Penny is feeling threatened.
Let’s think about racism in Mason District. Could it be considered racism that the Annandale Senior Center is closing because of budget cuts? Why Annandale? Because it is in a largely Asian section of FFX? Why has the Willston Multicultural Center been allowed to deteriorate? Because it is located in a highly populated low Income area? Need I go on?
Let’s stick with the issues relevant to the Mason District Supervisor position.
Who is playing the race card? A fact is fact – Mollie Loeffler signed her name to an anti-immigrant letter that was written by the Tea Party Patriots, a group known well-known for their less than friendly views toward immigrants and anyone who they don't view as being 'real Americans.'
OK, so she signed her name to the letter. Perhaps that was short-sighted, but the vast majority of her actions over the past 8 years point to an individual who truly cares about her community and building support to get things done. She has the guts to DO something about it and put herself out there. Do you have the guts to sign a letter or run for Supervisor, anonymous?
Tea Party members have immigrant relatives. We all do. You are jumping to huge conclusions and generalizing.
You aren't doing your candidate any favors here.
What is Mollie proposing to help house the immigrants who will be evicted due to "code enforcement"?
The only potential evictions at this time rests in the plans for redevelopment in Seven Corners which Penny Gross is championing. Hundreds of lower income individuals in the Willston area could lose their homes. The project would demolish 589 units of low-income housing, housing that is affordable for families earning only 60% of the area median income. Just 150 of these units would be replaced at the same 60% income level. Additional units of affordable housing would be built but at rents up to twice the existing rents. Approximately 450 housing units at the 60% level would be lost.
That redevelopment will create more market rate homes, which will free up housing in the cheaper places those folks move out of. Adding more housing units does not make housing more scarce. And as you point out many of those units be replaced right there – and Penny supports other policies to create more affordable units. You also address only the 60% level – the folks doubling or tripling up in Kenmore and the complexes on LRT are earning far less.
And the reason there are no massive evictiions from the complexes I name now is because MDC is not getting its way on code enforcement.
It will be interesting to see if Ms Loefler gets support from pro AH people as well as from people who despise AH, as Mr Vihstadt did. At least in ArlCo he merely had to say he opposed the trolley, and could count on the people who had opposite views of its impacts to support him. In this case we are talking housing policy.
Anonymous 4/6/15, 10:17 PM – Grover Norquist, very closely associated with the Tea Party, believes that the United States should have "dramatically higher levels of immigration" than it currently does.[under National Politics – ]
Not that I have any knowledge of Supervisor Loeffler's alleged Tea Party affiliations but does this mean that if you are associated with the Tea Party you are for dramatically higher levels of immigration?
I was inclined to support Penny because I felt she was unfairly criticized on the one hand for being too close to developers and on the other hand for failing to ensure Mason was developed like other districts in Fairfax.
But now, seeing alleged supporters of Gross rush (and in the process make fools of themselves and Penny) to attempt to snuff out Mollie's challenge by labeling her a Tea Party Extremist, has made me decide to think of Mollie as a candidate worthy of serious consideration.
Let's not insult the electorate. Mollie Loeffler is NOT an "independent". C'mon.
She is a far-right Tea Party conservative who signs letters headlined by Phyllis Schafly.
She is a Republican precinct captain.
She has good contrasts with Penny. But her dishonesty in saying she is "Independent" is laughable….and I think might hurt the credibility her candidacy would otherwise get.
You just want to keep throwing those slurs, don't you?
Stick to Mason District issues. That is what this election is all about.
I wonder how are star citizens Yanez and Assaye are going to vote?
It was just announced on NBC news that Arlington is the 6th healthiest city in the US because of it recreation, parks, fitness, bike trails and access to healthy food. Additionally, it was noted that it is the healthiest county in Virginia.
I wonder where this puts Fairfax and Mason District? Should I dare ask? Something tells me that Mason would get marked as the dumpiest.
I walk to Mason District Park all the time.
Lucky you. All the new 7 Corners and Bailey's Crossroads plans are lacking in greenspace and recreational spaces for children.
Mollie Loeffler's entry into the supervisor's race is inevitably going to generate a fair amount of mud slinging because it means that Penny may actually have to seriously campaign for a change. Her reelection strategy was obviously predicated on the solid belief that the GOP is dead in Mason. Furthermore, political neophyte Jessica Swanson is hardly worthy of being considered a contender. So, unless the Republicans are stupid, they'll cancel their planned firehouse primary and thereby cede Loeffler the minimum 35+% of the vote that any Republican candidate would automatically receive. With any luck, Loeffler could build a majority from that base by attracting disgruntled Democratic and independent voters. However, the one obstacle to the realization of such a plan would be the gullibility of prospective voters in allowing themselves to be duped by Democrats into believing that Loeffler is a Tea Party candidate. So, it is critically important that prospective voters consider all the facts about Loeffler rather than simply relying on unsubstantiated and irresponsible innuendo designed to perpetuate Penny's increasingly destructive policies.
agree, Ms. Swanson, though admirable for wanting to run should bow out. Mollie is the play here and really the only one with a viable shot at dethroning the queen. Hopefully her "neighbors" who encouraged Ms. Swanson to run can see that too.
5:41PM – I don't understand your comment. Jessica Swanson has to beat Penny Gross in the June primary to be on the November ballot. Many of us would like the option of choosing between Jessica Swanson and Mollie Loeffler in the November election.
We need responsive leadership from a supervisor who will listen to the public, and stand up for Mason District. Mollie has shown she will do just that. While leading the Mason District Council, Mollie worked to unite communities and build consensus. Most of all, Mollie really listens, learns about her neighbors' concerns, and works hard to make a difference. She would be a great supervisor for Mason District!
Generally, the mud slinging and fabrications on Penny and her supporters' part occurs during the campaign. They have started earlier this year.
Could it be that with a primary challenger and an Independent running against her, Penny feels vulnerable? Even with a heavily developer funded war chest?
Penny has enjoyed the perks and benefits of being in office for 20 years while Mason District has languished
with overcrowded schools and housing, traffic gridlock, an aging infra-structure and a lack of recreation and green space for its residents. Her resume is lacking in
any substantial improvements to or accomplishments in Mason District.
It is past time for a real discussion of the current condition and future of our community. The residents have been speaking, unfortunately no one has been listening.
Adding to 4/7/15 at 9:42 a.m.
It is irritating that Penny takes credit for "giving" Mason District its schools. FCPS is supposed to decide where the schools are located but Penny pre-empts the process by withholding the land, which she controls! She has become an autocrat during her past 20 years in office. Her way or the highway. And, the Board of Supervisors only supports and breeds this type of behavior!
Example: The online April 6 WAPO article announcing Loeffler's candidacy says: "Gross, who is seeking her sixth term in office and serves as vice-chair on the county board, has recently modified her position on the Willston site, saying it may be used to house pre-kindergarten students after the area is redeveloped."
After the area is redeveloped??? She is telling everyone 7 Corners is a 40 year plan!
We have an uber-controlling Supervisor who needs to be unseated. Start with the primary and vote for Swanson. That's the first step.
A Loeffler /Swanson ticket. That would be a breath of fresh air.
What 'mudslinging' and 'fabrications'?? Pointing out that Mollie is a Republican activist is NOT a "fabrication" – it is fact. Pointing out that she has been involved with the Tea Party is not "mudslinging" – it is a fact. Can NO ONE post a comment that holds Mollie accountable without being accused of mudslinging? She is an official candidate now, so her views, actions, and past affiliations are all fair game if voters are going to make an informed choice.
I think that by now you should be getting the message people want to talk about Mason District issues, not Dems vs Reps.
Mollie is encouraging people to put politics aside, as she has done, and work for the greater good.
Now do you get it?
You don't get it, 11:16. Running for office IS politics. The suggestion that we put politics aside seems to be misguided at best, disingenuous at worst. Furthermore, a candidate doesn't get to check their biography at the door and become a new person for the most recent race–Ms. Loeffler seems to want to run against Penny's record all the while running away from her own.
The issues at this level of government are ones we all share and have mutual interest: Traffic, schools, crime and safety. Ms. Loeffler may be young, but she is wise to recognize that partisanship and divisiveness will get us nowhere. I hope you can be as open-minded as Ms. Loeffler and learn that at this level we should all be united in our mutual goal of a vibrant and strong Mason District.
Amen, 12:30 p.m.: misguided, disingenuous and naive to boot. It would be prudent to wait and see Loeffler's positions and specific plans for Mason District. How exactly does she differ from the current incumbent — beyond wanting to wear the mantle of non-partisan.
Sign up to help Mollie at Follow her tweets: @mollie4mason
The partisan dialogue I see in this thread I imagine is why she would decide to run as an independent. Penny's time is over. Not because she is a democrat, but because she does not listen to or respect the needs of all her constituents. Mollie will bring a breath of fresh air. This right wing vs left wing nonsense is depressing…
Penny does not respect the residents of Mason District. At a budget meeting this past month she actually told a concerned audience member to "shush". Alarming and disgraceful.
The Liberals who attack Tea Party supporters as unAmerican extremists are the McCarthyites of today.
Since Penny seems at ease by these ugly attacks by her supporters, I am increasingly thinking it is time for Penny and her vicious supporters to be taught a lesson. Penny needs to be thrown out of office.
Bye Bye Penny!
You must subscribe to the policies of the nazi party; guess the tea party is too benign for you.
And the post count to Nazi is ~90. Well done anon 2:02.
@Adam I must say sometimes not always your post annoy me but this one cracked me up. I actually went to your link to see what you were talking about and loved it. Great Job!
HA! Excellent, Adam.
Adam, they are loving you; what is wrong with this picture?
For the first time they are practicing an exercise in tolerance. Oh yea, I forgot they are progressive anti-partisans…….the new normal…….omg, they have all lost their minds.
"Anon 4/7/15 2:02"
Please say you are Penny Gross if you are.
So Penny, you think Tea Party supporters are unAmerican people who need to be "blacklisted" and forced out of participation in Anerican life? So Penny Gross, you think people who speak up in support of the tea party are equivalent to Nazis?
So Penny Gross you think people who want the USA's immigration laws enforced and border respected; people who want Fairfax County's codes enforced are unAmerican?
Penny, if this is not you speak up, because Penny, this is the picture your supporters are painting of you.
Penny, your silence is deafening. It is time for your time in power to end. Bye bye Penny.
Thanks, 2:02–I've had a tough week and enjoyed the laugh! You're a wacky one, friend.
I would be interested in an alternative, but am disappointed that she would pretend to be independent while serving as a Republican precinct captain, and I don't know that her anti-immigration views are the best fit for our community.
Boy, you sure draw conclusions quickly. I know Mollie and she is not anti-immigrant.
She is far from anti-immigrant. Get your facts straight prior to jumping to conclusions.
Immigrants must play by the same rules as everyone else. That's all she's advocating, seems to me.
My wife and I have been looking for a house in Mason to be close to work. Our realtor suggested we look at the Blog for local news when we asked about the area. Well we got a real good snapshot. Mason is full of losers, I think we will look at Providence District.
Never heard of it.
Sorry, pal, not buying your act. You're a troll and a particularly unconvincing one at that.
I don't blame you for not wanting to be in Mason District. It is in shambles. That is why we need new leadership.
I think anon 2:43 and 5:02 are actually the same guy.
To 4:49 Anon:
Thank you for your comment of warning and your trolling manners; we are certain now that our decision not to move into Mason was the right one after discovering the bad vibes in this district before investing in a new home. However, your attitude has convinced me that Providence may not be far enough from such a pit of crazies.
To the current supervisor, you have my sympathies, to the new candidates, drop out if you can and/or good luck with this bunch. They will be certain to make sure the next supervisor gets nothing done.
You won't be missed.
I was never here and thanks to you and the other cuckoos that helped me vet through this decision. Now that I know all about you Masonites, I will be able to send my kids to good schools where they wont be surrounded by bigots.
LOL, much of providence district is a neglected dump. They circlejerk around Mosaic and Tyson's, and that is about it.
They have less white vans.
I hope that everyone realizes that all the posts about Mollie's politics and supposed views on immigration are an attempt to divert attention from Penny's abysmal record.
What matters is the election of someone who will listen to constituent concerns and work for the best interests of Mason District. We need to put aside partisanship and focus on effective representation if any hoped for change will take place..
Well said. Diversion from the real issues is a ploy and Penny is skillful.
Just go to community meetings. No straight answers. Or, the answers to the same questions will change by the next meeting. Same circumstances; different answers.
The real question is just exactly what has Penny done in the last 20 years to better the quality of life for low income/immigrant families?
7 Corners, Bailey's Crossroads and Annandale have deep concentrations of poverty, crime and gangs. Nothing is improving much for them or anyone else for that matter.
Penny talks the talk, but she doesn't walk the walk.
I was wondering if you had a picture of the "crowd" of supporters who were present when Mollie announced her candidacy. The only picture I saw on the website had what looked to be about 15 people – not exactly the throngs who will sweep an Independent candidate into office.
Good point about the "crowd". Guess the numerous voters Penny has alienated over her indifference to public opinion, Spectrum, Moncure, Upper Bailey's Seven Corners and Willston have had a change of heart.
There are more people there on a weekday morning than at any meeting hosted by Penny Gross.
Yeah, go look up Pennys announcement. That had like three people. LOL
Ah, the number of posts this blog is generating is enough to tip off the interest here. This could be a 200 comment post soon. The buzz will generate more folks to take notice regardless of which candidate you are for. Shaping up for an exciting election. Thanks Mollie for jumping in the game.
Mollie really stirred things up. Her years of volunteerism and dedication to our community is commendable.
I know my community is thrilled by this announcement.
I support the Tea Party because I believe that the Federal government should balance their check book and live within their means just like my family has to do.
Because I spent 27 years in the military, I am deeply insulted when people label me an extremist. I have always tried to defend America, not harm it. I've lived in Parklawn since 1993 and Mollie is the most positive thing to happen here in that time.
Bob: If that's all the Tea Party stood for there wouldn't be as much criticism of it as has been made here. The Tea Party movement has come to exemplify the worst in small minded and mean spirited politics. Like it or not, it's an intolerant movement that's as undemocratic as any grassroots organization in this country's recent history.
Naw…Harry Reid and his Dem cronies are intolerant, mean spirited and undemocratic and just as organized…but we are digressing.
Back to Mason District issues, please.
Oh boy now we are bringing the entire US congress into the dialogue. Don't go there because the republican cronies are equally as bad if not worse.
Why don't you send a letter to Sharon Bulova and complain about everything you complain about as I know you will regardless of whom becomes supervisor. Or better yet send your letter to Iran.
Negative Zero
Tea Party = TP = Tolerant Prohibitive.
It is actually the Liberal leftists that are the most intolerant of all. Tea Partiers hold peaceful demonstrations, wave the flag (American) and even pick up most of the trash afterward.
When violence breaks out at demonstrations, it is almost always a liberal group. The Occupy groups had violence in many of the cities where they protested and left all of them as garbage dumps.
You can also always identify the intolerant liberal because they are One-Trick Ponies who resort to bullying and namecalling to get their way. Heaven forbid they actually have a rational discussion of the issues.
When you don't have the facts or sanity to discuss issues rationally, resort to namecalling and bullying.
It is a shame that while our schools are trying to teach our children not to bully, we have so many, many adults that have failed that course.
Riiiiight anon 4:39, violent demonstrations are almost always liberals.
And that's just top hits on google, and just tea party. If you want to swing the aperture open to include all right wing protests the way you open it up to liberals, I'm sure the record won't be crystal.
Crazy people everywhere dude, both liberals and conservatives included.
Adam – thank you for making my point! You cited:
If you were not just a Google Monkey, but actually read the article you would see the whole story develop.
"That’s how I believe the main stream media and lefty websites would have reported the left wing violence and racism that transpired at the right-to-work protests if it had been perpetrated by the Tea Party–and not left wing union activists.
But it wasn’t the Tea Party.
Fox News contributor Steven Crowder was assaulted by a left wing union activist.
It was Americans for Prosperity’s tent. It was destroyed by violent, left wing union activists.
Clint Tarver’s equipment was destroyed by a mob of mostly white, violent, racist, left wing union activists. As if that wasn’t bad enough, they hurled racial slurs at Tarver as he tried to pick up what was left of his catering equipment."
The HuffPost article discusses how the Marxist-Leninist group ANSWER brought violence to the Tea Party protest. Actual reporting of how the incident evolved is here:
And your other two articles make my point about the Occupy movement.
Thank you for making my point!
Anon….uh…for the first article you have copy pasted the highlights and just replaced "right wing" with "left wing," you couldn't be more factually incorrect.
However, you're completely correct about the other articles, I was not paying close enough attention, and I am definitely an unapologetic google monkey. I think I can concede that by and large, the TP movement was less violent than the occupy movement. Sure, there were definitely examples of jerk behavior on both sides, but I'll agree with you that the TP movement was far less so.
However, I really have to disagree with you that this can be extended to include ALL protests from both the right and left. You do know that where we can attribute anti-abortion violence, westboro, OK city….these are all far right extremists. I think it's pretty ridiculous to make such broad assertions that only lefty extremists are violent. As I said previously, crazy people on both sides. Pretending that the right is somehow angelic is completely delusional.
@Adam – I have to disagree with you regarding Westboro being extreme right. As a person who leans conservative I do not consider the Westboro represent any type of group especially any Christian group. The people who go out and stand up and fight against Westboro are from all sides of the spectrum. Westboro might consider themselves Christian but they are NOT Christian.
I disagree anon 8:56 – the Tea Party has just been "branded" by the extremist LEFTies. They are not racist, etc…. what happened to free speech and thought America?
Stop assuming that everyone who criticizes the Tea Party is a "leftie". That and "liberal" are shorthand terms too many TP types have lazily adopted in lieu of thinking things through. If you observed the recent goings on in Indiana, you witnessed the TP in its full culture warrior glory, including the by now obligatory sanctimonious invocation of alleged religious freedoms as a pretext for sewing hate. Add to that a plethora crackpot economic doctrines based on delusional myths masquerading as fact and you have the TP in a nutshell. I never voted for a Democrat until this mob showed up and I'm convinced they'll eventually drag the GOP down with them.
Hallelujah, a conservative with a mind!
Vote for Mollie Loeffler on Nov. 3.
"The People's Candidate"
Not to get off the subject but how is what happening in Indiana "sewing hate"? The owners are just stating their personal beliefs like it or not. Everyone has their personal beliefs which may not be the same as yours. Does everyones beliefs have to be your beliefs otherwise they are "sewing hate"?
Um, well, it's "sowing" not "sewing" in this case, my friend. But yes, I agree — The freedom to tolerate all views, even the intolerant ones, is the ultimate test of truly liberated thought.
I have an actual question about Ms. Loeffler and the Mason District Council. Can anyone explain this group to me? I have looked at its website, but I can't tell if the neighborhoods that it says it represents choose to be represented. How is the leadership chosen? Are they elected by the citizen's associations or by the individual members? How are their positions decided? I know that I have a voice in my local neighborhood association, but don't know that I agree with positions that the MDC is taking, yet it ostensibly represents me. If it is set up via individual members (as it appears) how can they say they represent whole neighborhoods?
I am genuinely puzzled about the whole thing and would appreciate any insight.
P.S. I have to say that Ms. Loeffler's supporters on this blog are not doing her any favors with their comments. Please think about the attacks on Ms. Gross and those just trying to make an informed decision and how that reflects on your chosen candidate.
Anon 2:16
You might want to contact the Mason District Council directly. This email address is on the MDC website.
[email protected]
Basically the Mason District Council has served solely as a platform for Mollie the past few years to attack Penny. Penny could say that the sky is blue, and the Mason District Council would immediately pass a resolution saying it is not, accuse Penny of taking bribes from the sky, and then demand that Penny declare the sky red.
"I have to say that Ms. Loeffler's supporters on this blog are not doing her any favors with their comments." Maybe. But, this could turn into a particularly confrontational contest. Much of that has to do with Penny's seeming indifference toward some of her constituents. She hasn't had to defend her record in many years and that's led to some longstanding unaddressed grievances.
I would not drag the MDC into this. The MDC has lead citizen driven efforts and is well respected in our community.
To Anon 2:16 p.m.
I feel the same way about the supporters of Ms. Gross. They are vociferously attacking Ms. Loeffler and fostering dissension instead of discussing Mason District concerns or offering statements of Penny's accomplishments to refute obvious disillusionment with her tenure.
From reading these posts I have gleaned some factual information about how Ms. Gross operates in Mason District. The common thread is that she doesn't listen to her constituents to address their concerns, which are numerous and have been specifically mention repeatedly. Worse, she isn’t forthright in her answers to thoughtful, serious questions about the future of land use for schools and social services. Her vision of the future does not correlate with the vision held by her constituents in the affected neighborhoods.
The frustration and emotionally charged tension expressed in these posts says much about the governing style of Ms. Gross. There is a disconnect between Ms. Gross and her constituents that she apparently does not take seriously.
Obviously, Ms. Loeffler has the Gross camp worried. Under the circumstances, this would seem to be a positive.
After reading all the back and forth on the Blog, I am inclined to vote for a change.
MDC members are not voted on by anyone. They "represent" the neighborhoods they come from but answer to no one and are self appointed.
They do not maintain by-laws on-line and are not responsive when asked about it.
Their leadership is constituted of Mollie and her ilk, like, Jon Clark, MDC treasurer. Jon's pet project is code compliance but is an egregious code violator.
When caught running a business on his property and maintaining a junkyard in plain site of the street, he wrapped himself in his "fourth amendment rights." Please check out the following Board of Zoning Appeals document.It didn't work out too well for Mr. Clark.
So essentially, the MDC is where you go to complain about something you don't like even though it is okay for you to be doing it.
The irony is delicious.
And Willston is a ploy to keep the brown-skinned kids north of Route 50. You can be guaranteed that no one from Lake Barcroft is going to drive through seven corners to take their kids to school.
Yes, Anon 6:18. I agree — gleaning is right. The notion that she uses land ownership as a lever and instrument of control is an interesting claim. Can someone please cite for us specific examples of this behavior?
to anon at 7:03 pm
Please seek help. There are organizations and churches nearby where you can find it. I will pray for you. Peace.
MDC and Mollie do wonderful and valuable work on behalf of our greater community. I have gone to several of their large district meetings and find them quite informative.
They also send helpful communication to the neighborhoods.
Penny could tell you a lot about MDC. She was a longtime member of the Executive Board of MDC.
"Prior to her tenure as Supervisor, Gross worked for 20 years as staff in various congressional offices. She served on the Board of the Lincolnia Park Civic Association (1985 to 1997), and on the Executive Board of the Mason District Council of Civic Associations (1988 to 1995)."
To: anon 7:03 – wow. You are desperate. First attacking the character of Ms. Loeffler, then the organization that does good work for our district, now personal attacks on volunteer board members of the MDC? If this is who is working with Penny's campaign it send a very negative and divisive message to all the voters. Ms. Loeffler has my vote.
I agree 8:11. Anon 7:03 is desperate. By-laws? Personal attack on Jon Clark?
Willston is ploy to keep brown-skinned kids north of route 50?
Check out the demographics for schools south of route 50 like Parklawn or Bailey's:
The entire District is a mix of ethnicities!
No one from Lake Barcroft is going to drive through seven corners to take their kids to school?! Why wouldn't they? I live in Lake Barcroft and I know many kids who take the bus to Bailey's Upper, so I envision parents would allow their kids to be bused to Willston
Sigh. How are you paid? Per derogatory post or by the hour (fact checking optional)?
"And Willston is a ploy to keep the brown-skinned kids north of Route 50. You can be guaranteed that no one from Lake Barcroft is going to drive through seven corners to take their kids to school." – This is just so over the top and infuriating. Based on your misguided and hostile comments, I bet you don't have children in the schools. If your children go to school in MD they will go to school with brown, black, yellow, and white kids and we like it that way–if we didn't we'd love to McLean. What we don't like are severely over-crowded schools, schools that are at risk of losing their accreditation, and a supervisor who doesn’t seem to care about the problems our schools are facing.
Wow. I really was just trying to get more information about the MDC that I wasn't finding on their website (since much of the discussion of Ms. Loeffler seems to involve the MDC). I do not work for Ms. Gross, nor do I work for the DNC. I am a resident of Mason District and have lived here for nearly 20 years. I like it here. I am raising my children here and I am pleased with the schools and services we receive (apparently that puts me in the minority).
I have had interactions with Ms. Gross over the years, nothing of major import, but have found her to be responsive to me. My church has also worked with her on various neighborhood and zoning issues and she has been helpful there as well.
I really was just trying to get some perspective on both sides, and particularly Ms. Loeffler's background so I could understand and make an informed decision.
Honestly, I am often surprised by the vitriol in the comments on this blog and I find it very discouraging to read how neighbors treat each other. Dehumanizing other people based on their income, or the color of their skin, or party affiliations only adds to the problems we are seeing.
Reply to: Anonymous4/8/15, 7:03 PM. Yes Daren, life ain't nothing if it ain't ironic.
Dear Paid staff member of DNC – Go troll another blog.
What does DNC stand for? Mason District Council is MDC.
Must be a TP, that has not learned manners. Go ask your girlfriend Sarah Palin to teach you about etiquette. Oh maybe you did.
It's time for PAG to retire. The Queen has overplayed her hand.
Everything is a state secret with this supervisor. Informed decisions require candid answers. Why is she unwilling to tell us what is really happening at the Baileys/Columbia Pike site? Why wont she tell the truth about the Williston site? Why hide the Identities of all the supposed public-private partners? What specifically are these 'partners" contributing to our public private partnerships?
Its time for real answers. No more doublespeak.
Can you imagine if every time you went into the kitchen to cook a special dinner for your family, 200 + people showed up to assist. I doubt you would have much assistance, instead you would have a mess, a few of those people may not know how to boil water and more than likely the dish you know how to cook very well would turn out less than a tasty treat.
Think about that and think about how it relates to your comment. Sometimes less is more, and sometimes the cook needs to be left alone. You will have your time to comment when dinner is served and guess what, you don't have to eat it, you can go out and eat somewhere else.
The cook needs to be left alone??? The cook is a public servant, who wants to put our kids in office buildings and use a school campus (Willston) to build a county office complex. This is outrageous and ridiculous on its face. Through Ms. Loeffler's efforts, people are being made aware of this issue. Give Willston back to FCPS!!!
The school in the office building was a smart solution to an immediate problem and a potential disaster. Sometimes you have to think out of the box, is it perfect-no, but it was a solution that was affordable, viable and feasible for quick occupancy.
This blog should be called the cog, because that what all you complainers are, cogs in a wheel, No idea is good unless its far away from a NIMBY. So rather than compromise for the better good, all the NIMBYS can do is complain and step in front of progress.
The County has problems……no kidding, but every single one of you privileged NIMBYS are part of the problem and not the solution.
The "smart solution" to an immediate problem was caused by the queen's refusal to timely address the problem before it became a problem.
Her majesty doesn't care about schools. She wants a palace and has been working to get one for years.
Task Force minutes from June 11, 2013 corroborate this point. We were happy with the prior government services use of what is now the school site. Penny insisted on spending $1M to temporarily move the services to Annandale. This money was wasted in anticipation of the palace. PennyPawns are the real NIMBYs when it comes to responsible development.
I know Mollie and worked with her in an office decades ago. I lean to the left but will vote for her as I know she is efficient, effective, and truly wants to better Mason District–she's not in it for the money or power or to push her own agenda. She is personable, gets along with almost anyone and will represent the majority. Will I agree with her on every issue? No, but if anyone can move projects forward, it's Mollie. She is tireless, and will bring energy and dedication to the job.
I am a left leaner too, and I agree Mollie does have the best interest of Mason at heart. And when she sets out to get something done, she does it. The question is, can she handle this rowdy group, can anyone?
Change is needed, what is unclear to me at this time is: can Mollie rise to the occasion to meet the dynamic challenges facing Mason District and can Penny wake up and realize that she needs to change, engage or retire?
I volunteered to help Mollie on a spring litter clean-up. She is passionate about our community and is the kind of person who sees a problem and rolls up her sleeves and gets to work. I appreciate her years of volunteer public service and am confident she will be a terrific Supervisor for Mason District.
Let's see, first it was attacks on Mollie's politics, now its attacks on the Mason District Council.
Enough of the distractions.
The issue is Penny's record, or lack of one, and who will listen to and better represent the residents of Mason District.
You are very bossy, I hope that you well let your candidate lead and not be some puppet of yours. Your are very rude too!
If you have never attended a community meeting with Supervisor Gross you likely won't understand the criticism and concerns raised on this Blog.
Go to a meeting. You will realize that she skillfully deflects issues and moves on to other topics. Questions posed by concerned residents are dismissed and no one is given an opportunity to get a second try for an answer. Many times she is downright rude to people.
That is the crux of people's ire. It is difficult to understand how anyone can defend her behavior.
Likely the defenders are DNC (Democratic National Committee) staff, or Penny's staff, or even Penny herself.
Even so, no one is espousing Penny's accomplishments in her defense. Very telling.
Penny counts as one of her accomplishments the handful of residential communities that have gone up in her time. But, I don't think that is good enough. We are ALREADY the most densely populated district in Fairfax County, and have little to show for it.
Fairfax County "cannot fund all our priorities and
investments" and there is "no significant revenue improvement in near term" according to County Executive, Ed Long. The County's economic outlook is bleak and the Board of Supervisors votes themselves a $20,000 raise. It is time for a change in Mason District and across the County.
They need to add a penny to the real property tax rate.
The County is bleak because they have no vision, its stuck in a time that has long passed us. The BOS and County Residents need to look at Arlington and DC.
If you want to maintain and increase a tax base, the County needs to have destination centers of high density with real transit, not the faux solutions the County keeps talking about. The high densities in Arlington and DC that are mixed use are what is supporting the remaining low densities. Walkable, transit oriented multi use communities is the County's only way out of its mess. This is what the millenniums, retirees and single nesters want. FFX get your head out of the sand and wake up or pay up.
A $20,000 raise?! Poor decision. Remember this when you vote in November.
@1032, this isn't the first time I've heard people claim that all millenials want is fancy outdoor Mosaics and awesome transit. That may be true of the <25 crowd, but I moved here, and a dozen other millenials I'm friends with moved here ~5-10 years ago because PROPERTY WAS CHEAP (and still is compared to Arlo/Alex/other inside bway FFX). Where else could I afford a single family home and be inside the beltway? Sure, it wasn't fancy Arlington but at this point in my life I wanted space and halfway decent proximity. If you talked to people in the 25-35 age bracket you'd realize this is a reoccurring and the most popular theme. I really don't so much mind the slow pace of growth, what I do like is my appreciating investment, backyard, and multiple rooms to do all sorts of activities. I have promptly forgotten living in a 1 bed in Arlo despite the convenience to cool places.
I agree, Adam. The best we could afford in Arlington, coming from an apartment, was a smaller, dumpy cape cod, and we certainly weren't going to move out to Ashburn or anything like that. Our realtor led us here, and we've been pretty happy!
^^ Is that you Richard? My friend bought a similar dumpy cape cod off of Rt 50. He's turning it around and the homes are closing for ridiculous sums around there, he bought at the right time. Glad you're happy bro. Perhaps all the non-disenfranchised Mason residents should get together and hang out some time and talk about how Annandale really isn't the forsaken land of the devil and actually pretty decent.
Disturbing number of murders in Annandale in the last few weeks is bad news for all of us. Time for a change!
Terrible, indeed.
What should Fairfax County supervisor do to stop this wave of murders?
What would Mollie do? What has Penny not done?
Mason District has concentrations of poverty, which in turn are centers of crime and gang behavior, that do not exist in other districts.
Supervisor Gross has failed to engage the BOS in addressing affordable housing issues on a countywide basis to help alleviate the situation in Mason District. FFX is content to pile all new immigrants into Mason District and that is overwhelming our local schools and social services.
FFX County needs a vision and a plan to help Mason District. Supervisor Gross is Vice Chair of the BoS. She has the bully pulpit.
Instead, Penny's plan is to add 6000 more housing units in 7 Corners and another 9000 in Bailey's Crossroads. Not a solution.
I find this response highly amusing. On the one hand, poverty and homelessness lead to crime for which Penny is personally responsible because she hasn't gotten affordable housing built. On the other hand, every time there is any proposal of development the neighborhoods (and commenters on this blog) scream bloody murder that they weren't consulted and it will create cut-through traffic and lower their property values while encouraging illegal boarding houses (did I leave anything out?)
You are talking about overcrowded school in Mason District, meanwhile the rich areas of the county are complaining that they have too many kids in each class–almost entirely because they don't have the level of special needs and kids on reduced and free lunches.
The vilification of Penny Gross is just ridiculous. Everything bad is laid at her doorstep, and everything good is credited to "the county." I feel for her, and for Mollie Loeffler, or anyone else who wants that seat because no matter what they do, there are a whole bunch of people who are just going to sit around and criticize everything they accomplish, or the fact that they never accomplish anything.
Almost 200 comments, and I have not yet heard any talk of Ms. Gross' accomplishments over the past 20 years. A lot of mudslinging by Gross supporters, but not so much about Ms. Gross' accomplishments.
Penny has been repeatedly elected because she ran on Gerry Connolly or Sharon Bulova's coattails. In very general terms, their agenda has dominated the Fairfax political scene, so Penny never really had to run on her own record. Buzz Hawley was the only real opponent she's had and he only received 41.9% of the vote. After that, the GOP threw in the towel. There's been an undercurrent of discontent with Penny for quite a while, but many voter in Mason will simply not vote for a Republican. Maybe Mollie's decision to run an independent campaign can overcome that resistance, but I'm skeptical most voters will look past party labels.
Penny Gross had a flier put on every door here yesterday despite a no soliciting policy clearly posted in our community.
oooh what did it say?
Can you email it to Ellie so she can post it on the blog? I would love to see it.
Penny's supporters, rather than extolling her record, have already begun attacking her opponents.
Unfortunately, this has been their and her strategy during every election.
Penny enjoys being an important person, constantly mentioning being Vice Chairman of the BOS which no previous vice-chair has done and spending years with the Metropolitan Council of Governments. While that may have been beneficial for Penny, no one was looking after Mason District.
Penny's self importance is also evident in her demeaning attitude toward her constituents.
Mason District residents need someone who is less interested in self-promotion and more concerned with solving the real problems that exist and are growing.
Anon 4/8 7:03 p.m.
Your vicious personal attack on a fellow resident of Mason District (not even a candidate) is disgusting; beyond appalling. The details you posted in your attack can only lead one to conclude that someone in Supervisor Gross’s office gave you this information to slander one of her vocal constituents. I have heard stories about Penny using this tactic. Now I believe them.
Then to randomly toss in a line to smear a Mason District neighborhood that has historically gone beyond the pale to aid and assist low income families, schools and social services…and has myriad Penny supporters. Bad form.
Criticism that educates readers on issues is a valuable component of this blog discussion. You have failed to offer any substantive reasons as to why someone should vote for Penny Gross again. Instead you have resorted to slander and smear tactics.
I cannot fathom why you would stoop so low and risk alienating so many people.
Lol. You guys are so dramatic. I had to scroll up to find this vicious personal attack that was disgusting and beyond appalling. I was disappointed to find out it was an accusation of a code violation. Jeez, do you fall to the floor in apoplexy when someone forgets to hold the door for you too?
Jon Clark, has raised some very interesting observations regarding the failure of the local government and code compliance.
However, if these posted allegations are factual, and given their origin these seem to be, then there is a real charade going on here.
And I find that even more troubling.
What is troubling is that I heard he was targeted and got all these "violations" shortly after he was quoted in an article in the post. Hmmmmmmm
Disturbingly, it looks like that Post article you referenced is about the failures of the Code Compliance system in Fairfax County. Coincidence?
Disturbingly, the Post article you referenced was about frustrations with the Department of Code Compliance in Fairfax County.
Jon Clark isn't the issue, Mason District is.
If you think that 20 years of Penny has resulted in a better, more vibrant and attractive community, you are entitled to your opinion.
There are a number of us who strongly and with civility disagree,.
From what I know of Ms Loeffler, she is a good egg and she would be great for Mason. The concern I have now are what kind of cracked pots are supporting her? How much will she be able to accomplish without a bunch of right wing fanatics bullying her.
Although Penny is disengaged at times and has her very aloof moments, she attempts to be fundamentally fair, but she needs to turn this boat around or she will sink it.
Mason is in dire need of help, the place is a wreck but reversing the tide with a bunch extremists can be as detrimental as doing nothing, if not worse.
Finally, in this election we have options, and this shall prove to be very interesting. I will have allot of sorting to do in my own mind and I anxiously await to hear what each of the candidates present as a believable platform that our community can trust as viable.
This will be the true test, not all of this complaining and what is wrong w Mason and Penny, I want to hear someone tell me what they are going to do to make it right! And so far I haven't seen or heard squat.
Last night the news was broadcasting the FCPS teachers and the BOS in a heated debate. Every time I turn around this County is imploding as DC did 20 years ago. Have we learned nothing from our mistakes, have we learned nothing from the failures and success stories in the adjoining counties.
We need change, but we need change that works, not change for the sake of change. I want to hear how these candidates are going to attract businesses and companies to improve our local economy; transportation options that tax paying folks would want to use; creating multi-use destination/service centers that people want to live, work and recreate in; bicycle lanes and pedestrian paths that go somewhere; code compliance that actually works to keep our communities from deteriorating; a strong police force that would keep the speeding in check and our streets safe, schools that students and teachers would want to be in, not run away from; compassionate, but no nonsense local government that works for the community and not their own agenda; and finally a government that can bridge the gap amongst the haves, the have nots, the progressives and our wonderful homegrown NIMBYs.
You have outlined a tall order. If such a candidate exists that can do this, I would vote for her, him or whatever.
Don't think Ms. Loeffler is supported by extremists. I think that is mudslinging and it doesn't seem to have stuck by the comments supporting Ms. Loeffler. I think she is a good egg too.
Do those folks in the picture look like extremists? The Loefflers are good people.
You have outlined an acute tall order. If there was such a candidate that would and could address these issues; he, she or whatever would get my vote, regardless of party affiliation or history.
To answer your question with a question, is there such a person and is it realistic to expect this from leadership given our many problems in Mason? I guess we will find out eventually for good or for worse.
to Anonymous4/9/15, 4:07 PM
You should get involved and stop wondering, pontificating and calling names.
I believe Mollie's team is full of different folks – Rs, I's, and D's. – not crack pots
@ 4:07 anon – I believe Ms. Loeffler has a broad appeal and has Independents, Republicans and Democrats on her team – not "cracked pots."
Thanks for this informed and on-topic comment. I agree.
I'd love to know what the Mason GOP (such as it is) has planned for this election. The last viable candidate they ran was Buzz Hawley in 2003 and he only received 41.9% of the vote. Some of that low figure was attributable to the presence in the election race of an independent candidate. The GOP is a non entity in Mason, so they'd likely only be spoiling Mollie's chances if they follow through on their announced plan to hold a firehouse primary to nominate a candidate.
I will be very interested to see the results of the Mason GOP firehouse primary. Given that the Mason GOP has fielded a candidate for EVERY supervisor election for the past 35 years, it would weird for them not to do so for this election. If they do NOT field a candidate it will just provide the point that there is a secret deal between the Mason GOP & Mollie, and that she is really their candidate.
Mollie, Make Mason More!
200th Comment FTW!! I wonder if this a blog first?
Anonymous 407
Listing all your concerns and talking about DC imploding 20 years ago, has it occurred to you that, perhaps, our current Supervisor is part of the problem?
We have had 20 years of her leadership.
Where is the promised revitalization? We are told that the 9,000 apartment units planned for the Baileys/7 Corners area with no anticipated rapid transit or retail/recreational amenities will transform the area..Traffic gridlock, overcrowded schools and an aging infrastructure with no funds allocated to fix them will be taken care of through one time developer contributions and the purchasing power of the new tenants. That's a stretch..
Where is the green space so highly touted? We are told that 200 acres have been added to Mason's parkland. Where are they and how does it compare to the amount of acreage that has been developed?. Where is the necessary recreational space to meet the current needs of the residents of the most densely populated district in the County, not taking into account the thousands of prospective new tenants.? Our police and fire personnel are stretched to the limit now. What happens when all those wonderful apartments are built?.
And what about our schools? Penny won't let go of the Wilston site.
Just some food for thought.
Supervisor Gross is scared and sending her attack dogs in which is sad. You think she would take the high rode and defend her record but wait, i guess she can't as her record of leadership and getting anything done for the people is awful!
So, what are you proposing to do, Mollie? From your website, more questions are left raised than answered:
1. How are you going to pay for Willston? You can be guaranteed with the state of the school, it is going to be WAY more than $12 million. And what will be sacrificed within the school system to make it happen?
2. How are you REALLY going to address education? Build Willston and this solves everything? Is overcrowding REALLY the problem or is it the demographics of Mason District?
3. Maybe it has to do with the teachers. Do we have the best teachers? Are they the most qualified? How are you going to address that? Are we trying to compete with the rest of the world or just be as good as McLean?
1. How are you going to pay for infrastructure updates?
2. How are you going to attract legitimate developers with deal-breaking proffers?
3. How are you going to be "accessible" to ALL of your constituents, not just those that have come to your MDC meetings? Mason district is a community of over 100,000 people. How many come to your meetings and how can you say that the small fraction that come?
4. What do you say to your potential constituents that think that Bailey's was a GREAT idea that made TONS of sense? Bailey's Upper school was competed in less than a a year.
1. What do you propose to change the system?
2. Where are you going to come up with the money because any new code enforcement system will require money – new staff, training, etc.? And what programs will you CUT to fund these. (Remember, Fairfax has a balanced budget requirement.)
3. Each supervisor district has a parking enforcement officer and he cannot even come CLOSE to keeping up with that – and parking enforcement is easy.
4. How do you plan on determining an existing home is an illegal boarding house WITHOUT violating their constitutional right to unlawful search and seizure. (Which, by the way, is the crux of the challenge to the strike force teams that were successful in the past.)
Citizen X
1. When are we going to see TANGIBLE ideas? Not just typical campaign rhetoric.
2. When are you going to reign in your squad of Penny slanderers I've grown very weary of reading such drivel as "Queen Penny", "One Cent", "old baldie" (are you kidding me with this one?!!), "Penny's Palace" and so on. No one has called Mollie a name, by the way. But you can read through the last several years of the Blog and see plenty of name calling toward Penny. (MGATES – you can do the fact checking yourself.)
(I know your cabal claims that the mudslinging comes from Penny's camp but you need to be a little more introspective. And to everyone here, Ellie Ashford bears as much responsibility for allowing it to continue.)
3. You will NOT WIN this election if the only thing you can do is call Penny names.
4. Time to be transparent, Mollie. One of your priorities from your website. We are tired of the hackneyed "time for a change" crap. Propose REAL ideas, with REAL budgets, with REAL time lines. For instance, when do you think Willston will REALLY be a school again, how many students, what budget, how are you going to transport students there, how does it fit into the county master plan?
5. And what about all of the FOIA requests of Penny's records? What happened to your old Facebook account? It is understood that you deleted it – What are you hiding?
6. You claim on your website that Fairfax has the highest office vacancy rate and the most overcrowding. Seems like you may have already solved the problem – use theses offices to alleviate overcrowded schools!!! Continue the success of the Bailey's Upper School!! And tell me why, as supervisor, you'd do anything else when it has PROVEN to be the most cost effective and quickest way to deliver classrooms.
7. We would want to know why you are proposing spending money on a new school at over $200/sf when you can build out space in office for $100/sf. WOW, great solution.
We know you're reading. We are patiently waiting for your NEW IDEAS. You've got a website and a Facebook page.
Citizen X
kudos to Ellis for posting this weirdo's rant. He pretty much accuses her of supporting slander, if she was going to censor she'd probably start with this guy.
Citizen X – Baileys Upper was a great idea. BUT – had to be done because Ms. Gross FAILED TO ACT on the over-crowding. We could have had a school next door to Baileys at the Willston library.
I am a Tea Party Patriot and I have tried to work with Penny Gross for many years regarding speeding and safety issues within our community. She is disengaged to say the very least and is in the pockets of most developers in the NOVA area. Don't know much about Mollie but a fresh, new perspective in this position will only benefit Mason. Don't care if she is a Republican, a Tea Party Member or a democrat, we just want to change for the better of the community