Moon gate installed at Green Spring Gardens

The new moon gate at Green Spring Gardens will make a lovely backdrop for a wedding or photo session.
The stone structure was completed in August. The rest of the project – including a permanent path, an Asian-inspired garden, a bench, and plaques – is under development.
There will be an official unveiling once the site is completed.
The Park Authority came up with the idea for a moon gate in 2020 to commemorate Green Spring’s 50th anniversary. The Fairfax County Park Foundation then began soliciting donations for the project, although the pandemic caused some delays.
Arlene Evans and her husband Barry Dewberry contributed $500,000. “Thanks to their largess, it’s much more than initially envisioned,” says Bobbi Longworth, executive director of the Park Foundation.
The cost is so high because the structure needed to be secured underground and utilities needed to be removed, Longworth says. “Safety is a huge priority with the Park Authority. It needs to be sound; it needs to be stable.”
“Moon gates originated in ancient Asian gardens,” the Park Foundation states. “Guests who passed through them were symbolically granted an auspicious welcome and good fortune.”
Moon gates in gardens provide a window to frame a view or to create a passageway from one space to another. The moon gate at Green Spring Gardens is sited so the Historic House can be seen through it.
A plaque will list the names of donors who contributed $5,000 or more. Any leftover funds will go to Green Spring Gardens.
A bench on the site will honor Susan Ackroyd, a retired Parklawn Elementary School principal who enjoyed visiting the park. The bench was sponsored by her friend Victor Schwartz.
parkour bros lacing up their feiyues for this one
Absolutely lovely.
So the parks erect an odd shape moon rock thing while allowing a lake ecosystem to become a swamp and they are so proud of their
” accomplishment “.
I love the beautiful camping village at the ” park” in the middle of Annandale. Maybe the campers can find a use for the moon rock attraction.
Beautiful. We are lucky to have this park nearby.
My friend’s husband designed it! I wish I saw his name in the paper! 😭
WoW, a bench for Susan Akroyd! I worked with her at Parklawn for 25 years. She was a tough and innovative leader. I will be by to sit on the bench and remember Sue.
Wish dog owners would stop using the gardens like a personal dog park. They ignore the rules and disrespect the efforts of volunteers and county funds to maintain the garden.
Hate this. They took out some beautiful trees to dump this thing there. Didn’t know Greenspring was officially a free wedding photographers’ venue, making it impossible to walkaround and enjoy.